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How to save COVID Vaccine data on a phone or safely in your wallet

CDC Blank Vaccination Card

Beginning January 3, 2022, Chicago and suburban Cook County will require proof of completed COVID-19 vaccination to visit restaurants, bars, gyms, and entertainment venues that serve food or drink.

Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital has administered thousands COVID-19 vaccines throughout the pandemic, and vaccinated Veterans often ask, "how can I safely keep my COVID-19 vaccine information with me?" 

Carrying an original CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card is not recommended, as the card can become lost or damaged. While replacements are available, it can take time. Below are helpful ways for Veterans to keep their records safe and easily accessible.

Take a picture using your smartphone

Veterans looking for a quick and easy way to store a vaccination record can snap a photo with a smartphone. Avoid scrolling through dozens of miscellaneous photos by saving the vaccination record in a separate folder, email or a note-taking app that offers quick access.

To store your photo in iPhone's Notes app:

  • Ensure your iPhone is running the most current operating system.
  • Tap the boxed upward arrow icon in the lower-left corner of the vaccination record photo.
  • A pop-up menu will appear at the bottom half of the screen. Swipe forward through available apps and select the Notes app.
  • Select a folder in the Save To section or leave the default "new note."
  • In the description section, type "COVID-19 Vaccination Record" or something easily identifiable (This will be note's title).

To store a photo using Android's Google Keep notes app:

  • Ensure your Android phone is running the most current operating system.
  • At the bottom of the Keep app, select "add image."
  • Choose the photo of your vaccination record card.
  • Label the note COVID-19 Vaccination Record or something easily identifiable.

Make a photocopy

Don't have a smartphone or prefer a physical version? Veterans can photocopy their vaccination cards to store in their wallets or purses. 

Veterans can laminate the photocopied, but it may make folding the copy difficult and not easily stored. Do not reduce or enlarge the photocopied records. 

If possible, avoid secondary infection by safely discarding a photocopied paper vaccination record if handled by others.

Using VA's My HealtheVet

My HealtheVet is an online portal allowing VA health care system users to make appointments, refill prescriptions and check medical records.

Veterans searching for COVID-19 Vaccination records should register for a Premium My HealtheVet account. Learn more by visiting My HealtheVet's step-by-step guide.

To access COVID-19 vaccination records with a Premium Account, click on Health Records. Then select VA Blue Button Report or VA Health Summary. Details for either selection are outlined below.

For VA Blue Button: 

  • Select a date range that includes vaccination.
  • For the type of information, select VA Immunizations.
  • The report will list each COVID-19 vaccine dose separately.
  • After submitting a request, Veterans will receive links to a PDF report and a plain text version for download

For VA Health Summary: 

  • Select Immunizations.
  • After submitting a request, Veterans will receive links to a PDF and an XML file to download. Each file contains a list of immunizations.

These downloaded reports can be saved on a smartphone the same way as a vaccine card photo or shared with some third-party mobile apps.

Call 708-202-5633 to speak to a Hines VA representative about My HealtheVet.

Sharing records with third-party apps

With a My HealtheVet Premium account, Veterans can share VA health records to third-party health apps by following these steps:

  • Open the third-party app, such as Apple Health for iPhone or CommonHealth for Android devices.
  • Follow the app prompts to connect the VA account and sign in.
  • Veterans can sign in with their preferred account: My HealtheVetDS Logon, or
  • Review the information the app is requesting to access. If comfortable, click allow access. 

Veterans should ensure third-party apps are safe and reputable. VA does not endorse any app outside its selection of mobile applications

Vaccinated outside of VA?

Adult Illinois residents vaccinated outside of the Veterans Affairs health care system can search their vaccination records using the Illinois Department of Public Health's Vax Verify. Cook County residents can also call 708-633-4000 for more information. 

Veterans are encouraged to share their vaccination information with their Hines VA primary care team to ensure current medical records. Veterans can also send a photo of their vaccine card by using My HealtheVet's Secure Message.

Traveling outside the Chicago area?

COVID-19 requirements vary across Illinois and the United States. While some parts of the U.S. allow digital proof of COVID vaccination, other parts forbid it or require a specific type. Veterans should check local rules for COVID-19 vaccination and social distancing when traveling.

Need a COVID-19 Vaccine or Booster? 

Veterans wishing to become COVID-19 vaccinated or receive a booster can call 708-202-7000 to schedule an appointment at its main hospital or six outpatient clinics. 

Hines VA Hospital also offers Rideshare services for COVID vaccine appointments. All Veterans are eligible to use Rideshare to receive their vaccine or booster. Call 708-202-7000 to request this service.

Continue to check and Hines VA's Facebook page for new information.