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Veterans may be impacted by Non-VA construction near the CLAYTON CLINIC. Construction may be blocking the entrance off of Hwy US 70 business.  Clinic may be accessed from the rear entrance off Atkinson St and S. Moore Street (S. Moore St can be accessed from US70 business at the traffic light).

Returning service member care

VA Durham health care provides health care and other benefits to the newest Veterans returning from service, even if you are still on active duty or an activated member of the National Guard or Reserve. Talk to a care coordinator about making use of your health care benefits.

Connect with a care coordinator

Susan Watkins MSW, CSW

Returning Service Members Program Manager

VA Durham health care



Shelton Faircloth

Transition Patient Advocate

VA Durham health care



Care we provide at VA Durham

We can help you access service and benefit programs tailored to the needs of returning service members, including:

  • Polytrauma care
  • Rehabilitation
  • Mental health care
  • Counseling
  • Family benefits counseling
  • Referral assistance

Vet Centers

Vet Centers are counseling centers that help Veterans readjust after deployment. The Vet Center nearest to Durham is in Raleigh. It provides counseling for individuals, groups, married couples, and families. They also provide guidance and referrals for other VA and community resources.

Learn more about Vet Centers