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TeleChaplaincy is a VA Telehealth Program through which Veterans and their families can receive spiritual care via video consultations with a VA Chaplain through VA Video Connect. TeleChaplaincy was designed to make spiritual care available to a Veteran who is unable to commute to the VA Medical Center in Houston due to a disability, the lack of transportation, or because the Veteran lives too far.

How is a TeleChaplaincy consultation similar to a physical visit?

While TeleChaplaincy visits are not the same as face-to-face visits, Veterans can discuss their concerns with a Chaplain using video, using VA Video Connect, in the same manner they would converse with a Chaplain if they were physically in the same room. Any concern can be discussed, and services not immediately available may be arranged. Religious sacraments and rites may be available at a local place of worship. Literature and sacred texts can be requested.

TeleChaplaincy Services:

  • Help with post-deployment reintegration
  • Prayer
  • Spiritual crisis intervention
  • End of life planning
  • Grief Counseling
  • Bereavement support
  • Marriage counseling
  • Decision making
  • Read/discuss scripture
  • Connect Veterans with spiritual leaders of a particular faith group, if requested
  • Other guidance
  • Group Discussions: Finding Meaning Group: Veterans are invited to attend this group that discusses hope, meaning of life, courage, happiness, overcoming challenges, sources of consolation, forgiveness, loss and grief, inspirational stories, gratitude, finding a purpose, guilt, and more. Veterans must have a consult to attend the group. This is not a religious event. 

For more information, please contact your VA provider or call Chaplain Tammie Elfadili.

Tammie Elfadili, Houston VAMC Chaplain

Tammie Elfadili, D.Min., BCC

Mental Health Chaplain

VA Houston health care

