From:                                         SSVF

Sent:                                           Friday, August 30, 2024 8:28 AM

Subject:                                     SSVF Program Update Friday August 30, 2024





This weekly update is targeted towards the SSVF Grantees and shared with valuable partners for awareness.  

August 30, 2024          



SAVE THE DATE: SSVF en Español  September 25, 2024 2pm EST

New: SSVF Guidance on Administrative Costs

REMINDER: SSVF Extension Request Activity Due September 6, 2024

REMINDER: SSVF FY25 Resolution and FY25 Budget Activity Due in UDPaaS by September 12, 2024

RESOURCE: VA Homeless Programs Website and Response Plan for Coordination of Services for Encampment Closures

RESOURCE: Updated Emergency Housing Assistance Referral Form: Encampment Version

REMINDER: Outreach Activities



SAVE THE DATE: SSVF en Español  September 25, 2024 2pm EST

SSVF is excited to offer an optional call on Wednesday, September 25th at 2pm Eastern/11am Pacific to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.  The call will include remarks from special guests, an opportunity to celebrate, and discussion on how SSVF can continue to support Veterans and Veteran families who identify as Latino/a/x. A registration link will be shared soon.


New: SSVF Guidance on Administrative Costs

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) OMB has updated the 2 CFR 200 and as of October 1, 2024 the de minimis indirect cost rate will increase from 10 percent to 15 percent unless a different rate is required by law (such as Federal statute or regulation).  As stated in SSVF regulation 38 CFR 62.70(e) costs for administration by a grantee must not exceed 10 percent of the total amount of the supportive services grant. SSVF will continue to limit administrative costs to 10% as stated in regulation.

eCFR :: 38 CFR 62.70 -- Financial management and administrative costs.


REMINDER: SSVF Extension Request Activity Due September 6, 2024

All grantees selected for renewal funding in FY25 have an SSVF Extension Request Activity in their UDPaaS account under the “My Tasks” section. This request is required in order to extend spending of your FY24 funding beyond September 30, 2024.  Please ensure that you respond with a "yes" to needing an extension. 

As a reminder, renewed grantees are anticipated to spend FY24 funds through December 31, 2024.  If you will need additional funds to extend through that date or would like to request a non-punitive return of funds, please reach out to your Regional Coordinator.  

This activity is due no later than September 6, 2024. 




REMINDER: SSVF FY25 Resolution and FY25 Budget Activity Due in UDPaaS by September 12, 2024

Grantees selected for renewal funding in FY25 are required to submit their FY25 Grant Resolution and updated FY25 budget in the UDPaaS Grant Management System no later than September 12, 2024. The Grant Agreement Resolution verifies the key program components for each grant award, including service area, households to be served, homelessness prevention threshold score, subcontracts (if applicable), confirmation of the budgeted Services, TFA and Administrative allocations within approved budget for FY 2025.  When completing this form, please keep in mind that responses must reflect program components that have been approved by VA.  Significant changes to the grant program that may occur after this resolution process will require submission of a Program Change Request in the second and third quarters of the fiscal year.

The updated budget should reflect your actual award amount as well as an expected 9-month spending cycle beginning on January 1, 2025 and ending on September 30, 2025.



RESOURCE: VA Homeless Programs Website and Response Plan for Coordination of Services for Encampment Closures

Please see and share this public site that outlines a comprehensive and proactive action plan to support Veterans impacted by current and future encampment closures.

VA’s Response Plan for Coordinating with Local Agencies During Homeless Encampment Closures - VA Homeless Programs


SSVF Grantees should work with their VAMC and community partners as local encampment response teams are developed.



RESOURCE: Updated Emergency Housing Assistance Referral Form: Encampment Version

The SSVF Program Office and Homeless Program Office are actively monitoring encampment sweeps. Effective immediately, grantees in areas impacted by encampment sweeps can use the form Linked Here to quickly assess and place Veterans into hotel/motel using emergency housing assistance (EHA).


This guidance is to be used in locations where there are active sweeps of encampments occurring and use of shelter (HCHV, GPD, Community, etc.) is not immediately available for Veterans impacted by those sweeps or the specific needs of the Veteran household require use of hotel/motel. 


This form ONLY replaces the EHA referral form in these encampment sweep areas. In areas where there are not active encampment sweeps, Grantees should keep this as a resource for possible future use.  All EHA regulations remain in effect.

Grantees should share this form with VAMC and community partners who may need to quickly refer a Veteran for immediate placement. The form should also be reviewed with all staff and partners to ensure understanding and awareness of this new procedure.



REMINDER: Outreach Activities 

The SSVF Program Office would like to remind grantees that outreach is a required activity.  As a core component of the grant, grantees should have a robust outreach strategy to engage Veterans experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.   

SSVF grantees should:    

·         Ensure outreach activities cover the full geography and all unsheltered Veterans are offered a pathway to permanent or interim housing in the near term. 

·         Collaborate with community partners for street outreach including Coordinated Entry Outreach Teams, VA Outreach Teams, Law Enforcement, local businesses such as railroads or gas stations, public services such as street or highway departments, health departments, bus or train stations, advocacy groups including domestic violence providers, organizations specifically focused on supporting marginalized groups. 

·         Strongly consider hiring in-house or elevating existing the employment of peer specialists in outreach settings and across program operations; ensure outreach personnel include Veterans who have had similar experiences to those for whom Services are designed to support. 

·         Provide access to training in trauma-informed, culturally responsive outreach and engagement strategies, including Rapid Resolution approaches, motivational interviewing, and implicit bias.