Get your VA medical records online
Review, print, save, download, and share your VA medical records and personal health information with our online tools.
Use VA Blue Button to manage your records online
What you can do when you sign in
- Download a customized Blue Button report with information from your VA medical records, personal health record, and in some cases your military service record
- Download a Health Summary that includes specific information from your VA medical records (like your known allergies, medicines, and recent lab results)
- Build your own personal health record that includes information like your self-entered medical history, emergency contacts, and medicines
- Monitor your vital signs and track your diet and exercise with our online journals
- Share a digital copy of the personal health information you entered yourself with your VA health care team through secure messaging
Who can manage VA medical records online
You can use all the features of VA Blue Button if you meet all of these requirements.
All of these must be true:
- You’re enrolled in VA health care, and
- You’re registered as a patient in a VA health facility, and
- You have a verified or account or a Premium DS Logon
Find out how to apply for VA health care
Questions about managing your VA medical records
Once I’m signed in, how do I access my medical records?
Go to your welcome page dashboard. Then select Health Records. You’ll go to a new page.
From here, you can choose to access these items:
- Your VA Blue Button report
- Your VA health summary
- Your VA medical images and reports
Go to the main navigation menu. Then select Track Health. You’ll go to a new page.
From here, you can choose to record different types of information like these:
- Vital signs
- Health history
- Health goals
- Food and exercise efforts
Yes. You can sign up to get notifications by email on the My HealtheVet website. You can get notifications with a Basic or Premium My HealtheVet account.
If you’re signing up for a My HealtheVet account, go to “Notifications and Settings” on the registration page. Select On for “VA medical images and report available notification.”
Sign up for an account on the My HealtheVet websiteIf you already have a My HealtheVet account, go to your profile page to update your notification settings.
Sign in to your account on the My HealtheVet websiteYou can request a complete copy of your medical records from your VA health facility or the Department of Defense (DoD), depending on where you received care.
Learn how to get medical records from your VA health facilityLearn how to get DoD Health Records on the TRICARE website
Yes. This is a secure website. We follow strict security policies and practices to protect your personal health information.
If you print or download anything from the website, you’ll need to take responsibility for protecting that information.
The Veterans Health Information Exchange (VHIE) program lets us securely share your health information with participating community care providers in our network. VHIE also lets us share your information with the Department of Defense.
VHIE gives your health care providers a more complete understanding of your health record. This more complete understanding can help your providers make more informed treatment decisions. We share your health information with participating community providers only when they’re treating you.
If you don’t want us to share your information through VHIE, you can opt out at any time.
Learn more about VHIEYou can get more information in any of these ways:
- Read the FAQs pages on the My HealtheVet web portal
VA Blue Button FAQs
VA health summary FAQs
VA medical images and reports FAQs - Call the My HealtheVet help desk at
( ) Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET. - Contact us online through My HealtheVet