Freedom of Information Act

How are VA FOIA Requests Handled?

The VA FOIA program is decentralized to ensure the correct VA Administration processes your request. The type of information or records you are seeking will determine where to send your request.

How to determine which type of records you are requesting?

Please refrain from submitting a FOIA request for personal records. This could delay overall processing. If you are unsure which office contains the records you are requesting, please submit your request directly to the Public Access Link (PAL) and it will be directed to the appropriate office.

Personal Records

You must request personal records (C-files, medical records, DD214, etc.), from the appropriate administration or agency.

Privacy Act Records

If you, or your authorized representative, are requesting your VA records (i.e., VA claims records, Military Medical Records, etc.), this is considered a Privacy Act request. To request records of this nature, your request must contain your original signature and your social security number.

Submit your request to:
VA Claims Intake Center
Department of Veterans Affairs
P.O. Box 4444
Janesville, WI 53547-4444
Regional Call Centers 1-800-827-1000
Electronic submission: AccessVA
Fax: 844-531-7818
DID: 608-373-6690

VBA FOIA Request

Submit your request via mail, email, fax, or Public Access website.

Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW (20M3)
Washington, DC 20420
Phone: (202) 461-9516
Fax: (202) 632-8925

FOIA Liaison Officer: Jarrett Lyle
Phone: (202) 461-9516

Medical Records

If you or your authorized representative are requesting your medical records, you may submit your request via Blue button and receive access to your individual electronic medical records.

FOIA Requests

Submit FOIA Request via mail, email, fax, or Public Access website:

Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Health Administration (10DH03A)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420
Fax #: (202) 273-9388

FOIA Liaison Officer: Gregory Cason
Phone: (833) 880-8500

If you or your authorized representative are requesting NCA records, you may submit your request to the NCA FOIA Officer or the address below. Some NCA records include construction and administration of VA cemeteries; furnishing of Government headstones or markers; administration of the Presidential Memorial Certificate Program; and issuance of grants to states for state Veterans’ cemeteries.

Department of Veterans Affairs
National Cemetery Administration (43D)
810 Vermont Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20420

FOIA Liaison Officer: Nikki Benns
Phone: (202) 948-6706

Requesting OIG Records

To make a request under the Freedom of Information Act or Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) for records maintained by the VA OIG, your request should:

  1. Be in writing (see Sample FOIA Request)
  2. Be signed and include a COPY of proof of identity (if the request concerns documents involving a personal privacy interest or documents protected by another confidentiality statute)
  3. Reasonably describe the information you are seeking (including any specific information such as a report number or OIG hotline complaint number), and be sent to the following address:

Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of the Inspector General
Office of Counselor (50)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420
Fax: (202) 495-5867

OIG FOIA Liaison: Ruthlee Gowins-Bellamy

For additional OIG records requests, visit OIG’s website:

Records pertaining to veterans who have been discharged and have no remaining reserve commitment, veterans who have retired, or veterans who have died are available at the National Archives and Records Administration, National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records (NPRC-MPR).
  • Subrogation

If you are requesting information pertaining to Subrogation for VA Billing or CHAMPVA, please review the Office of General Counsel (OGC) site to obtain the most recent information and forms.

How to submit or check the status of a FOIA request?

Submit Your Request

  • Through the “PAL” website for instant email notification and to download documents when your request is completed.
  • To the appropriate VA FOIA Administration or FOIA office if known.  If you are not sure where to send a request, you may email VACO FOIA Services at and we will direct your request to the appropriate office.
  • Using (this site contains a list of specific VA action office’s where you can submit a request).
  • Submit a proper request.
  • Access the VA FOIA Reading Room for previously released documents.
  • Request status updates on your submitted request.
  • Learn about processing fees, fee waivers, and requester categories.

If you are searching for records regarding:

If you have already filed a request and not satisfied with the response, you may file a FOIA Appeal.

We encourage filing a FOIA Request electronically for faster processing. However, you are welcome to mail or fax requests to:

Department of Veterans Affairs
Freedom of Information Act Services (005R1C)
811 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420
FOIA Liaison Officer: Ms. Wray
Phone: 202-738-2974
Fax: 202-632-7581

To submit a FOIA Request your request must be in writing and submitted by letter, fax or email and contain the following:

  • Requests submitted by letter of fax must be sent to the FOIA Office in which you believe the records exist, contain a legible return address, telephone number, and/or email address.
  • Email requests must be submitted to a published VA FOIA mailbox in which you believe the records exist.

