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Brian Holtebeck

Brian Holtebeck PharmD


VA Milwaukee health care



Brian Holtebeck is a Green Bay pharmacy preceptor.

Brian Holtebeck  earned his BS Pharmacy (1997) and PharmD (1998) degrees from the University of Wisconsin, and worked for one year at Bellin Hospital in Green Bay, Wis., after which he completed a pharmacy administration residency at University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics in Madison, Wis. He then transitioned to the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee in 2001 as the Pharmacoeconomic Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, with experience on the CJZ VAMC PNT Council, Drug Safety Subcommittee and other teams at both the local and VISN levels, while also precepting students and residents there.  He continued in the Pharmacoeconomics position while working from the Appleton VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic starting in 2010, and then moved to Green Bay VA Health Care Center when it opened in 2013. He began his present role as the Community Care and Formulary Management Clinical Pharmacy Specialist when this position was created in 2020.  Brian precepts the Formulary Management and Community Care pharmacy residency rotation.