Homeless Veterans Outreach Tools – Multimedia - VA Homeless Programs
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VA Homeless Programs


Homeless Veterans Outreach Tools – Multimedia

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VA COVID-19 Assistance PSA

link to VA Assistance for Veterans during the COVID-19 Pandemic on YouTube

This PSA shares how the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can help Veterans and their family members who are experiencing challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Success Stories PSA

link to Success Stories PSA on YouTube

Success Stories: See how a call to 877-4AID-VET helped three Veterans overcome homelessness and get their lives back on track.

Memory Lane: Mickiela PSA

link to Memory Lane PSA on YouTube

Memory Lane: Learn how VA helped Mickiela's real-life journey from homelessness to having safe, stable housing.

I Never Thought

link to I Never Thought on YouTube

Ending Veterans homelessness: Here’s how you can help

Housing PSA

link toHousing PSA on Vimeo

VA partnered with ABC and Grey’s Anatomy to create this national PSA, explaining how landlords and property managers can help in the effort to end Veteran homelessness.

web videos Web Videos

Veterans Re-entry Search
Service (VRSS)

link to Veterans Re-entry Search Service (VRSS)

VRSS is a VA-supported tool that supports partnerships between criminal justice organizations and VA. It alerts VA staff to Veterans in a particular population so they can provide them with important services to support their re-entry.

From Homeless to Housed: Stories From Native American Veterans Assisted Through VA

link to From Homeless to Housed: Stories From Native American Veterans Assisted Through VA Video on YouTube

Hear the inspiring stories of Native American Veterans in Oklahoma who overcame homelessness after accessing services through VA’s homeless programs.

Homelessness among Veterans: Risk Factor Profiles and VA’s Tailored Interventions

link to Status Query and Response Exchange System (SQUARES) Video on YouTube

This video explores the risk factors that increase the likelihood that a Veteran will experience homelessness and shares information about available VA homeless prevention, rapid rehousing, and wraparound supportive services to help vulnerable Veterans achieve housing stability.

Status Query and Response Exchange System (SQUARES)

link to Status Query and Response Exchange System (SQUARES) Video on YouTube

SQUARES is a VA web application that provides VA employees and external homeless service organizations with reliable, detailed information about Veteran eligibility.

HUD-VASH: Providing Safe Housing, Quality Health Care for Veterans

link to HUD-VASH: Providing Safe Housing, Quality Health Care for Veterans Video on YouTube

HUD VASH helps Veterans who are homeless and their families find and sustain permanent housing.

Federal Eviction Moratorium: Resources for Veterans Experiencing Housing Instability

link to Federal Eviction Moratorium: Resources for Veterans Experiencing Housing Instability Video on YouTube

Eviction, homeless, and foreclosure prevention resources.

Enhanced Use Lease Video

link to EUL Video on YouTube

How one VA program is transforming unused spaces into housing for homeless Veterans.

Chris Gardner: Advocate

Chris Gardner Video: U.S. Veterans Should Never be Homeless

Chris Gardner Video: U.S. Veterans Should Never be Homeless.

Maine Veteran Success Story

Older Veteran Housed: Success Story

Thanks to VA, community partners and the timely advice of a friend, Bill is no longer homeless.

Legal Professionals

link to Legal Professionals video on YouTube

Learn how Legal Professionals can make a difference by asking homeless individuals if they served in the military.

Social Workers

link to Social Workers video on YouTube

Learn how Social Workers can make a difference by asking homeless individuals if they served in the military.

First Responders

link to First Responder video on YouTube

Learn how First Responders can make a difference by asking homeless individuals if they served in the military.

Medical Professionals

link to Medical Professionals video on YouTube

Learn how Medical Professionals can make a difference by asking homeless individuals if they served in the military.

Shelter from the Storm

link to Shelter from the Storm video on YouTube

Face Behind the File: Shelter from the Storm

Pathways from Homelessness

link to Pathways to Homelessness video on YouTube

Programs administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Explore VA Videos: Mike

link to Explore VA Videos about Mike on YouTube

Mike turned his life around with VA programs for homeless Vets.

Explore VA Videos: Kenneth

link to Explore VA Videos about Kenneth on YouTube

Kenneth overcame homelessness with VA help.

Explore VA Videos: Kevin

link to Explore VA Videos about Kevin on YouTube

Kevin overcame homelessness with the help of VA employment services.

Partnering with VA

link to Partnering with VA on YouTube

Learn how community groups can make a difference in helping homeless Veterans get access to specific resources and services.


link to Tribal HUD-VASH on YouTube

Tribal HUD-VASH provides housing and supportive services for Native American Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Thomas Cousar’s 30-year Journey

link to Thomas Cousar’s 30-year Journey on YouTube

Learn about Thomas Cousar’s 30-year battle with unemployment and homelessness and how he sought help from VA to begin his life anew.

Data Strategy

link to Data Strategy on YouTube

VA staff and their community partners use and share data to find and serve Veterans who need homeless services to help them become and remain stably housed.

No Wrong Door

link toNo Wrong Door on YouTube

VA’s “no wrong door” approach means any door a Veteran comes to at VA leads to personnel and programs to offer the Veteran assistance.

How to Help Homeless Veterans

link to How to Help Homeless Veterans on YouTube

Learn how you can help Veterans who are at-risk or experiencing homelessness in your community.

Gender-Sensitive Homelessness Services that Address the Unique Needs of Women Veterans

link to Gender-Sensitive Homelessness Services that Address the Unique Needs of Women Veterans on YouTube

Learn about how VA services helped two women Veterans and their families out of homelessness.

ChooseVA – Homeless

link to ChooseVA - Homeless on YouTube

Learn about VA’s outreach to homeless Veterans and the programs, benefits, and services that help them access and remain in stable housing.

Preventing Suicide Among Justice Involved Veterans

link to Preventing Suicide among Justice-Involved Veterans
     on YouTube

Learn about the Veteran Justice Outreach (VJO) program and the resources and services it provides for justice-involved Veterans.

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Resources for Veterans and Families in Crisis: Preventing Suicide and Homelessness

link to Resources for Veterans and Families in Crisis: Preventing Suicide and Homelessness

Addressing PTSD and Homelessness Among Veterans

link to Addressing PTSD and Homelessness Among Veterans

Resources for Women Vets

link to Resources for Women Vets

Resources for Homeless and At-Risk Vets

link to Resources for Homeless and At-Risk Vets
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Make the Call

Dial 1-877-4AID-VET

Access VA’s services for homeless and at-risk Veterans, available 24/7.

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Chat Online

Homeless Veteran Chat

Confidential, 24/7 online support for Veterans and friends

Chat Now

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VA Medical Center
(VAMC) Locator

Locate Your Local
VA Medical Center Now

Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can call or visit their local VA Medical Center (VAMC) and ask for a Homeless Coordinator. Use the VA locator tool www.va.gov/directory to find your nearest VAMC and call or visit today.