From:                                         SSVF

Sent:                                           Friday, August 16, 2024 8:14 AM

Subject:                                     SSVF Program Update Friday August 16, 2024





This weekly update is targeted towards the SSVF Grantees and shared with valuable partners for awareness.  

August 16, 2024          


NEW: VA Homeless Programs Website and Response Plan for Coordination of Services for Encampment Closures

NEW: Updated Emergency Housing Assistance Referral Form: Encampment Version

RESOURCE: National Veterans Financial Resource Center (FINVET)

REMINDER: Outreach Activities



NEW: VA Homeless Programs Website and Response Plan for Coordination of Services for Encampment Closures

Please see and share this public site that outlines a comprehensive and proactive action plan to support Veterans impacted by current and future encampment closures.

VA’s Response Plan for Coordinating with Local Agencies During Homeless Encampment Closures - VA Homeless Programs



NEW: Updated Emergency Housing Assistance Referral Form: Encampment Version

The SSVF Program Office and Homeless Program Office are actively monitoring encampment sweeps. Effective immediately, grantees in areas impacted by encampment sweeps can use the form Linked Here to quickly assess and place Veterans into hotel/motel using emergency housing assistance (EHA).


This guidance is to be used in locations where there are active sweeps of encampments occurring and use of shelter (HCHV, GPD, Community, etc.) is not immediately available for Veterans impacted by those sweeps or the specific needs of the Veteran household require use of hotel/motel. 


This form ONLY replaces the EHA referral form in these encampment sweep areas. In areas where there are not active encampment sweeps, Grantees should keep this as a resource for possible future use.  All EHA regulations remain in effect.

Grantees should share this form with VAMC and community partners who may need to quickly refer a Veteran for immediate placement. The form should also be reviewed with all staff and partners to ensure understanding and awareness of this new procedure.



RESOURCE: National Veterans Financial Resource Center (FINVET)

The National Veterans Financial Resource Center (FINVET) website connects Veterans to financial tools and top resources to help 1) meet basic needs; 2) manage money; 3) increase income; 4) lower debt and bills; and 5) protect money. FINVET is a one-stop website, making it easier for Veterans to find money resources and navigate their financial journey. Access FINVET here:  Home | FINVET | National Veterans Financial Resource Center - MIRECC / CoE (


REMINDER: Outreach Activities 

The SSVF Program Office would like to remind grantees that outreach is a required activity.  As a core component of the grant, grantees should have a robust outreach strategy to engage Veterans experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.   

SSVF grantees should: