Clothesline Project T-Shirt Design Workshops

The Clothesline Project is a program that began in 1990 from Cape Cod, MA, to address the issue of violence against women.
The Clothesline display at Veteran Health Indiana brings awareness of military sexual trauma, sexual assault/abuse, intimate partner, and other forms of interpersonal violence of all genders.
About 1 in 3 women and 1 in 50 men have told their VA healthcare provider that they experienced MST. Male Veterans account for a third for MST survivors, due to the greater numbers of men in the military. Transgender Veterans report MST 3 times more often than other Veterans.
To ‘break the silence’ that can often surround these experiences, Veterans will design shirts that reflect their experience of interpersonal violence and recovery. Shirts will then be hung side-by-side as a Clothesline display in the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center’s atrium during the Month of April 2024.
To be part of the Clothesline Project, Veterans and staff may design a shirt for the display at the following locations:
Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center
1481 W. 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202
Thursday, March 14- Healthy Living Classroom, from Noon to 2:30 p.m.
Brownsburg VA Clinic
557 Pt Rd. Brownsburg, IN 46112
Thursday, March 21, Conference Room, from Noon. to 4 p.m.
(Shirts and supplies provided at both locations)
MST can affect a person’s physical and mental health, even many years later. Recovery is possible and VA has free services available. Within the VA, we want to help break the silence about Military Sexual Trauma (MST) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
To find out more contact Veteran Health Indiana MST Coordinator, Jennifer Fox, LCSW at 317-988-3449, or Veteran Health IPVAP Coordinator, Liz Fry, LCSW at 317-988-9884