Clinical Crisis Skills Training for Wards
For Providers
For Nurses
Click to access for credit in ICT
Click to access for credit in TMS
New England Journal of Medicine
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN):
Department of Veterans Affairs
- 12 Lead EKG Interpretation
- EKG Interpretation and Response (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- EKG Interpretation and Response: Anatomy of the Heart (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- EKG Interpretation and Response: Ventricular Dysrhythmias (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- EKG Interpretation and Response: Sinus Dysrhythmias (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Ventricular Dysrhythmia (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Commonly Used IV Cardiac Medications for Adults Pocket Reference Card
- Dysrhythmias Recognition Pocket Reference Card
Practical Clinical Skills
- 12 Lead EKG Interpretation
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN):
New England Journal of Medicine
Department of Veterans Affairs
- Medication and Treatment Considerations of Older Adults
- Physical and Mental Assessment of the Older Adult
- Safety of the Older Adult
- MedSurg Serious Educational Gaming
- Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation
Part 1 - The Cultural Transformation of Healthcare
Part 2 - How Did We Get Here
Part 3 - What Does Our Cultural Transformation Look Like
Part 4 - Patient Engagement - Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (SPHM) for Direct Care Providers
- Safe Patient Handling and Mobility for VA Employees
- What is Culture Transformation?
- Cultural and Age Specific Competence
- VISN 16: Collaborative Safety Planning for Older Adults
- Transport of the Infectious Patient within the Healthcare Facility Checklist
- Transport of the Infectious Patient within the Healthcare Facility Cognitive Aid
- Medication Interruptions - Didactic
- Medication Interruptions - Scenario
- Medication Administration: Metered-Dose Inhalers (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Handling and Moving Patients Safely (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Proning an ARDS Patient
Age-Friendly Health Systems
Anatomy TV
The Center for Aging Research and Education
Clinical Key
- Implementation of a Nurse-Driving Cauti Prevention Algorithm
- Postoperative Care
- Caring for the Veteran, Military and Family Member Nursing Competencies
Department of Health and Human Services
Institute for Safe Medication Practice
- Medical Abbreviations That Have Contradictory or Ambiguous Meanings
- Start the New Year Off Right by Preventing These Top 10 Medication Errors and Hazards
The Joint Commission
McMaster University
National Institutes of Health
- Team Based Models fo rEnd of Life Care: An Evidenced-Based Analysis
- Ten Principles of Good Interdisciplinary Team Work
Point of Care Elsevier
- Ostomy Pouching: Colostomy or Ileostomy INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Nasogastric Tube: Insertion, Irrigation and Removal INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Feeding Tube: Small bore Insertion, Care and Removal INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Urinary Catheter: Condom INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Urinary Catheter: Suprapubic Catheter Care INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Urinary Catheter: Indwelling (Foley) Catheter Care INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Urinary Catheter: Straight and Indwelling (Foley) Catheter Insertion anf specimen collection (Male) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Urinary Catheter: Straight and Indwelling (Foley) Catheter Insertion anf specimen collection (Female) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Wound Exudate Management: Pouches and Drains INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
Portal of Geriatrics Online Education
- The Geriatric Patient with Dementia in Long Term Care: Assessing and Managing Behavioral Disturbances
- Cognative and Behavioral Disorders (CBD) Assessment Tool Kit
- Assessing and Managing Swallowing Issues: An Interprofessional Approach
- GeriPod: Management of Behavior Problems Associated with Progressive Dementia
- The Skin Show: Aging Dermatology and Disease
- Geriatric Functional Assessment - Balance Tests
- Geriatric Functional Assessment - Gait (1)
- Geriatric Functional Assessment - Gait (2)
- Your Role in Delirium Detection and Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach
- End of Life Care 1: End of Life Overview
- End of Life Care 2: Effective Communication in End of Life Care: General Principles
- Elder Care a Resource for Interprofessional Providers: Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Perceptions in End of Life Issues
- Elder Care A Resource for Interprofessional Providers: Differentiating Palliative Care and Hospice Care
- Hospice and Pain Management
University of Leicester
University of Toronto
- Quick ICU Training - University of Toronto has the most experience with severe SARS, and has produced these excellent videos.
