Andreea Anton MD
Chief of Staff
VA Milwaukee health care
Dr. Andreea Anton is chief of staff for the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center and associated clinics.
She has been on staff at the VA and Medical College of Wisconsin since 2005 and has worked in several critical roles since that time, most recently as chief of medicine. She has been engaged in many committees and hospitalwide initiatives over the years and has been instrumental in supporting the expansion of specialty care in both Milwaukee and our Northeastern Wisconsin Ambulatory Care Clinics. As a board-certified pulmonary/critical care/sleep physician, she has provided significant contributions to our research and educational missions. She is a professor in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin and has served as vice chairwoman of the Department of Medicine for more than 11 years. She currently serves the role of associate dean for Veterans Affairs. She completed her internal medicine residency and pulmonary and critical care medicine fellowship at Loyola University of Chicago and moved to Wisconsin with her family upon graduation.