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Women Veteran care

The Miami VA Healthcare System supports the health, welfare, and dignity of female Veterans and their families by ensuring equal access to timely, sensitive, and quality care. A Women Veterans Program Manager can help you get the services you need.

Connect with a Women Veterans Program Manager

Annette Portales

Women Veteran Program Manager

VA Miami health care



Care we provide at VA Miami health care

The Women's Health Program at the Miami VA Healthcare System provides comprehensive, equitable care to Women Veterans.  The program includes outpatient, including Non-VA care and coordination, inpatient and residential services.

Services Provided

Outpatient Services

Primary Care and Specialty Clinics:  Provides medical evaluation and treatment, including the following preventive, education and treatment services.

Primary Care

  • General health examinations
  • Osteoporosis risk assessment
  • Colorectal cancer screening
  • Cardiovascular risk assessment
  • Hypertension evaluation
  • Smoking cessation counseling
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Breast cancer evaluation and treatment
  • Mental Health and sexual trauma referrals
  • Maternity care referrals (Non-VA Care and Coordination) First seven days of newborn care is covered.
  • Social Work referrals
  • Vaccinations

Specialty Care

Numerous specialty clinics provide care to Women Veterans, including Gynecology and Breast Clinic.

Women's Health/Gynecology Clinics

The Women's Health Clinic is located on the first floor of Building 1 in Room A-105 and is open Tuesday - Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

A Gynecology Clinic provides acute treatment and gynecologic assessment, surgical evaluation, post-operative follow-up and ambulatory procedures (i.e. colposcopy), and limited fertility services (excluding in-vitro fertilization). Menopausal counseling and treatment is available.

Breast Clinic

The Breast Clinic, located in the Surgical Suite on the 6th floor of Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center, is open one day a week and provides evaluation and follow-up.

Other Services

Breast Imaging Center

A Breast Imaging Center is available at the Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center. The center is located in the Medical Center's Radiology Department on the 3rd floor. It provides comprehensive breast imaging and diagnostic services for Women Veterans. Mammography and breast ultrasounds are also available at the William "Bill" Kling VA Outpatient Clinic. Screening mammograms are also available for Women veterans who reside in the Lower Florida Keys at the Lower Florida Keys Health Care Center in Key West through Non-VA Care and Coordination.

Sexual Trauma Clinic

The Sexual Trauma Clinic is a multi-disciplinary treatment team that provides assessment, evaluation and treatment for men and women who have a history of military sexual trauma.

Inpatient Services

Inpatient services for Women Veterans are available in the following services: Medical, Surgical, Long-Term Care/Community Living Center, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Mental Health & Behavioral Science.

Residential Services

Residential treatment programs are also available in Mental Health and Behavioral Science Service for mental stress, depression, substance abuse, PTSD and other mental health issues.

Other Outpatient Mental Health Services

Mental health services are available through consultation to Mental Health and Behavioral Science and Psychology Services for depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse and other conditions. A psychiatric clinic is available one half day a week in the Women's/Gynecology Clinic. Mental health services are also available within the Primary Care Teams at the medical center and the outpatient clinics.