Robin E Jackson PhD
Medical Center Director
VA Augusta health care
Dr. Robin E. Jackson is the Executive Director of the VA Augusta Health Care System in Augusta, Georgia, a position he’s held since April 2018.
Dr. Jackson oversees a healthcare system with two hospital sites in Augusta and three outpatient clinics in Athens and Statesboro, Georgia, and in Aiken, South Carolina. VA Augusta employs more than 2,700 employees that serve about 50,000 Veterans each year across 36 counties in Eastern Georgia and Western South Carolina.
Dr. Jackson’s VA career began in 2010, with prior assignments including Deputy Network Director for VA Southeast Network (VISN 7), Assistant Director and Chief of Social Work Services at the Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia, and Interim Director for the Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System and the Atlanta VA Medical Center.
An Air Force and Afghanistan Veteran, his military assignments included Chief of Behavioral Medicine and Research for David Grant Medical Center's Family Medicine Residency Program at Travis Air Force Base in California, Chief of Behavioral Health at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, and Chief of Social Work Services at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.
Dr. Jackson earned his bachelor’s degree from Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu, his master's in social work from the University of Hawaii, Manoa, and his doctorate in organizational leadership and behavior with a specialization in government organizations from the University of Maryland ES, Princess Ann. He is also a member of the American College of Health Care Executives.