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Toxic Exposure Screenings

As part of implementing the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act, signed into law in August 2022, VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System (ECHCS) is screening Veterans for exposures.

VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System Toxic Exposure Screenings

Speak with your provider about your concerns. Identifying and documenting toxic exposures in your medical record will enable exposure-informed care, which may help you benefit from early diagnoses and treatments. You may also receive connections and information about related benefits, registry exams and clinical resources.

VA ECHCS offers Veterans walk-in toxic exposure screenings Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., in Colorado Springs.

  • PFC Floyd K Lindstrom VA Clinic
    3141 Centennial Boulevard
    Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Veterans enrolled in VA ECHCS may also request an initial screening by phone. Send a message in MyHealtheVet or leave a voicemail at .

For more information on how to apply for VA health care, including the documents needed to determine eligibility, visit

During an initial screening, Veterans are asked if they believe they experienced toxic exposures while serving in the Armed Forces. The screening will not provide legal or medical verification of an exposure or contribute to VA’s environmental health registries. It also does not play a role in determining disability compensation.