Fisher House
The Houston Fisher House provides living suites, at no cost, to family members of hospitalized Veterans and military members.
About Fisher House
The VA Fisher House is a "home away from home" for families and patients receiving medical care within MEDVAMC. This facility is available free of charge to families of Veterans being treated for long-term illnesses.
MEDVAMC is the first VA to have three Fisher Houses. They each feature a common, fully stocked shared kitchen, spacious dining room, inviting living room, a family room, and laundry facilities. Fisher House I has 21 guest suites with private baths, and Fisher House II and III have 20 each. All rooms are equipped with a TV. Fisher House I also has a playroom for guests with children.

How do I make a reservation?
Referrals to the Fisher House are made through the patients treatment team. If you would like to make a reservation, please ask a clinician from your family members’ treatment team to submit a referral to the Fisher House staff. Requesting a reservation does not guarantee lodging. Lodging is dependent on eligibility and availability.
Who is Eligible to Stay?
The following are general criteria for staying at the Houston Fisher House:
- Housing is medically necessary for pre- or post-care.
- Guests must be medically stable and capable of self-care or be accompanied by a caregiver able to provide care.
- Guest must be required to travel more than 50 miles from the Veterans home to the VA.
- Can stay in an unsupervised setting.
- Have no communicable diseases.
Off site lodging for Veterans may be available. At the off-site lodging facility, mini-kitchens are available in the room. Transportation is available from the off-site facility during certain time periods.
- MEDVAMC is a smoke-free campus. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on campus, including in or around the Fisher House.
- Firearms and/or weapons, and alcohol and/or illicit drugs are not permitted.
- No food or drink items are permitted outside of the kitchen and dining rooms. You may not have food or beverages (other than water) in your room.
- Pets are not permitted. Only certified and trained service animals are allowed in the Fisher House and require prior approval.
- No additional guests are permitted in the rooms without prior approval.
If you need to contact us to confirm your reservation status at the Fisher House, call 713-794-8095 or toll-free 1-800-553-2278, ext. 228095.