Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Program (PDMD)
We provide compassionate care for Veterans with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders – such as Parkinson’s plus disorders, essential tremor and dystonia – so that you may live your most fulfilling life.
PDMD health care
The neurology and rehabilitation medicine departments use a shared care model for Veterans with a movement disorder. We use a lifelong care model and continue to follow you throughout the disease process. This program includes medical, surgical and rehabilitation services.
Health care services
Medical services
- Neurology diagnoses movement disorders and provides medication. Neurology providers specializing in movement disorders also provide programming for deep brain stimulators (DBS) to maximize the effects of the device and each Veteran’s level of function.
- Rehabilitation medicine performs a comprehensive assessment focused on your daily function. They may recommend one or more therapies to maximize your quality of life.
Surgical services
Deep brain stimulation (DBS)
- Surgery may be indicated as a treatment for certain movement disorders including Parkinson’s Disease, essential tremor and dystonia. DBS is most effective for those with disabling tremors, significant wearing-off spells and dyskinesias (involuntary movements) caused by medications.
- DBS is now offered at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System for Veterans within VISN 23 (North/South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota) and is considered after a comprehensive evaluation from several team members, including neurology, neuropsychology and neurosurgery. The DBS evaluation process consists of several in-person clinic appointments over the course of weeks to months. Veterans and their care partners work together with the DBS team to determine if DBS is right for them. Talk to your local neurologist to learn more.
More information about DBS
- Learn more about Deep Brain Stimulation, a surgical treatment option for Veterans with movement disorders offered through the Minneapolis VA Health Care System: DBS brochure
- Watch this webinar to hear all about DBS from Minneapolis VA neurologist Dr. Scott Lewis and neurosurgeon Dr. Robert McGovern: Surgical Options for Veterans Living with Parkinson's Disease (YouTube video)
- Read about DBS: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) | Parkinson's Foundation
Rehabilitation services
- Regular follow up and interval check-ins throughout the disease process
- 1:1 therapies (PT/OT/speech) in person and virtual
- Home safety evaluations and equipment needs assessments
- 10+ virtual groups for wellness/exercise and voice each week
- Intensive programming
Watch a sample of our PD exercise groups! And talk to your physical therapist for more information.
Intensive programming
Outpatient (in person and/or virtual)
- LSVT BIG®: 16+ total sessions over 6 consecutive weeks; LSVT BIG® Outpatient Hybrid Program brochure
- LSVT LOUD®: 16+ total sessions over 6 consecutive weeks
- SPEAKOUT!®: 8-12 total sessions over 4 weeks
Inpatient residential
- Living Large Program: includes intensive therapies listed above during a 5-week inpatient stay within our Polytrauma Transitional Rehab Program (PTRP). You must be independent with self-cares and mobility.
- Living Large Program Refresher: this program is for you if you need a “tune up” with overall function and have completed intensive programming in the past. You must be independent with self-cares and mobility.
Support services
Parkinson’s Disease Support Group (virtual)
Minneapolis VA is proud to carry on our 20+ year tradition of providing a forum where Veterans with Parkinson’s Disease, and their caregivers, can get education and support.
Parkinson’s Caregiver Support Group
The Minneapolis VA Caregiver Program is hosting a virtual group for caregivers of Veterans with Parkinson’s Disease.
Education: Parkinson's disease and movement disorders
What is Parkinson's disease?
"Parkinson's disease (PD) is a type of movement disorder. It happens when nerve cells in the brain don't produce enough of a brain chemical called dopamine."
From the National Institute of Health - National Library of Medicine - Parkinson's disease
What are movement disorders?
"Movement disorders are neurologic conditions that cause problems with movement, such as:
- Increased movement that can be voluntary (intentional) or involuntary (unintended)
- Decreased or slow voluntary movement"
From the National Institute of Health - National Library of Medicine - Movement disorders
Education resources
- Veterans and Parkinson's: Mobility and Driving Safety (video) - Hear from Parkinson's disease experts, including a movement disorder specialist, physical therapist, and occupational therapist, discussing common PD-related mobility challenges and the importance of recognizing and managing fall risk and driving safety.
