Mental Health
For Providers
For Nurses
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Department of Veterans Affairs
- Essential Skills and Strategies for Nurse Led Group Facilitation - ONLY AVAILABLE IF YOU HAVE VA FIREWALL ACCESS
- Mental Health Environment of Care Checklist (MHEOCC)
- Postvention 101 Podcast
- Suicide Risk Identification and Management SharePoint Site - ONLY AVAILABLE IF YOU HAVE VA FIREWALL ACCESS
- ONS Psychiatric - Mental Health Nursing Orientation Guide
- RN Guide for Psych-Educational Groups
- Therapeutic Communication Application: Build Engagement and Trust
- Emergency Medicine Therapy Collaborative Clinical Strong Practice
- Lethal Means Safety Training - MUST LOG IN THROUGH VA TMS TO ACCESS
- Therapeutic Communication and Patient Engagement
- Safety and Environment of Care
- Communication
- Patient-Centered Care
- Psychiatric Nursing Assessment
- Common Mental Health Dx
- Psychopharmacology
- Mental Health One Pagers for COVID-19 Topics
Bipolar Disorder and the Coronavirus Pandemic
Maintaining and Promoting Brain Health and Wellness
Managing Depression Durinig the Coronavirus Pandemic
Managing Schizophrenia During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Managing Substance Use During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Resources to Support Military Sexual Trauma Survivors
Smoking and the Coronavirus Pandemic
Suicide Prevention During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Geriatric Late Life Depression (Must use Chrome(
Department of Veterans Affairs - SimLEARN
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