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If you need to reschedule your appointment, please call: 

  • Appointments in North Chicago: 800-393-0865
  • Mental health appointments: 224-610-3744
  • Appointments at outpatient clinics: Call the clinic where you scheduled the appointment

Learn more about how to prepare for various emergencies.

Suicide prevention

If you're thinking of hurting yourself—or you know someone who’s considering this—we can help. Our Lovell Federal health care suicide prevention coordinators can get you the support you need. They work with our behavioral health providers and community organizations to assist TRICARE beneficiaries who are managing emotional or mental health crises.

How do I talk to someone right now?

If you’re a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified Veterans Crisis Line responders for confidential help. Many of them are Veterans themselves. This service is private, free, and available 24/7.

To connect with a Veterans Crisis Line responder anytime day or night:

You can also:

  • Call 911.
  • Go to the nearest emergency room.
  • Go directly to your nearest VA medical center. It doesn’t matter what your discharge status is or if you’re enrolled in VA health care.
    Find your nearest VA medical center

Connect with a care coordinator

Our suicide prevention coordinators can help you get ongoing support, like counseling and other services. Coordinators are available during regular business hours.

Jacqueline Marolt

Suicide Prevention Coordinator

Lovell Federal health care


Jamie Chapman

Suicide Prevention Coordinator

Lovell Federal health care


Crisis Line 24/7

You're not alone—the Crisis Line is here for you. Access free, confidential support 24/7, 365 days a year. The Crisis Line serves service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and those who support them.

Dial 988 then press 1 or text 838255 or chat online

Overseas Europe: 844-702-5495

Overseas Pacific: 844-702-5493

Overseas Southwest Asia: 855-422-7719

The country code to reach the United States is required for each number and is dependent on the caller's location. Individuals calling from outside the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, or off of an installation will be responsible for long-distance international charges from their respective carriers, even if dialing a toll-free number.

Suicide prevention program

About the suicide prevention program

Lovell FHCC is working to make sure that veterans, service members and their loved ones are aware of the Veterans and Military Crisis Line. To reach as many people as possible, Lovell FHCC coordinates with community groups, Veterans Service Organizations, and local health care providers to get the word out that support is available whenever, if ever, they need it. Suicide is preventable.

In addition to discussions with your provider, the Suicide Prevention Program identifies and monitors individuals at high risk for suicide for at least 90 days. The Suicide Prevention Coordinators respond to consults made from the Veterans Crisis Line.

S.A.V.E training

This program also provides Operation S.A.V.E. training. S.A.V.E. stands for:

Signs of suicidal thinking:

  • Threatening or talking about hurting or killing oneself
  • Looking for ways to kill oneself by seeking access to firearms, available pills, or other means
  • Expressing feelings of hopelessness
  • Feeling rage or uncontrolled anger or seeking revenge
  • Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities
  • Increasing alcohol or drug abuse
  • Withdrawing from friends, family, and society
  • Feeling anxious or agitated

Ask the person directly if he or she is having suicidal thoughts/ideas or has a plan to do so and has access to lethal means.

  • “Are you thinking about killing yourself?”
  • “Do you think you might try to hurt yourself today?”

Validate the patient's experience.

  • Show the veteran/patient you are following what they are saying
  • Let them know their situation is serious
  • Let them know there is help

Encourage treatment and Expedite getting help.

  • Explain that there are trained professionals available to help
  • Explain that getting help for this kind of problem is no different than seeing a specialist for other medical problems

Services you may expect to receive include Operation S.A.V.E. Training, the development of an individualized Suicide Prevention Safety Plan, educational presentations and materials and case management services.


Any individual who is experiencing suicidal thoughts is assessed to determine the safest level of care. Those eligible for Suicide Prevention services may have made a suicide attempt; expressed suicidal ideations, required an alteration in their plan of care, such as hospitalization, or may be considered to be at increased risk by a member of their health care team.

How to access this service?

Call  or  to reach a Suicide Prevention Coordinator; request a consultation be sent to the Suicide Prevention Coordinators, or call the Veteran/Military Crisis Line: 988 and then press 1 for Veteran/Active Duty. 

If you are concerned about a veteran or active duty service member, reach out.  There is no wrong way to get a veteran or service member access to the care they need. Suicide Prevention Coordinators can assist. 

Gun safety

Gun safety is an important step in preventing suicide. Guns can be found in 34 percent of homes nationwide. For a veteran or active duty service member who is going through a tough time or an emotional crisis, a safely-stored firearm can mean the difference between a tragic outcome and a life saved. As a concerned loved one, friend, or clinician, you have the power to initiate a conversation about safely handling and storing firearms.  

More women than ever are taking on the responsibility of gun ownership. While it is true that women veterans are well-trained in the care and use of firearms as a result of military duty, it is critical to ensure that guns stored in the home are properly secured. By following these common-sense tips, parents and children can help prevent firearms accidents in the home.

Firearm storage

Firearm storage options include, but are not limited to:

  • Firearm locks (trigger or cable)
  • Firearm cases
  • Firearm safes

A firearm locking device is intended only to deter access to a firearm by unauthorized persons, particularly children. It is not intended to withstand forced entry by someone determined to defeat the lock by using tools or other aggressive means, and should be considered as only one element of a safe storage program for firearms.

Let Lovell FHCC help. We have gunlocks available, free of charge, no questions asked. Gun safety locks not only help protect the lives of veterans and active duty service members, but also their family members. Contact Lovell FHCC or your nearest VA Medical Center and get a free gun lock from your primary care team or the facility’s Suicide Prevention Coordinator.

Gun safety tips at home

  • Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
  • Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
  • Keep your fingers off the trigger. Don’t rely on your firearm’s “safety” device.
  • Keep the firearm unloaded when it is not in use.
  • Make sure that firearms kept for security reasons are fully controlled at all times.
  • Make sure that firearms are securely stored in a location inaccessible to children and other unauthorized persons.
  • Unload sporting firearms before they are brought into the home and never load them while in the home.
  • Immediately clean sporting firearms and place them in secure storage after they are returned from hunting or target shooting.
  • Carefully check and confirm that firearms are unloaded when they are removed from storage.
  • Store ammunition under lock and key, separately from firearms.
  • Read and understand the owner’s manual that came with the firearm.