Seal of the Office of Government Ethics

I.    Introduction  

II.   Financial Disclosure

III.  Conflict of Interest

IV.  Representation

V.   Misuse of Position

VI.  *Other Laws/Regulations*

VII. After You Leave

VIII. Where to Get Help


Quiz #5: Person taking a testOther Laws/Regulations

Let's assume that you are an SGE currently appointed to assist an agency in drafting regulations on a particular matter concerning tax regulations for certain organizations. One day you get a call from one of the organizations that will be impacted by these regulations. They ask whether you would be willing to appear as an expert witness on its behalf concerning a different particular matter than what you are currently doing as an SGE. One more more thing: the United States is one of the parties in the case, but your agency isn't.

So, what are you going to do? Are you going to:

A. Accept the invitation to appear as an expert witness

B. Reject the invitation to appear as an expert witness

         Ethics Training for Special Government Employees