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Central Alabama VA Director Receives Distinguished Service Award from ACHE

Distinguished Service Award
Alabama Regent for ACHE, Robert Leech (right), honors Amir Farooqi, Director/CEO of the Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System, with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Recognition Program Distinguished Service Award.

Director/CEO of the Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System (CAVHCS), Amir Farooqi, was honored with the esteemed American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Recognition Program Distinguished Service Award on November 28.

The ceremony, held at the Montgomery VA Campus, featured the Alabama Regent for ACHE, Robert Leech, presenting the accolade on behalf of the national organization.

"This award recognizes Amir's work with the American College of Healthcare Executives for the past several years. It's in recognition of his committee work. It's recognition of his being president of ACHE of Alabama during the 2022 year. All the great work and great contributions he made toward ACHE and its continued development here in Alabama," Leech said.

Farooqi, reflecting on his journey, highlighted the profound impact that ACHE has had on his career evolution, spanning his early days as a graduate school student member to his current standing as a seasoned professional and certified healthcare executive/fellow.

Expressing his gratitude, Farooqi emphasized the enduring friendships and invaluable insights cultivated at every stage of his association with ACHE. He conveyed profound honor in receiving recognition from an organization that significantly influenced his personal and professional growth.