Vanderbilt University
- Medication and Treatment Considerations of Older Adults
Department of Veterans Affairs
- COVID-19: Prone Positioning for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARD):
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN):
Journal of the Intensive Care Society
- COVID-19: Prone Positioning for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARD):
Point of Contact Elsevier
- Suicide Assessment and Precautions INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Suicide Assessment and Precautions INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
Department of Veterans Affairs - SimLEARN
- Telehealth Cleaning Materials & Factsheet
Be Fast 911 (mp4)
Cleaning of Telestroke Equipment - COVID19 Considerations
Protected Stroke Code Special Report
Stroke and COVID19 Fact Sheet - Sexuality and Intimacy After Disability
- Interdisciplinary Approach to Optimize Resources in Assistive Technology
- VA / DoD CPG for Management of Concussion / Mild TBI Summary Guide
- Managing the Agitated Brain Injury Patient's Behavior in a Rehab Setting
- Oxygenation in Rehab
- CSP Caregiving During COVID-19 Tips
- Delirium
Acute and Post Acute Care for COIVD Related Delirium
Altered Mental Status (Delirium) in COVID-19 Cognitive Aid
Understanding Delirium
Osmosis (YouTube) Delirium-causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, & pathology
- Airway Care: Tracheostomy Care, Tube Change, and Artificial Airway Cuff Management (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Meeting Oxygenation, Fluid and Electrolyte Needs (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Pain Management: Physical and Cognitive Treatment, and Treatment for Special Populations (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Pain Management: The Pain Process, Patient Assessment, Pharmacological Treatment, & Classification of Pain (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Infection Control in Healthcare: Precautions (w/Video) (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- The Control of Infectious Diseases (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- The Human Immune System: Overview of Anatomy and Function (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- The Human Immune System: The Immune Response (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- The Human Immune System: When It Turns Against the Body (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Pandemic Influenza: The Role of Healthcare Workers (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Pandemic Influenza: The Role of Healthcare Workers Part 1: History and Virology of Pandemic Influenza (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Pandemic Influenza: The Role of Healthcare Workers Part 2: Recognizing Influenza, Treatments, and Patient Education (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Pandemic Influenza: The Role of Healthcare Workers Part 3: Infection Control and Public Health Measures (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Psychotropic Medications: Antianxiety Agents (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Psychotropic Medications: Antidepressant Agents (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Psychotropic Medications: Antipsychotic Agents (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Psychotropic Medications: Mood Stabilizing Agents (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- The Confused Resident: Strategies for Quality Care (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Communications: Nurse-Patient Relationship (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Communications: Peer Relationships (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- SARS and Other Emerging Diseases (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Anti-Infective Medication Therapy: Antifungal and Antiviral Agents (w/Video) (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Anti-Infective Medication Therapy: Assessment of an Infection (w/Video) (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Anti-Infective Medication Therapy: Assessment of an Infection and Nursing Implications (w/Video) (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
Veterans Affairs (VA) Intranet Office of Geriatrics and Extended Care (GEC) (internal to VA use only)
VA SharePoint(internal to VA use only)
Washington VAMC
Academy of Acute Care Physical Therapy
American Delirium Society
American Heart Association
Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information & Exchange
Chinese Medical Journal
Clinical Key
- Disability - Level of Consciousness
- Caring for the Veteran, military and family member nursing competencies: Strategies for integrating content into nursing school curricula
- Depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem: recognition and management (CG91)
Critical Illness, Brain Dysfunction, and Survivorship (CIBS) Center
The Gerontological Society of America
The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing
The John A. Hartford Foundation
John Hopkins Medicine
The Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting
Medline Plus
National Institutes of Health
- Stroke Scale
- Delirium Screening and Management in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
- The Neuropathic Pain: An Overview of the Current Treatment and Future Therapeutic Approaches
- Geriatric Syndromes: Clinical Research and Policy Implications of a Core Geriatric Concept
Nurses Improving Care for Health System Elders (NICHE)
Nursing 2020
Professional Care Management
SAGE Journals
Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation
Wiley Online Library
- Telehealth Cleaning Materials & Factsheet
Department of Veterans Affairs - SimLEARN
Clinical Key
Hormone Health Network
Point of Care Elsevier
- Blood Glucose Monitoring INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Blood Glucose Monitoring INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
Department of Veterans Affairs
- PPE and Respiratory Protection While Caring for COVID-19 Patients:
CSP Masks in Health Care Setting PDF
Sequence for Putting on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE PDF)
Competency Checklist for COVID19 PPE (N95 FACEMASK) DOCX
Competency Checklist for COVID19 PPE (PAPR) DOCX
VHA COVID19 PPE Guidance (V19 05272020) PDF
- Donning & Doffing Interactive Avatar Training (must use Google Chrome browser)
- Donning & Doffing Powered Air Purifying Respirator - PAPR (must use Google Chrome browser)
- PPE and Respiratory Protection While Caring for COVID-19 Patients:
Department of Veterans Affairs
New England Journal of Medicine
Department of Veterans Affairs
- Basic Oxygen Administration (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Nasal Cannula or Oxygen Mask Application (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Oxygen Therapy and Oxygen Delivery (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)
My American Nurse
Pulmonary Education and Research Foundation
- Basic Oxygen Administration (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
Department of Veterans Affairs
American Heart Association (AHA)
Garden City Hospital
- AutoPulse Competency Checklist (Individual)
- AutoPulse Script for New Deployment Training
- LUCAS 2 Chest Compression Instructor Guidebook
- LUCAS 2 Chest Compression System Cognitive Aid
- LUCAS 2 Chest Compression System Performance Evaluation
- LUCAS 3 Chest Compression System Instructor Guidebook
- LUCAS 3 Chest Compression System Cognitive Aid
- LUCAS 3 Chest Compression System Performance Evaluation
NCBI Cureus
Zoll AutoPulse
- AutoPulse Competency Checklist (Individual)
Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs - Health Prevention
Department of Veterans Affairs - PTSD
Department of Veterans Affairs - Veterans Health Library
Department of Veterans Affairs - SimLEARN
- Wound Care - Didactic
- Wound Care - Scenario
- Pressure Ulcer prevention (NFED) INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
- Pressure Injury: Risk Assessment and Prevention INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
Point of Care Elsevier
- Pressure Injury: Risk Assessment and Prevention INTERNAL TO VA USE ONLY
Wiley Online University
- Wound Care - Didactic
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