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Baptism helps meet Milwaukee Veteran's spiritual needs

Army Veteran Amos Ashford is baptized during a ceremony in the chapel of the Milwaukee VA Medical Center.
Army Veteran Amos Ashford is baptized during a ceremony in the chapel of the Milwaukee VA Medical Center.

There’s more to health care than medicine.

That was evident Wednesday as Milwaukee VA Medical Center staff came together to help meet a Veteran’s spiritual needs — in the form of a baptism.

Amos Ashford, 55, a U.S. Army Veteran of Desert Storm who has suffered several strokes, was baptized in the hospital’s chapel under the guidance of chaplain services and with friends, family and hospital workers looking on.

Ashford is a patient in the Community Living Center, which provides long-term care for Veterans. As such, he’s no longer able to go to services at his church, Walking in the Spirit Ministries, where he is an elder.

To fill this spiritual void, Ashford, with the help of staff from the CLC and Milwaukee Soldiers Home resident Corie Hargrove, has been attending services in the hospital’s chapel.

He was so moved by the message at a recent service that he asked to be baptized as a renewal of his faith.

“The chaplain inspired me so much. He touched my spirit,” said Ashford, who had previously been baptized about 10 years ago.

Thus began a coordinated effort to address Ashford’s spiritual needs.

Diana Manley, patient support assistant for chaplain services, coordinated the event, making sure Ashford’s sister, Debra Ann Davis, could be present virtually from her home in Alabama.

Ashford has limited mobility and uses a wheelchair. He also continues to recover from the strokes’ effects.

With the help of Lovette McCaskill, CLC restorative aide, and other CLC staff, Ashford was prepped for the baptism. He was fitted with water shoes, and he practiced getting in and out of the chapel’s baptismal tub.

On the day of the event, Ashford was accompanied by Edward Rogers, a Milwaukee VA housekeeper and associate pastor at Walking in the Spirit Ministries. He and Ashford have been friends for more than 20 years as Ashford is a former VA housekeeper.

The full-immersion ceremony itself was quick, belying the behind-the-scenes effort that made it possible. But it was moving for all involved, as many shed tears of joy as Ashford was immersed in the water for a few seconds after the blessing from Chaplain Robert Allen.

“This was amazing,” McCaskill said. “He’s such a man of God … so I know this is his calling. It’s so rewarding.”

“It was a beautiful moment,” Rogers said, noting that he has seen the devastating effects of the strokes but also the healing that has taken place. “He still knows that God is on the throne in his life, and he is so perceptive of his religion … and dedicated to coming here to the VA chapel on Sunday and to Bible study.”

“I couldn’t have put it in better words,” Ashford said. “I’m overwhelmed.”

Walking in the Spirit Ministries senior pastors Elliott and Belinda Jones called shortly after the service to offer their congratulations to Ashford as well.

“This is awesome and such a blessing for him (Ashford) to welcome Christ. He’s been filled with God’s abundance, God’s hope and God’s peace,” Belinda said. “We think it’s just wonderful for him to do this.”

Manley said she was glad she could help fulfill Ashford’s wishes.

“It was an honor to walk through this with him and to make it work,” she said, choking back tears.

Chaplain Steve Knisley, who works with Veterans in the CLC and the domiciliary, noted that more Veterans are taking advantage of offerings through the chaplains and the chapel, which help improve their overall health.

“They’re embracing the spiritual side of themselves, aiding in their recovery,” he said.


Click here to see more photos from the baptism.