The meeting on November 19th was held at the VA Medical Center in Baltimore. The day began with a presentation on Veterans Service Organizations, followed by the Maryland Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Mr. Wilbert Forbes, discussing Maryland's veterans' outreach programs. The Committee also heard from Dr. Melissa McDiarmid on VA's Depleted Uranium Health Surveillance Program.
The second day of the meeting was held in Washington, D.C. where the Committee received a summary of the Gulf War Research Advisory Committee's recently published report. The Committee also heard from Dr. Antonette Zeiss on Women's Mental Health and Dr. Han Kang about his extensive Gulf War research.
Maryland Veteran Outreach - Mr. Wilbert Forbes
Veterans Service Organizations - Mr. Randy Reese
Depleted Uranium Health Surveillance Program - Dr. Melissa McDiarmid
Gulf War Research Advisory Committee Report - Dr. Lea Steele
Women's Mental Health - Dr. Antonette Zeiss
Abstracts from Dr. Kang's Research - Dr Han Kang
Gulf War Research - Dr. Han Kang