Minority Veteran Statistics

From 2019 to 2045, the racial and ethnic composition of Veterans will change. The projected proportion of Veterans who are Non-Hispanic White will decrease from 74% to 61%. Other groups will have increases:

In 2019, the largest number of Veterans are projected to live in California but there is variation related to race and ethnicity. The largest numbers of non-Hispanic White Veterans are projected to live in Florida, Black Veterans in Georgia, American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans in Oklahoma, Hispanic Veterans in Texas, and Asian, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, Other Race, and Multiple Race Veterans in California.

Among Veterans age 18-44 using VHA in FY 2014, the most common diagnosed condition was past-traumatic stress disorder affeecting 24% of patients. Rates were highest among American Indian or Alaska Native patients (31%) and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander patients (28%).