If you are not sure which office to send your request, you may submit it to, and we will direct your request to the appropriate Administration.

  • Reasonably describe the records so that they may be located with a reasonable amount of effort.
    • Include specific information about each record sought, such as the date, title or name, author, recipient, and subject matter, etc.
    • If you are requesting communications, you must provide the name and/or title of the individual(s) whose communications you are seeking, date time frame, and key terms
  • State your willingness to pay applicable FOIA processing fees

§ 1.561 Fees.

(a) General. VA will charge for processing requests under the FOIA, as
amended, and in accordance with this section. Requesters must pay fees by check or money order made payable to the Treasury of the United States.
Payment by credit card also may be acceptable; the requester should contact the FOIA Officer for instructions on credit card payments. Note that fees associated with requests from VA beneficiaries, applicants for VA benefits, or other individuals, for records retrievable by their names or individual identifiers processed under 38 U.S.C. 5701 (records associated with claims for benefits) and 5 U.S.C. 552a (the Privacy
Act), will be assessed fees in accordance with the applicable regulatory fee provisions relating to VA benefits and VA Privacy Act records.


3. Direct costs mean expenses that VA incurs in responding to a FOIA request; direct costs include searching for and duplicating (and in the case of commercial use requesters, reviewing)
records to respond to a FOIA request, the hourly wage of the employee
performing the work plus 16 percent of the hourly wage, and the cost of
operating duplication machinery. Direct costs do not include overhead expenses, such as the costs of space or heating and lighting of the facility where the records are kept.

View the full text of Federal Register – Vol. 84, No. 62, pg. 12129: [PDF, 288 KB]

Fee Categories:

  • Commercial requesters—charged for search time, document review, and duplication
  • News media, educational, and scientific requesters—charged for duplication only after the first 100 pages
  • All other requesters—charged for search time (after two hours) and duplication (the first 100 pages are free)

Current Departmental fees:

  • Duplication at 15 cents per page
  • Search at hourly wage of the person conducting the search plus 16%
  • Review (commercial requesters only) at hourly wage of the person conducting the review plus 16%
  • VA will charge direct costs associated with duplication of non-paper items; records search using automated methods; and other activities such as attesting under seal or certifying that a record are true copies, etc.
  • We do not charge when assessable fees are less than $25.
  • Your submission of a request will be deemed to be an implicit commitment to pay up to $25 in fees, unless you indicate a higher amount or request a fee waiver.
  • You will be promptly notified if the anticipated fees exceed $25.

Fee Waiver

Agencies may grant fee waivers if the requester successfully describes that the disclosure of information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to the public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.

Agencies may grant expedited process if the requester demonstrates a compelling need. A compelling need must be demonstrated in one of the two following ways:

  • By establishing that the failure to obtain the records quickly “could reasonably be expected to pose an imminent threat to the life or physical safety of an individual or,
  • If you are primarily engaged in disseminating information, and you demonstrate that an “urgency to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal Government activity exists.

How to appeal a FOIA request?

Under the FOIA’s administrative appeal provision and the VA FOIA regulations, a requester has the right to appeal any adverse determination the VA makes on their FOIA request.

You may file an administrative appeal if:

  • You are not satisfied with a FOIA office’s initial determination;
  • You disagree with the center’s withholding of information, or you might believe that there are additional records responsive to your request that the center failed to locate;
  • You have requested expedited processing or a fee waiver and the FOIA office has not granted that request; or
  • You may appeal a determination that what has been requested is not reasonably described, that a record does not exist or cannot be located, that a record is not readily reproducible in the form or format requested, that the requested information is not a record subject to the FOIA, or a determination regarding the charging of a fee.

Appeal Must be made in Writing

Any administrative appeal to a request must be made in writing within 90 days of any initial decision to deny a request. The letter of appeal should state clearly why the requester disagrees with the determination to withhold records. Both the front of the envelope and the appeal letter should contain the notation: “Freedom of Information Act Appeal”

The final VA decision will be made by the General Counsel or the Deputy General Counsel.

Where to Send the Request

Effective on September 19, 2011, the Department of Veterans Affairs will accept FOIA Appeals electronically. If you filed a FOIA request, you want to file an appeal, and your appeal does not involve the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), use the following Post Office address, fax or email address to file a FOIA appeal:

Department of Veterans Affairs
General Counsel (024)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420
Fax: (202) 273-6388