- Veterans and PD: What You Need to Know (video)
- Parkinson's Foundation Veteran Resources (video channel) - Webinar recordings from the Parkinson's Foundation.
Exercise and Parkinson's disease
Why should people with Parkinson’s disease exercise? Data from the Parkinson’s Foundation Parkinson’s Outcomes Project, the largest-ever clinical study of Parkinson’s, suggests that people with PD that complete at least 2.5 hours of exercise every week have a better quality of life.
"Aerobic exercise stabilizes progression of motor symptoms and improves cognitive function in people with Parkinson’s disease, according to additional data from the Park-in-Shape clinical trial." From Aerobic Exercise Stabilizes Motor Progression, Helps Cognition, Parkinson's News Today, January 4, 2022.
Exercise resources
- Parkinson’s Foundation Fitness Fridays (video channel) - join live or view previously recorded sessions
- American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA) St Louis Chapter on YouTube (video channel)
- Parkinson's Foundation Minnesota Wellness Programs - listed by city
Caregiver support
The Minneapolis VA Caregiver Program hosts a virtual group for caregivers of Veterans with Parkinson’s disease. Pre-registration is required, and group is limited to 15 participants. To register, call Jessica Peterson, LICSW, at 612-243-7922.
Caregiver resources
- Caring for a Veteran with Parkinson's - Parkinson's Foundation
PDMD resources
VA Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Centers (PADRECC)
VA created six specialized centers known as the Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education, and Clinical Centers, that are designed to serve the estimated 110,000 Veterans affected by PD through state-of-the-art clinical care, education, research and national outreach and advocacy.
Parkinson’s Foundation
The Parkinson's Foundation makes life better for people with Parkinson’s disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure.
Parkinson’s Foundation: Veterans and Parkinson's
Parkinson’s Foundation: Minnesota and Dakotas Chapter
LSVT Global
Evidence-based speech, physical and occupational therapies for Parkinson's, pediatrics, and other populations.
Parkinson’s Voice Project
Mission: To preserve the speech and communication of individuals with Parkinson’s and related neurological disorders through continuous speech therapy, follow-up support, research, education, and community awareness.
PDMD news and events
PDMD Program in the news
PDMD events
These educational events are VA or community based.
Minneapolis VA Health Care System events
Parkinson’s Disease General Support Group for Veterans
- 3rd Thursday of each month, ongoing. 1-2pm: disease specific education topic w/guest presenter. 2-230pm: general support/discussion
- Virtual: via Webex. Contact Iliana Sanchez, program social worker, to sign up! 612.467.3802
Resource Fair for Veterans with Parkinson’s Disease
Join VA and community representatives for an interactive and fun afternoon! Explore resources for a variety of VA and community programs and services for Veterans with Parkinson’s Disease, including Parkinson’s programming, deep brain stimulation, Caregiver Support, Center for Integrative Health and Healing, Pain Center, peer resources, Parkinson’s Foundation, Minnesota Veterans Home, and much more.
Wed, April 16th, 2025
12:30-3:30 pm
Minneapolis VA Medical Center, 1st floor Auditorium
One Veterans Drive
Minneapolis, MN
Get directions on Google Maps
Parkinson’s Foundation events
Minnesota Spring Parkinson's Symposium (in person and virtual)
- Friday, April 25th, 2025, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., FREE but registration is required
- In person: in Arden Hills, Minnesota
- Virtual via Zoom
- Details and Registration
Minnesota and Dakotas Chapter events
Community events
Parkinson's Awareness Day at Target Field
- Thursday, June 26, 2025 @1210pm. Plan to arrive by 11:00 a.m.
- Call Joleen at 612-946-2519 to sign up. Veterans with Parkinson's Disease may be able to receive complimentary, accessible tickets though availability is limited.
- Join other Veterans and your VA care team at Target Field!