Public Housing Agencies as HUD-VASH Designated Service Providers - VA Homeless Programs
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VA Homeless Programs


Public Housing Agencies as HUD-VASH Designated Service Providers


To provide instructions to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) on the process for applying to serve in the role of Designated Service Provider (DSP) for the purposes of Veteran selection and intake for the HUD-VASH program.


Authorized by section 8(o)(19) of the United States Housing Act of 19371, the HUD-VASH program combines HUD Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) for homeless Veterans with case management and supportive services provided through VA Medical Centers (VAMCs) or DSPs approved by the VA Secretary. HUD-VASH provides eligible Veterans with increased access to permanent housing and the support necessary to maintain this housing over time.

Currently, HUD-VASH Collaborative Case Management (CCM) uses a flexibility under the existing HUD-VASH program that allows communities to make up to 15% of a PHA’s total HUD-VASH voucher allocation available to eligible Veterans, but a DSP in the community provides the case management services instead of VA. The vouchers and case management services are made available for eligible Veterans through coordination among the local VA medical center (VAMC), PHA, and DSP with an understanding that there is a local need and sufficient HUD-VASH voucher capacity to serve these Veterans.

With continued growth of the HUD-VASH program, HUD and VA recognized an additional opportunity to utilize all vouchers. The HUD-VASH Operating Requirements2 provide new authorization allowing a PHA to also serve in the role of DSP for Veteran selection, intake, and temporary case management:

The VA may approve a PHA with unleased HUD-VASH vouchers as a DSP for the purposes of veteran selection and intake. This DSP approval allows a PHA to issue a HUD-VASH voucher to a veteran without a referral from the VA. The PHA is responsible for determining the veteran is eligible for VA HUD-VASH case management. The PHA must refer the veteran to the VA for case management and must provide temporary case management until the VAMC has completed intake of the veteran. PHAs approved under this authority must ensure that while using unleased HUD-VASH vouchers, they maintain sufficient HUD-VASH vouchers available to immediately issue a HUD-VASH voucher to veterans referred by the VA. (section II.a.)

PHAs serving in the role of DSP must provide Veteran selection, intake, and temporary case management services in a manner consistent with how these requirements are outlined in the HUD-VASH Operating Requirements. For purposes of this PHA as DSP arrangement, “temporary” is defined as lasting not longer than 180 days (or any extension approved by VA) for each Veteran served.

Application Requirements

NOTE: If you are a homeless Veteran looking for assistance or more information about the HUD-VASH program and other VA services for homeless Veterans, Please call our National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838 or chat with the call center here.

To apply to be a DSP, the PHA must submit an application packet to the VA National HUD-VASH Program Office that includes:

Application Review Process

Upon receipt of the completed application packet, the VA National HUD-VASH Program Office will review the request in consultation with HUD Headquarters and recommend approval or disapproval to the VA Secretary. If the VA Secretary supports approval, the PHA will receive a designation letter from the Secretary’s office with an immediate effective date for the approval. The VAMC will be simultaneously informed and services may begin. If not approved, the PHA will receive a detailed explanation of the reason(s) for the denial and what may be needed for approval, where relevant.

There is no funding available from VA to sustain the supportive services and case management required of the PHA. PHAs must secure other funding to cover these costs and/or explore how services can be absorbed into existing budgets.

Additional Information

If you are a homeless Veteran looking for assistance or more information about the HUD-VASH program and other VA services for homeless Veterans, please call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838 or chat with the call center here.

VAMCs or PHAs interested in learning more about this process may contact VA’s National HUD-VASH Program Office.

1 42 U.S.C. § 1437f(o)(19)

2 Published in the Federal Register on Monday, September 27, 2021, Volume 86, Number 84 (Pages 53207-53213)

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