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VA Homeless Programs
VA's Community-Based Programs to End Veteran Homelessness
VA Homeless Programs
VA's Community-Based Programs to End Veteran Homelessness

VA's Community-Based Programs to End Veteran Homelessness
Below are VA resources available to end and prevent homelessness among Veterans in your community. Learn more at VA’s Programs for Homeless Veterans and For At-Risk Veterans pages.
Safe Housing
The Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program provides grants and per diem payments (as funding is available) to help public and nonprofit organizations establish and operate supportive housing and service centers for homeless Veterans.
HUD-VA Supportive Housing (VASH) Program is a joint effort between the Department of Housing and Urban Development and VA. As of Winter 2023, HUD has allocated nearly 112,000 vouchers to help house Veterans across the country. These vouchers allow Veterans and their families to live in market rate rental units while VA provides case management services. A housing subsidy is paid to the landlord on behalf of the participating Veteran. The Veteran then pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program. Learn more about the HUD-VASH Program.
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program provides grants and technical assistance to community-based, nonprofit organizations to help Veterans and their families stay in their homes. Learn more about the SSVF program.
Opportunities to Return to Employment
Homeless Veteran Community Employment Services (HVCES) coordinates efforts between VA and non-VA employment programs, federal and state agencies and local employers to improve employment outcomes for Veterans who have experienced homelessness. Community Employment Coordinators (CECs) for homeless Veterans are available at more than 120 VA Medical Centers (VAMC) to assist employers with hiring Veterans. If you are an employer looking to hire a Veteran experiencing homelessness, learn more about the HVCES program and find the contact information for the CEC at your local VAMC.
VA’s Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) Program is comprised of three unique programs which assist homeless Veterans in returning to competitive employment: Sheltered Workshop, Transitional Work, and Supported Employment. Veterans in CWT are paid at least the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is the higher.
Employment Toolkit
VA's Employment Toolkit contains useful information about VA's efforts to end Veteran homelessness and how employers can help. The toolkit contains an overview of VA's work to end homelessness among Veterans, including facts and figures; ways that employers can help - and benefit - by providing employment for Veterans experiencing homelessness; a list of common myths and misunderstandings about employing homeless Veterans; and an at-a-glance guide to VA services.
One Veteran. One job. You can help - download the toolkit today!
Health Care
VA’s Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Program offers outreach, exams, treatment, referrals, and case management to Veterans who are homeless and dealing with mental health issues, including substance use. At more than 135 HCHV sites, trained, caring VA specialists provide tools and support necessary for Veterans to get their lives on a better track. Call VA’s toll-free hotline or visit the Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Program page.
VA’s Homeless Veterans Dental Program provides dental treatment for eligible Veterans in a number of programs: Domiciliary Residential Rehabilitation Treatment, VA Grant and Per Diem, Compensated Work Therapy/Transitional Residence, Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (contract bed), and Community Residential Care. VA is working to expand dental care to all eligible Veterans within this program. Homeless Veterans Dental Program
Project CHALENG (Community Homelessness Assessment, Local Education and Networking Groups) brings together providers, advocates, and other concerned citizens to identify the needs of homeless Veterans and work to meet those needs through planning and cooperative action. This process has helped build thousands of relationships between VA and community agencies so that together they can better serve homeless Veterans. For more information on Project CHALENG, call VA’s toll-free hotline or visit the Project CHALENG web page.
Mental Health Services
Veteran Justice Outreach provides eligible justice involved Veterans with timely access to VA’s mental health and substance use services when clinically indicated, and other VA services and benefits as appropriate.
VA’s Substance Use Disorder Treatment Enhancement Initiative provides substance use services in the community to aid homeless Veterans’ recovery. Learn about substance use treatment available through VA.
The Health Care for Re-Entry Veterans Program helps incarcerated Veterans successfully rejoin the community through supports including those addressing mental health and substance use problems.
The Readjustment Counseling Service’s Vet Center Programs feature community-based locations and outreach activities that help to identify homeless Veterans and match homeless Veterans with necessary services.

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Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can call or visit their local VA Medical Center (VAMC) and ask for a Homeless Coordinator. Use the VA locator tool to find your nearest VAMC and call or visit today.