Milwaukee VA telephone town hall
Join the conversation!
Select Veterans who are enrolled at the Milwaukee VA Medical Center will be called for a live telephone town hall question and answer event on Monday, September 8 at 11 a.m..
If you are a Veteran enrolled at the Milwaukee VA, do not receive a call on September 8 and you would like to participate in the call you may do so in two ways:
1) Call 855-436-3682 while the event is live. You may press *3 and a screener get your question into the queue.
2) Log onto to listen to the live event audio online and submit a question via the website.
The subject matter expert panel will get through as many questions as they can in the hour-long and a half live event.
If your concern or question cannot wait until the live event, please contact a Milwaukee VA patient advocate: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 414-384-2000 ext. 42604.