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Veterans Finding Peace in the Outdoors

kayaking outdoor therapy

With the weather at a steady 83 degrees and sunshine projected, our Veterans embarked out onto the lake for some Kayaking Therapy. 

Outdoor therapy has been gaining traction as a beneficial form of therapy for veterans. This type of therapy can help veterans to reconnect with nature and find peace in the outdoors. It is often used to treat PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues that are common among veterans.

“I don’t have my own kayak so this helped me get out of my own comfort zone and experience something I could not have done on my own,” shares Veteran, Brendon Keeling. “I definitely would not have come out on my own to start off.”

This is all part of our Outdoor Adventures Program hosted by Recreation Therapists, Ethan Blumhurst and Jasmine Cave. Group kayaking can offer a much needed therapeutic outlet for veterans, allowing them to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors while engaging in activities that can help them cope with the effects of war. Kayaking is an outdoor activity that can provide veterans with a sense of community and connection to nature, while also providing physical and mental benefits. The physical exercise involved in kayaking helps to reduce stress levels, while providing a sense of accomplishment and relaxation. Additionally, it is an activity that allows veterans to work together as a team, fostering camaraderie and providing a safe space for veterans to share their experiences. 

Army Veteran, Sydney Fleming shares stated that “The clinical setting can feel a bit cold for therapy. Being able to get the body moving in this warm weather helps open up. Being out in these types of settings helps you feel free.”

Every week the adventure is different. The opportunities range from kayaking, hiking, and with the assistance of Whole Health, they even do some archery.

“And if you fall into the lake, like I did, you won’t be alone. The Veterans gathered around to help me back into my canoe,” shares Brendon with a smile on his face.

If you would like to join in on the fun, every Tuesday morning, our Recreation Therapists take our Veterans out for an outdoor adventures program.

 Veteran's groups have made a tremendous impact on the lives of many veterans, and one of the most successful programs has been kayaking. Kayaking has become a popular activity for veterans as it is an engaging and therapeutic way to connect with nature and other veterans. The successful veteran's group kayak program has had a positive effect on the lives of many veterans by providing them with an opportunity to bond with their peers, gain confidence, and experience nature in a safe environment.

For more information or to make an appointment, Veterans and providers can reach out to Recreation Therapist, Ethan Blumhorst, at

We would also like to thank the Marion Elks #800 for allowing us to use their boat launch area and facilities.