Ana Tomaich PharmD
Mental Health Pharmacy Specialist
VA Milwaukee health care
Ana Tomaich is a Mental Health Pharmacy Specialist
Ana Tomaich, PharmD, received her PharmD from the Medical College of Wisconsin College (MCW) School of Pharmacy and went on to complete her PGY1 and PGY2 Pharmacy Residencies at the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center. Ana then transitioned into her current role as Mental Health Pharmacy Specialist which includes inpatient psychiatry, mental health residential rehabilitation treatment program, and primary care/mental health integration team. Ana completed the teaching certificate course through MCW and helps precept the PGY1 and PGY2 residents and pharmacy students. In addition, Ana is the medical center’s champion for Harms Reduction and a member of the American Association for Psychiatric Pharmacists.