Free Flu Shots for Veterans

Houston VA and our community based outpatient clinics are offering free flu shots to enrolled Veterans. Getting a flu shot is a great way to protect yourself, your family and the community from the flu.
Veterans can get a flu shot at regularly scheduled appointments at any of our locations. You can also walk in to any of our Community Based Outpatient Clinics between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays to get a flu vaccine. Walk-in flu shots are available at the main Houston VA Medical Center on Wednesdays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the first floor close to the main lobby near our prime care clinics.
Eligible Veterans can also get a no-cost flu shot at retailers and pharmacies within their communities. Flu shots and other vaccines are available at many VA facilities or one of 70,000 community pharmacies and urgent care locations nationwide. Use our facility locator and call to learn when and where you can get a flu vaccine. Type in your zip code and choose a VA facility, pharmacy, or urgent care walk-in clinic near you.
If you go outside VA, let them know you're a Veteran enrolled in VA health care. For help with in-network community flu shots, call 877-881-7618 or your local VA facility. Learn more about no-cost flu shots.
Special Flu Shot and COVID Shot Events…One Visit, two Vaccines!
Houston VA will be holding two special vaccine clinics for Veterans interested in getting vaccinated for COVID at the same time you get a flu shot.
Drive Thru Clinics: Saturday 10/21 and Saturday 11/18
8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Main Houston VA Medical Center
Parking Lot N. Behind Fisher House
2002 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77030