From: SSVF
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2024 12:24 AM
Subject: SSVF Program Update Friday September 20, 2024
This weekly update is targeted
towards the SSVF Grantees and shared with valuable partners for awareness.
September 20, 2024
Duplicate Program Update
Guidance on Administrative Cost Allocation for FY 25
NEW: September
is Suicide Prevention Month
End of Year Repository Upload
Updated Emergency Housing Assistance Referral Form: Encampment Version
RESOURCE: SSVF Program Office FY2023 Annual Report
UPDATED: SSVF Equity Report
REGISTER: SSVF en Español September 25, 2024 2:00 pm ET
New: SSVF Guidance on
Administrative Cost Allocation for FY 25
The SSVF Program Office
would like to provide additional information and updates regarding the methods
to account for administrative costs. As stated in SSVF regulations eCFR :: 38 CFR 62.70 -- Financial management
and administrative costs. a maximum of 10% of
your grant award total may be used for administrative costs. Administrative
costs are defined as all direct and indirect costs associated with the
management of the program. These costs include the administrative costs, both
direct and indirect, of subcontractors. Beginning in FY 25, SSVF will
transition to include additional methods to account for administrative costs.
The methods to account for administrative costs include:
1. Traditional
2. De Minimis
3. Indirect Cost Rate
(current ICR or negotiate an ICR with VA Homeless Programs)
Each SSVF Grantee must
elect on their FY 25 budget resolution which administrative costs method will
be used for FY 25. Regardless of the method used, administrative costs must be
segregated in the General Ledger (GL) and remain capped at 10 percent. Modified
Administrative Cost Approach (MACA) will no longer be an option for
administrative costs in FY 25. Further guidance and technical support will
be offered to assist with this transition. Please ensure fiscal staff are aware
of this updated guidance. If you have any questions please contact your
Regional Coordinator or email
NEW: September is
Suicide Prevention Month
Please join SSVF in
supporting VA’s top clinical priority, Veteran suicide prevention. VA and the
Ad Council continue to partner on the national “Don’t Wait. Reach Out.”
campaign. This is an initiative to prevent Veteran suicide by encouraging
Veterans and their supports to reach out for help. Consider adding the link to
this campaign to your signature block and sharing it
with your community stakeholders and the Veterans you serve. Within the website
are critical links for Veterans and their supports including connections to
mental health, financial, legal, and other helping resources.
As a reminder, all SSVF
Grantee staff must complete S.A.V.E. training annually by September 30th
of each calendar year. S.A.V.E. is a Suicide Prevention training course
developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Staff should first attempt to
request in-person training from their local certified S.A.V.E. trainer, either
a VAMC Suicide Prevention Coordinator or Homeless Program Staff Point of
Contact (POC). For assistance in locating your local Suicide Prevention
Coordinator, click here:
If in-person training is unavailable, all staff should view a SSVF S.A.V.E.
Training Webinar on the SSVF You Tube channel at SSVF Webinar Series: Suicide
Prevention - December 12, 2019.
Note if you participated in this month’s national webinar on September 12th,
2024 this satisfies your suicide prevention training requirement. The recording
to this webinar will be posted to the SSVF website in the coming days. You can
also view the VA PsychArmor S.A.V.E. Training Webinar on YouTube at VA PsychArmor S.A.V.E. Training.
Another critical and
immediate resource is the Veteran Suicide Prevention and Crisis Line, which is
now easier than ever to call by simply dialing 988 and then pressing 1 for
Veterans. Ensure all Veterans your staff meet with are aware of this number. Please
Don’t Wait, Reach Out now.
DUE: HMIS End of Year
Repository Upload
SSVF Grantees must
complete the final upload cycle into the VA Repository. This upload will
contain the entire fiscal year data set. Client data should be October 1,
2023, to September 30, 2024.
The mandatory test
upload period is set to begin on September 23th
and end on September 27th.
October 1st
& 2nd
are the only business days you have to complete your first upload
The Repository will be
open from October 1st
to October 7th
to ensure every grantee uploads a final CSV file containing all FY 2024 data.
Updated Emergency Housing Assistance Referral Form: Encampment Version
The SSVF Program Office
and Homeless Program Office are actively monitoring encampment sweeps.
Effective immediately, grantees in areas impacted by encampment sweeps
can use the form Linked Here
to quickly assess and place Veterans into hotel/motel using emergency housing
assistance (EHA).
This guidance is to be
used in locations where there are active sweeps of encampments occurring and
use of shelter (HCHV, GPD, Community, etc.) is not immediately available for
Veterans impacted by those sweeps or the specific needs of the Veteran household
require use of hotel/motel.
SSVF Program Office FY2023 Annual Report
This report
covers the twelfth grant period for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program, including awards
made in 2022 for the FY 2023 period (October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023).
The report summarizes the results attained by the 250 SSVF grantees funded for
FY 2023. It is intended to inform Congress and the public about the grantees’
important work helping to prevent and end homelessness among our nation’s
This report
uses data reported by grantees through local Homeless Management Information
Systems (HMIS) and subsequently provided to VA via monthly uploads to the SSVF
HMIS data repository. With the FY 2023 Annual Report, additional exhibits
utilizing the SSVF Equity Report were added. Additional information was
obtained from grantee quarterly reports and surveys of SSVF program
The full
report is available on the SSVF website and by following the link:
SSVF Equity Report
Equity Report provides an analysis of SSVF program services and outcomes by
race and ethnicity of the Veteran receiving assistance. The current Report has
been updated with FY 2023 HMIS data and now allows users to select multiple
grants at one time.
To access
the Report, please click: . If you are unable to access the Report, please email us at so we can send your invite.
REGISTER: SSVF en Español September 25, 2024 2pm EST
SSVF is excited to
offer an optional call on Wednesday, September 25th at 2pm Eastern/11am
Pacific to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. The call will include
remarks from special guests, an opportunity to celebrate, and discussion on how
SSVF can continue to support Veterans and Veteran families who identify as Latino/a/x.
This session will take place in Spanish. There will be subtitles in English.
All are welcome to join. Click on the link to register:
en Español, 25 de September de 2024, 2pm EST
SSVF está
entusiasmado de invitarte a una reunión opcional para celebrar el Mes de la
Herencia Hispana, el día
Miércoles 25 de Septiembre a las 2pm EST, 11am PST (hora exacta). Esta reunión
incluirá invitados especiales y es una oportunidad para commemorar y hablar
como SSVF puede continuar apoyando a los Veteranos y sus familiares que se
identifican como Latino/a/x. La celebración estará presentada en Español pero
tendremos subtítulos
en Inglés. Todos están invitados a participar, registrate aquí.