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Mobility device repair services available for Veterans enrolled in VA health care

Contact information for Scootaround mobility device repair services.
Contact information to schedule mobility device repair services.
By DeAnn Aparicio, Public Affairs Officer

Do you need repairs for a VA-issued custom wheelchair, manual wheelchair, powerchair, or scooter?

VA partnered with Scootaround, a leading provider of mobility solutions, to provide a single point of contact for the repair of VA-issued wheelchairs, powerchairs, and scooters. 

Call 1-888-583-8387 (VETS) 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, 
or submit a request online 24/7 at

If mobility devices are on a Veteran’s patient records, they are eligible for repairs. Scootaround will contact you directly to schedule repairs. 

Submit a request today and move forward with confidence!