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Find a VA accredited representative or VSO

An accredited attorney, claims agent, or Veterans Service Organization (VSO) representative can help you file a claim or request a decision review. Use our search tool to find one of these types of accredited representatives to help you.

Note: You’ll need to contact the accredited representative you’d like to appoint to make sure they’re available to help you.

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Search for an accredited representative

An accredited Veterans Service Organization (VSO) representative can help you gather evidence, file a claim, or request a decision review. They can also communicate with VA on your behalf.

Accredited VSO representatives provide free services for Veterans and their families. They have completed training and passed tests about VA claims and decision reviews.

Accredited VSO representatives work for organizations like the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, and Veterans of Foreign Wars.

An accredited attorney usually works on decision reviews and cases that require legal knowledge. They can charge fees for their services.

Accredited attorneys don’t have to take a test about VA claims and decision reviews. But they have to be members in good standing of the bar association.

An accredited claims agent usually works on decision reviews. They can charge fees for their services.

Accredited claims agents don’t work for Veterans Service Organizations. But they have completed training and passed tests about VA claims and decision reviews.

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