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Caregiver support

VA Milwaukee health care offers a number of services to support you and the Veteran you care for. Ask a caregiver support coordinator to help you find what you need, whether it's in-home help, someone to listen, or anything in between.

Milwaukee VA health care
5000 W. National Ave. 
Milwaukee, WI 53295 


Care we provide at VA Milwaukee health care

If you are a caregiver for a Veteran, you can get support by contacting a VA Milwaukee caregiver support coordinator. We can help with:

  • Getting caregiver assistance available through VA
  • Matching you with services and benefits 
  • Connecting you with local resources and programs
  • Watch this video to learn more about Caregiver Support Teams

Caregiver Support Groups & Education calendar

The Milwaukee VA Health Care System offers a variety of caregiver support groups and education. 

VA Caregiver Support Line

The Caregiver Support Line is available if you need support outside of the Milwaukee region, have questions about caregiver support services nationwide, or just need someone to listen right now.

Phone: 855-260-3274

Connect with a support coordinator


Caregiver Health and Wellbeing Coaching is offered to caregivers of Veterans through the Department of Veterans Affairs Caregiver Support Program.

A caregiver health and well being coach is your personal guide who will help you develop a personal health plan based on your values, needs and goals.

Whole Health self assessment tools such as the circle of health, the personal health inventory, and the personal health plan are used to help you explore connections among important aspects of your life to guide the coaching journey.

Your health and well being coach will help you identify your strengths and values to assist you in achieving your goals.

Please contact your local Caregiver Support Team if you are interested in learning more about caregiver health and wellbeing coaching or go to VA Caregiver Support Program Home.

Watch this video to learn more about the Caregiver Health and Wellbeing Coaching.