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Alabama teen becomes first student with Autism in Summer Youth Program at Birmingham VA

Bryson Gause (right) poses with dad, Jelani Gause (left), in front of the Birmingham VA Clinic June 29, 2022. (Photo by Emily Smallwood, Public Affairs Specialist).

The Birmingham VA Health Care System offers more than world-class health care. Opportunities for service in support of others trace the medical center’s passageways daily.

For over 25 years, opportunities to inspire Alabama’s teenage community have opened doors that connect youth with Volunteering. For 2022, the Birmingham VA is proud to have Bryson Gause as the first teenage student with Autism to participate in the Summer Youth Volunteer Program. 

About Bryson

Bryson is an extraordinary teenager with Autism who attends Midfield High School in Birmingham, Alabama. Bryson enjoys playing piano, running track, playing video games, and even has his own YouTube Channel.

This past April, Bryson was the Youth Ambassador for the first annual Autism Acceptance Walk in his hometown, where he spoke at the event and led the parade. Before the walk, he also appeared on the local television channel ABC 33/40’s Talk of Alabama with host Stoney Sharp where he shared his experience with Autism, hoping to “garner support and raise understanding of people with Autism.”

“I don’t think of Autism as a disorder,” said Bryson, as he explained that he just has a “different way of learning,” a perspective strengthened by his parents, who encourage him always to do his best.

Summer Youth Volunteer Program

Bryson applied for the Birmingham VA’s Summer Youth Program and was selected to pilot the program that offers opportunities for teenagers to succeed, provide a worthwhile service, and find fulfillment. The volunteer program was recently re-opened after being canceled last year due to COVID-19 restrictions but is now open to all high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors interested in the clinical and administrative medical fields that want to gain experience. 

This summer, Bryson is working in the Birmingham VA Medical Center’s Red Clinic and throughout the hospital with seasoned Red Coat Ambassadors who welcome patients and caregivers to the VA, answer questions, give guidance, and screen for COVID. When Bryson applied for the program, he stated that it would be an honor to help and serve Veterans as his grandfather served in the Air Force.

“Since Veterans gave so much for this country, I want to show that I’m grateful and put a smile on their faces,” said Bryson.

Future of the Program

Charmel Taylor, Chief of the Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE), said her vision for this addition to the program is that other parents of qualified children who are differently abled will be encouraged to have their children participate. She explained that these opportunities could lead to future employment because there are exceptions to the traditional competitive hiring process where differently-abled people may apply and be hired for various positions.

"Bryson is an outstanding young man with a bright future ahead of him,” said Dr. Oladipo Kukoyi, BVAHCS Executive Director. “Today’s youth have endless potential, and this program not only benefits our student volunteers but also our employees. I always challenge our leadership teams to find ways to engage employees and this initiative has exceeded those expectations.”

Employee Engagement

Taylor’s idea is that employees with special needs children in the program will invest themselves even more deeply in their work and service to Veterans. In contrast, their children will be nurtured, taught, and supported in their workplace.

While Bryson participates in this program, his father, Jelani Gause, works just down the street from the Medical Center at the Birmingham VA Clinic as a Medical Support Assistant.

“You could say working in the medical field is a family legacy,” said Bryson, following in the footsteps of his grandmother and father, who worked and currently work in the VA, and his mother, who is a nurse.

Within the VA, he is given a place to grow and develop his skills while giving visitors a chance to benefit from his bright personality and, for his father, a personal reason to feel supported within the VA. Engaged employees mean better service to Veterans, which is why we are here.