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ONS Travel Corps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Office of Nursing Services (ONS)
ONS Travel Corps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- ONS-TC Field Staff do not get locality pay; all Field Staff are placed on a National Pay Table. Thus, locations of deployments do not impact Field Staff salary.
- The ONS-TC National Pay Table were last updated January 1, 2023, and they are considered very competitive with the private sectors.
- ONS-TC pay tables go up to step 12.
- Cost of Living Adjustments consideration is given annually.
- Intermittent employees are paid for time worked.
- You may access the U.S. Office of Personnel Management website for additional information on Pay and Leave (Pay & Leave (
- Be sure to only reference benefits for “Intermittent Employee.”
- Transfers into the ONS-TC from the enterprise will maintain their current grade/level/step. Your salary will be based on the ONS-TC National Pay Table.
- Note the salary reflected is for full time hours. You will need to consider the hourly rate and the number of hours you plan to work, for your personal annual salary.
- Incoming federal employees on special pay tables or Nurse Managers with two steps would need to consider that those will not remain in place upon transfer into ONS-TC.
Holiday Pay and Shift Differential
- Federal intermittent employees are not entitled to paid holidays. However, ONS-TC Field Staff receive holiday pay differential if worked, in accordance with VA pay regulations.
- ONS-TC Field Staff receive 10% shift differentials for hours worked between 6pm - 6am and 25% weekend differentials for hours worked on weekends.
Within-Grade Increase (WIGI)
- Intermittent employee waiting periods for a periodic step increase is based on creditable service days as opposed to full time staff who are considered on weeks of creditable service.
- For intermittent employee, 1 day of credit is given for each day of service in pay status.
- See “Step Increases for Intermittent Nurses” for a breakout of required creditable service days waiting periods.
- Waiting periods are established by law not the program.
- All ONS-TC Field Staff are HIGHLY encouraged to present a self-evaluation to each deployment site supervisor for consideration in your site special summary rating.
- Annual proficiencies are a compilation of your site summary ratings so proactive engagement with one’s site supervisor is valuable.
- VA Central Office Nurse Professional Standards Board reviews ONS-TC staff for promotion and probationary review. The board will determine promotion if dimensions of practice and education are met.
- ONS-TC does not write any education waivers.
- Internal transfers Federal employees that transfer into the ONS-TC without a break in service will retain retirement benefits; however, retirement benefits will be prorated based on paid status.
- External/Private Sector hires are not eligible for retirement benefits.
- TSP contributions made via payroll deduction while in paid status. As such, you will not be able to contribute toward TSP during periods of non-paid status.
- You may access the U.S. Office of Personnel Management website for additional information on retirement resources (Retirement Services -
- Be sure to only reference benefits for “Intermittent Employee.”
Medical Benefits
- Internal transfers. Federal employees that transfer into the ONS-TC without a break in service will retain eligibility for medical and dental benefits.
- If, you accumulate 365 days of non-pay you will lose your health benefits.
- External/Private Sector hires are eligible for FEHB (medical).
- You may access the U.S. Office of Personnel Management website for additional information on Healthcare (Federal Employees : Guide Me -
- Be sure to only reference benefits for “Intermittent Employee.”
Sick and Vacation Leave
- Intermittent employees are not entitled to earn any type of leave (Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Administrative Leave, etc.).
- If a Field Staffer requires a day off due to illness it would be a non-paid day.
- Consideration for tour changes, to recoup missed hours, can be discussed with one’s field supervisor and is generally appreciated.
- Federal employees that transfer into the ONS will maintain any accumulated sick leave in storage until you retire.
- During inclement weather or a natural disaster, Field Staff continue to only be paid for hours worked.
- When a staff member shelters in place (at the healthcare system), they will only be paid for hours worked as they are not authorized leave.
Intermittent Appointment and Reappointment
- ONS-TC employees are not considered “contract” employees, they are placed on a temporary intermittent appointment of 1 year.
- Assignments may be adjusted based on enterprise need at any time.
- ONS-TC Field Staff must complete at minimum of 3 13-week travel assignments and are limited to no more than 1,820 hours in one year.
- Keep in mind, the 1,820 include those hours over a traditional 80 hour pay cycle. If you work 100 hours a pay period, that extra 20 hours will add to your total hours worked.
- All hours worked are included in the maximum hours worked limit.
- Annual Reappointments are based on the needs of the program and compliance with employment standards.
- Your first assignment will be selected for you by ONS-TC leadership.
- Two of the 3 assignments yearly may be selected for you by the program.
- ONS-TC Field Staff are limited to 60 hours worked in a 7-day period.
- New employees first deployment will coincide with their program start date, unless otherwise considered by leadership.
Consecutive Assignments
- Extensions at an assignment location may be approved based on the needs of the program.
- Travelers cannot work more than 1,820 hours in one year despite the timing of an assignment.
- Remaining time at a site would be cancelled should one reach their maximum hour worked.
- A traveler is personally responsible to be aware of tax laws/codes. Questions should be placed with the IRS or your tax preparer. The program does not speak to tax code or laws.
Time Off Between & During Assignments
- ONS-TC Field Staff must request their time off when they submit their request for a new 13-week assignment.
- You may take time off during assignments if pre-approved by your site leadership and the program leadership is aware in advance.
- All other time off will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Towards the end of an assignment, most staff preplan their follow up assignments.
- When you are not working you are in a non-pay status but still considered a ONS-TC employee.
- Orientation at a site varies based on your experience but it generally less than one week.
- ONS-TC is currently preparing a program specific orientation to be deployed in 2023.
- Field Staff are deemed deployable for specific specialty areas based on current competency/experience.
Accepting a Permanent Position within the VA
- ONS-TC Field Staff are not under any contract, they are welcomed to apply and accept permanent placement at any VA facility at any time.
- Transition to the permanent site should not impact an assignment, thus no impact to Veteran care within the enterprise.
- All federal employee travel is required to meet the regulations as set forth by the organization/federal government.
- Travel Code is not developed nor written by the ONS-TC, but all employees will abide by and held accountable to the federal travel regulations.
- You are required to work with your Travel Coordinator, as assigned, to identify the type of lodging that best suits your needs in accordance with VA travel regulations. Depending on your location, you may choose from hotels, extended stay suites, or one-bedroom apartments/corporate housing, etc.
- Some travelers elect to use RVs.
- Lodging sites must accept the VA government rates (Fed Room Rates) and VA travel card.
- Your salary is paid biweekly the Friday following the close of the pay period.
- Travelers receive a government credit card for lodging and authorized expenses.
- Reimbursement for Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) is determined by General Services Administration rate for long-term travel at the assigned location: and works out to approximately $35 a day (reduced for long term lodging).
- Each employee completes a travel expenditure voucher each month to pay off their lodging and other travel related charges on the government credit card.
- In areas of higher cost of living, you may be required to file your voucher biweekly.
- Cab, Uber, and Lyft from the airport to lodging is reimbursable in your voucher with receipts.
Travel Companions
- If you are traveling with significant others or pets, you are responsible for any additional fees including hotel and airfare.
- Travel arrangement for companions or pets are the sole responsibility of the traveler.
- We do not reimburse for companions/pets nor expenses paid should your travel itinerary change at the last minute.
- Pet-friendly hotels are very limited.
- You may be able to find pet-friendly corporate housing.