DoD Facilities Participating In Sharing with VA

The purpose of the VA / DOD Health Care Resources Sharing Program is to provide benefit to both VA and DoD beneficiaries by encouraging the cost-effective use of Federal health care resources and by minimizing the duplication and underuse of such resources.
The sharing of health care resources, and the VA / DOD Health Care Resources Sharing Guidelines are not intended to interfere with either existing VA / DOD (HA) policies, or with the practices for the delivery of health care resources/services to the recipient beneficiaries of the Departments.
Resource Sharing Agreements should only be implemented when a VA or DoD medical treatment facility has excess resources and/or services that are not being fully utilized.
Resource Sharing Agreements which entail greater resource capacity than ordinarily necessary, require VHA/VA and/or DOD (HA) approval.
Legal Authority
The legal authority for the creation of the VA / DOD Health Care Resources Sharing Program is “The VA / DOD Health Resources and Emergency Operations Act” (enacted on May 4, 1982, as Public Law 97-174. This Act is codified as Title 38 United States Code (USC) Section 5011 (now Section 8111)). “Enhanced Authority” is also found in Public Law 102-585, as amended on November 4, 1992.
How to Complete a VA/DoD Sharing Agreement