From:                                         SSVF

Sent:                                           Friday, August 9, 2024 12:04 AM

Subject:                                     SSVF Program Update Friday August 9, 2024


This weekly update is targeted towards the SSVF Grantees and shared with valuable partners for awareness.  

August 9, 2024          


NEW: HHS Payment Management System (PMS) – No Action Required 

REMINDER:  SSVF Guidance on the Use of Overtime Pay  

RESOURCE: National Veterans Financial Resource Center (FINVET) 

REMINDER: Outreach Activities 



NEW: HHS Payment Management System (PMS) – No Action Required 

The SSVF Program Office would like grantees to know there is no action needed in HHS PMS at this time. Due to a technical error, PMS published quarterly SF-425 Federal Financial Reports (FFR) showing as “Report Available to be Completed”. Quarterly reports are not an SSVF requirement.  SSVF does require a final FFR at End of Year. FY23 and Shallow Subsidy end on 9/30/24, grantees will complete a final FFR for each of these two accounts as part of the End of Year Closeout process. 



REMINDER:  SSVF Guidance on the Use of Overtime Pay 

Effective July 1, 2024, SSVF Grantees are authorized to use overtime pay for staff as needed without prior approval from the SSVF Program Office. Overtime pay is required to be used in accordance with federal, state, or local laws; whichever is most favorable to employees. This guidance supersedes the overtime pay guidelines in the current version of the SSVF Program Guide (October 2023). Overtime pay is defined as the amount of time someone works beyond normal working hours.   


Please note that the use of overtime pay is an agency decision and is not subject to Program Office approval. The use of overtime will not impact grantee funding levels and must be used within the current existing approved budget. Agencies should develop and follow internal policies and procedures.  The SSVF Program Office will not be approving individual agency overtime plans and will direct questions on use of overtime to your federal, state, or local laws. The SSVF Program Office hopes this added flexibility will help us make progress toward our goal of ensuring every Veteran has a safe place to call home.  



RESOURCE: National Veterans Financial Resource Center (FINVET) 

The National Veterans Financial Resource Center (FINVET) website connects Veterans to financial tools and top resources to help 1) meet basic needs; 2) manage money; 3) increase income; 4) lower debt and bills; and 5) protect money. FINVET is a one-stop website, making it easier for Veterans to find money resources and navigate their financial journey. Access FINVET here:Home | FINVET | National Veterans Financial Resource Center - MIRECC / CoE ( 




REMINDER: Outreach Activities  

The SSVF Program Office would like to remind grantees that outreach is a required activity.  As a core component of the grant, grantees should have a robust outreach strategy to engage Veterans experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.    

SSVF grantees should:    

·                     Ensure outreach activities cover the full geography and all unsheltered Veterans are offered a pathway to permanent or interim housing in the near term.  

·                     Collaborate with community partners for street outreach including Coordinated Entry Outreach Teams, VA Outreach Teams, Law Enforcement, local businesses such as railroads or gas stations, public services such as street or highway departments, health departments, bus or train stations, advocacy groups including domestic violence providers, organizations specifically focused on supporting marginalized groups.  

·                     Strongly consider hiring in-house or elevating existing the employment of peer specialists in outreach settings and across program operations; ensure outreach personnel include Veterans who have had similar experiences to those for whom Services are designed to support.  

·                     Provide access to training in trauma-informed, culturally responsive outreach and engagement strategies, including Rapid Resolution approaches, motivational interviewing, and implicit bias.