United States Department of Veterans Affairs

List of Representative for Accredited Organization

Wounded Warrior Project, 2200 Space Park Drive, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77027

 Adame, Ricardo G Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 radame@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Bagley, Amber E Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 abagley@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Baker II, Dani P Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 dbaker@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Barela, Joaquin F Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Bartow, John W Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 jbartow@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Blackwell, Wanetta  Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Bruner, Lucas L Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 lbruner@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Buchta, Teresa  Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Camarena, Michael H Jacksonville CA 32256 888-997-2586 
 Cantu, Micaela  Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Carter, Teresa K Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 tcarter@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Casares, John A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 jcasares@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Chang, Terry  Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 tchang@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Covas, Rebekah J Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 rcovas@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Coyle, Mark A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Deutsch, Emily W Arlington VA 22209 202-621-5676 emilyw@nvlsp.org
 Dominguez, Jessica J Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 jdominguez@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Dougherty, E J Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Ellis, Dorcus T Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Everett, Kristie L Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Fishback, Patricia A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 pfishback@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Fletcher, Corey U Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 cfletcher@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Fletcher, Daniel J Richmond VA 23236 888-997-2586 dfletcher@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Fondren, Jay M Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Gallegoz, Norma L Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Garrick, Melissa A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 mgarrick@woundedwarriorproject.org
 George, Louis J Arlington VA 22209 202-721-0186 louis.george@nvlsp.org
 Ghezzi, Alec U Arlington VA 22209 202-265-8305 alec.ghezzi@nvlsp.org
 Green, Shilo J Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 sgreen@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Guerin, David R Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Gullick, Juliana M Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Haley, Matthew P Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 mhaley@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Harvey, Gari L Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 gharvey@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Henise, Nathan  Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Henry, Rodney A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 rhenry@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Hill, David V Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Hoffman, Rosalee  Arlington VA 22209 202-808-8616 rosalee.hoffman@nvlsp.org
 Holmes, Lee J Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 lholmes@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Johnson, Jack A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Kickler, Thomas J Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 tkickler@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Kurras, Gregory J Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 gkurras@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Laureiro, Bruce  Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 blauriero@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Logalbo, Frank A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 flogalbo@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Lorey, Michael D Jacksonville CA 32256 888-997-2586 
 Luce, Gregory B Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 gluce@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Macea Astacio, Michelle C Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Mandrell, Darrell D Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 dmandrell@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Martinez, Iris K Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 kmartinez@woundedwarriorproject.org
 McGuire, Jennifer M Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 jmcguire@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Michael, Jason P Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 jmichael@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Middleton, Danniel K Jacksnville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Murray, Christopher G Arlington VA 22209 202-621-5708 christopherg@nvlsp.org
 Nedd, Angela D Arlington VA 22209 202-621-5718 angela@nvlsp.org
 Nigam-Ritchie, Anita  Arlington VA 22209 202-843-9383 anita.nigam-ritchie@nvlsp.org
 O'Keefe, Matthew C Colorado Springs CO 80903 904-676-5776 mokeefe@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Parker, Rebecca A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 rparker@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Phillips, Veronica N Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 vphillips@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Poole, Brian C Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 bpoole@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Popovski, Dorothy H Arlington VA 22209 (202) 621-5716 dorrie@nvlsp.org
 Poston, William S Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 sposton@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Reynolds, Abigail M Arlington VA 22209 202-621-5686 abigail@nvlsp.org
 Roberson, Vincent D Jacksonville FL 33256 888-997-2586 
 Rogan, Vanessa K Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 vrogan@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Roos, Jim D Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 jroos@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Root, Jessica N Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 jroot@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Salvador, Elizabeth A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 esalvador@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Sands, George A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Saunders, Kevin ( Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 ksaunders@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Shriey, Michael J Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Silenzi, Angela M Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Simpson, Taylor K Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 tsimpson@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Smith, Denise M Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Snook, Michael K Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Spataro, Richard V Arlington VA 22209 202-621-5675 richard@nvlsp.org
 Spencer, Durrant D Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 dspencer@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Standley, Harold E Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Stoddard, Michael T Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 mstoddard@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Thompson, Robert E Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 rthompson@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Thompson, Sarah A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 sethompson@wondedwarrierproject.org
 Thompson, Susan L Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 suthomps@chapman.edu
 Torres, Enrique  Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Tromble, Stacy A Arlington VA 22209 202-621-5672 stacy@nvlsp.org
 Velasquez, Timothy D Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Vinikoor, Shayna S Arlington VA 22209 714-227-2931 shayna.vinikoor@nvlsp.org
 Wells, Fiona A Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 fwells@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Wessells, Patrick T Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 pwessels@woundedwarriorproject.org
 Weymiller, Keegan C Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 ktasker@woundedwarrierproject.org
 Wilks, Margaret E Arlington VA 22209 571-548-6912 margaret.wilks@nvlsp.org
 Williams, Alshi K Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 
 Wilson, Vanessa R Jacksonville FL 32256 888-997-2586 

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