Houston VA Community Living Center rated Five Stars for Quality

For the sixth consecutive year, the Houston VA Community Living Center (CLC) has been rated five-stars for quality by the Veterans Health Administration.
“We are very proud of this designation and our staff who ensure the highest quality of care is provided to their Veteran patients every day,” said Frank Vazquez, Medical Center Director. “The five-star rating is a testament to excellent teamwork, flexibility, and commitment to high-quality care.”
Our CLC is a place where Veterans can receive care in a home-like setting to meet their hospice/palliative, medical and skill nursing care needs. Its mission is to restore each Veteran to his or her highest level of well-being, community re-integration, prevent declines in health and comfort at the end of life.
VHA uses a comprehensive performance improvement tool called Strategic Analytics for Improvement and Learning (SAIL) that includes key metrics used by the private sector as well as additional metrics that are important for addressing access to care, quality of mental health care, employee perception about the organization, nursing turnover, efficiency, and capacity. VHA assesses overall quality in comparison to other VA medical centers using a star rating system from 1 to 5.
“The 5-star rating we have achieved over this time period is a testament to the quality of the staff who have dedicated their careers to providing outstanding care to the most vulnerable individuals in our VA,” said Dr. Aimee Garcia, Geriatrics and Extended Care Medical Director. “We will continue to promote excellence in serving our Veterans.”
“Maintaining at the highest rating for this length of time reflects our unwavering commitment to caring and serving our nation’s heroes and exemplifying HRO principles,” said Dr. Stephanie Sneed, Rehabilitation and Extended Care Line Executive. “The VA’s mission and values are truly personified here, and I am honored to work with such a dedicated group of professionals where excellence is the standard.”
Houston VA’s CLC is ranked in the top 10 of 135 VA operated CLC’s across the nation and has 141 beds including a palliative care unit. Veterans typically stay for a short time or, in rare instances, for the rest of their life.