Mental Illness Research and Treatment Psychology Fellowship Program (MIRECC)
The MIRECC Psychology Fellowship Program at the Charleston VAMC supports the professional development of research-focused psychologists to become clinical investigators in innovative approaches to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its comorbidities.
Over the course of the two-year program, fellows receive intensive mentoring and didactics in clinical research competencies such as grant writing, research design, and ethics while receiving supervised clinical training in cutting-edge treatments and programs. The Charleston VAMC’s Advanced Fellowship Program is affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).
The fellows’ 40-hour work week is comprised of approximately 10-15 hours/week in supervised, direct service delivery, 25-30 hours/week in clinical research activities, and 4 hours/week of didactics (including 2 hours of face-to-face, individual supervision from a licensed psychologist for clinical and research activities). In addition, up to 5 hours/week of administrative experiences may be offered to support the fellow’s professional growth and individual goals. In collaboration with research mentors, fellows are expected to develop and implement a research pilot project, publish and present findings, and utilize the latest technology for educational activities and clinical service delivery. The application for independent federal grant funding by fellows is strongly encouraged (e.g., VA Career Development Award).
Application Deadline:
Applications are accepted up until November 1st at 11:59pm
Program Co-Directors:

Daniel Gros PHD
Co-Director, Mental Illness Research and Treatment Psychology Fellowship Program Research Health Scientist, Ralph H. Johnson VA Healthcare System Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina
VA Charleston health care

Associate Director, HEROIC COIN Senior Psychology Scholar, VA Quality Scholars Fellowship Co-Director, Mental Illness Research and Treatment Psychology Fellowship Program (MIRECC) Licensed Clinical Psychologist Research Health Scientist, Ralph H. Johnson VA Healthcare System Associate Professor, Medical University of South Carolina VA Charleston Healthcare
VA Charleston health care
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