Campus map
Use this information to navigate the facility or locate your care provider’s office. To print the map, download the file and print. This will provide the highest quality image.

Directions from the North
Take I-99 South to Altoona. Exit I-99 South at the Frankstown Road exit. At the light, cross over Frankstown Road onto Fairway Drive. The medical center entrance is 0.5 miles, on the left.
Directions from the South
Take I-99 North to Altoona. Exit I-99 at the Frankstown Road exit. Turn right onto Frankstown Road. At the first traffic light, turn right onto Fairway Drive. The medical center entrance is 0.5 miles, on the left.
Directions from the East
Take I-76 West (Pennsylvania Turnpike) to the Bedford Exit. Take I-99 North to Altoona. Exit I-99 North at the Frankstown Road exit. Turn right onto Frankstown Road. At the first traffic light, turn right onto Fairway Drive. The medical center entrance is 0.5 miles, on the left.
Directions from the West
Take Route 22 East to I-99 North toward Altoona. Exit I-99 North at the Frankstown Road exit. Turn right onto Frankstown Road. At the first traffic light, turn right onto Fairway Drive. The medical center entrance is 0.5 miles, on the left.
Free parking is available to all patients of the James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center.
All parking in the main lot is designated as Handicap parking.
A parking garage is located in the main parking lot, facing the front entrance of the Medical Center. Patients and visitors can park in the second floor parking lot which is off Fairway Drive.
Wheelchair availability: Altoona VA Medical Center has wheelchairs available upon arrival for patients who need them to access the building.