HEC Coordination Office
Key Functions
- Joint Executive Committee (JEC)
- Health Executive Committee (HEC)
- JEC Annual Report to Congress
- VA/DoD Joint Strategic Plan (JSP)
The VA/DoD HEC Coordination Office, in collaboration with the DoD/VA Program Coordination Office (DVPCO), coordinates HEC meetings and supports the flow of information to the VA/DoD Joint Executive Committee (JEC).
The HEC Coordination Office staff coordinates HEC efforts with the Business Lines (BLs), Work Groups (WGs), Centers of Excellence (CoEs), and the James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center (JALFHCC) Advisory Board. The HEC is organized into five BLs and the JALFHCC Advisory Board. In coordination with 25 subordinate WGs and CoEs, the BLs strives to improve mutual processes, eliminate redundancies, and streamline joint efforts between the Defense Health Agency (DHA) and VHA.
The HEC Coordination Office is responsible for the VA/DoD JEC Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) and the VA/DoD JEC Annual Report to Congress.
Functions and Activities
Provide the HEC input to the VA/DoD Joint Strategic Plan (JSP), which establishes JEC priorities, objectives, and milestone.Work closely with the Joint Executive Committee (JEC) to ensure VA/DoD strategic plans and actions are accomplished in a collaborative effort.
Coordinate all HEC related matters, to include all HEC meeting functions.
Develop the HEC agenda based on JEC deliverables, Co-Chair interests, emerging issues, and BL or WG requests; and coordinate any HEC agenda presentations or information papers listed on the agenda.
Analyze all HEC presentations and information papers to assure VHA and Department concerns are addressed and that conflicts are resolved.
Prepare OHA leadership and VHA senior leadership for meetings by providing comprehensive, point-focused pre-briefs.
Track assignments from HEC Co-Chairs, as well as ongoing issues.
Review and update the HEC, Business Line and Work Group charters as required.
Communicate, coordinate, and facilitate the work of HEC BLs and WGs including HEC presentations, identification of annual priorities, JSP objectives, and submissions for the JEC Annual Report to Congress.