Help support Veterans in your life and reach out

September is Suicide Prevention Month, and we’re reminding Veterans everywhere that they don’t have to solve life’s challenges alone.
The Nation’s Veterans are at a higher risk for suicide compared to the general population. Veterans are trained to be resilient, yet stigma can make it hard to reach out for help.
That’s why the Ad Council and the Department of Veterans Affairs partnered to create the “Don’t Wait. Reach Out.” national campaign that encourages struggling Veterans to seek help before they reach a crisis point. Last year, the campaign launched, a website offering comprehensive resources to help Veterans with a wide range of life challenges—before these problems become overwhelming.
Suicide is preventable, and we all have a role to play. Help us spread the word with the “Don’t Wait. Reach Out.” campaign toolkit. At this link, you'll find sample social posts and downloadable graphics to share on social media and use as digital backgrounds throughout the month.
Thank you for joining us in helping more struggling Veterans get the support they need. Together, we can spread hope that Veterans—and all of us—can overcome difficult life challenges.