2002 Precedent Opinions
PREC 1-2002 Dual Eligibility for Chapter 35 Benefits Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen Couns. Prec. 1-2002, VAOPGCPREC 1-2002, 2002
PREC 2-2002 Nonassignability of Benefits—38 U.S.C. § 5301(a) Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen Couns. Prec. 2-2002, VAOPGCPREC 2-2002, 2002
PREC 3-2002 Disposition of Request for Waiver of Indebtedness in the Event of Death of the Veteran Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen Couns. Prec. 3-2002, VAOPGCPREC 3-2002, 2002
PREC 4-2002 Meaning of “Injury” for Purposes of Active Service – 38 U.S.C. § 101(24) Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen Couns. Prec. 4-2002, VAOPGCPREC 4-2002, 2002
PREC 5-2002 Judicial Review of Regulations found in Part 4 of Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 5-2002, VAOPGCPREC 5-2002, 2002
PREC 6-2002 Protection of Service Connection - 38 U.S.C. § 1159, 38 C.F.R. § 3.957 Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 6-2002, VAOPGCPREC 6-2002, 2002
PREC 7-2002 Termination of Benefits of Fugitive Felons Under Section 505 of Public Law 107-103 Citation: Vet. Aff. Op. Gen. Couns. Prec. 7-2002, VAOPGCPREC 7-2002, 2002