Message from Monica Diaz, Executive Director, VHA Homeless Programs Office - VA Homeless Programs
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VA Homeless Programs


Message from Monica Diaz, Executive Director, VHA Homeless Programs Office

October 2023

Monica Diaz

When you’re close to reaching a goal, sometimes you need a little extra help to achieve it. Like a baseball closer coming into the game to seal the win after the starting pitcher has left —the extra boost can make a difference in whether or not a team wins the game.

In this light, and in response to the affordable housing crisis, the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program launched the Shallow Subsidy service. Think of this program like the closer in a baseball game.

Shallow Subsidy provides rental assistance for a specific period of time to eligible and enrolled Veterans. Through this service, the maximum amount of rental subsidy that can be given on behalf of a Veteran household is up to 50% of the lease rent.

Typically, the Shallow Subsidy service is targeted to Veterans who are overwhelmed by rent payments. They may also require longer-term rental assistance than is traditionally provided through SSVF to maintain housing.

This program has a track record of success — our SSVF grantees have shown that Shallow Subsidy has is effective at preventing homelessness due to evictions and other housing crises as well as supporting formerly homeless Veterans to stay housed. As part of the broad range of services that SSVF provides, Shallow Subsidy helps Veterans get back on their feet, reduces the stigma around getting help and provides a collaborative partnership that supports Veterans until their circumstances improve. That extra assistance can truly make all the difference in the lives of Veterans.

Additionally, I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge several important days that took place in October.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day, October 9: VA recognizes the extraordinary resilience of Indigenous people — not just on October 9, but every day of the year. VA’s Office of Tribal Government relations provides critical resources to support Veterans who are Native American. Learn more about our efforts, and check out our video From Homeless to Housed: Stories From Native American Veterans Assisted Through VA.

This video features the inspiring stories of Native American Veterans in Oklahoma, who overcame homelessness after accessing services through VA’s programs. Many Native American Veterans experiencing homelessness are sometimes hesitant to reach out to us for the care they need and deserve. Those who do reach out are able to learn about the incredible impact we can have, helping Veterans to not only exit homelessness, but to access additional resources to help them live independently and thrive. VA is committed to ensuring that Native American Veterans and their families can utilize all benefits and services they are entitled to receive.

World Homeless Day, October 10: With over 33,000 Veterans still experiencing homelessness, it’s important to shine a spotlight on their needs and to provide community opportunities to help those who need it. You can learn more about World Homeless Day here and VA’s efforts through HPO here.

World Mental Health Day, October 10: It’s important to raise overall awareness of the mental health issues that are happening around the world and to help support mental health services for those in need. Check out the World Health Organization’s webpage about the day.

No matter the day or time of year, it is important to remember that VA is here to support Veterans and urges them to reach out for help if they are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless:

  • Veterans can contact their local SSVF grantee to help determine if they are eligible for traditional, Shallow Subsidy, or other services to help find and maintain housing or prevent the loss of your current housing. 
  • The SSVF website is a great way to find local grantees. Community Solutions also has a resource locator website that can help identify additional supports.
  • Veterans can also call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838, where trained counselors are ready to talk confidentially 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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