Getting to Know VA OSDBU - Women Mean Business
Time: |
12:00 PM- 1:30 PM (EST) |
| Getting to Know VA OSDBU - Women Mean Business
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) invites you to our upcoming panel discussion titled “Getting to Know OSDBU - Women Mean Business,” celebrating and enabling the success of Women Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (WVOSB) in Government contracting webinar on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at noon (ET).
This event will include a panel of OSDBU leadership focusing on available resources at OSDBU to include helpful guidance from acquisition professionals. In addition, presenters will share best practices and key strategies for small businesses seeking to do business with VA and, more broadly, in the Federal marketplace. The event will conclude with a panel discussion followed by an audience Q&A. This event will allow participants to obtain first-hand knowledge from VA OSDBU subject matter experts and an opportunity to speak with OSDBU representatives directly.
Participants will be encouraged to share their stories, network, and collaborate. Engagement with women entrepreneurs can help VA reach the mandated five percent WOSB contracting goal.
Through the Eyes of an SBL : Perspective and Preparation needed for Doing Business with VA
Time: |
2:00 PM- 3:00 PM (EST) |
| Through the Eyes of an SBL : Perspective and Preparation needed for Doing Business with VA
The VA Network Small Business Liaisons (SBLs) are small business advisors located at each Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs). They assist Veteran-owned and other small businesses on doing business with VA as well as provide advice on potential procurement opportunities.
Join us as Network Contracting Office (NCO) 19 SBL, Tamanica Danford-Leaf, discusses her role as an SBL, some priorities/ needs in VISN 19, and the contracting vehicles and methods entrepreneurs will see. Also, during this session, a VA Contracting Officer (CO) for construction projects will cover things to consider when bidding, managing large scale projects, and managing subcontractors. Small businesses with the NAICS code (236, 237, 238, and other specialties in construction) are encouraged to attend.
This training is ideal for small businesses interested in doing business with VA. It's intended to provide strategies, business best practices, and resources for a small business to use. This small business development training does not guarantee a contract or award from the VA.