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VA Bedford Providers Lead the Way in Collaborative Co-Teaching Innovation

By Leanna Lynch, Public Affairs Officer

BEDFORD, Mass—Thirty-eight faculty and trainees from VA Bedford Healthcare System took part in the prestigious “Collaborative Co-Teaching: Engaging Learners across Health Care Professions” program, hosted by Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital on September 20.

This annual event, previously known as “Nurse-Doctor Co-Teaching,” brings together health professionals worldwide to foster interprofessional teaching and learning.

Dr. James Meisel, VA Bedford’s Associate Chief of Staff for Education, was among the notable speakers, delivering a presentation titled “How We Did It (So You Can, Too): The VA Bedford Healthcare System.” In his address, Dr. Meisel showcased VA Bedford’s pioneering approach to collaborative co-teaching, sharing a framework known as “gNoamie,” which emphasizes structured needs assessment and active teaching methods. He highlighted the benefits of this approach, stating, “This thing only works because, you know, ‘it takes a village’ to provide great interprofessional care to Veterans and other patients.”

VA Bedford’s participation extended beyond the keynote. Six additional staff members, including pharmacists, advanced practice nurses, and geriatricians, presented workshops on “Age-Friendly Prescribing: Less is More,” facilitated by Geriatrician Dr. Lionel Lim and Pharmacist Priscilla Kim, “Delirium: Diagnosis and Management”, facilitated by Dr. Sue Yie and APN Brittany Care,  and “Health Care Professional Well-Being: Protecting against Burnout,” facilitated by Dr. Nieves and APN Maria Gianan. To close out the day, Drs Meisel and Yani Nieves joined course directors in a panel discussion.  Their contributions underscored VA Bedford’s commitment to enhancing care through teamwork and innovation.

Dr. Nieves, VA Bedford’s Whole Health Director, and program lead emphasized the transformative potential of co-teaching. “Collaborating with others fulfills the social aspect of the Whole Health Circle of Health and helps us engage with each other, ultimately improving our health, well-being, and job satisfaction,” she said.

VA Bedford’s success in this domain has inspired HMS to expand its program’s scope for 2024, renaming it to align with VA Bedford’s inclusive vision. By integrating input from diverse health professionals, VA Bedford is setting a new standard for interprofessional education. This initiative exemplifies VA Bedford’s dedication to leading through collaboration and improving the quality of care for Veterans and communities worldwide.