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Police Week 2022:Montana VA Police Officer Named Honor Graduate

U.S. Veterans Affairs Police Officer, Bobby Wilcher accepts his Honor Graduate award on May 6. Wilcher, with the Montana VA, earned the award by scoring at the top of his class in all written testing, Firearms Qualification, his Physical Training test and all Practical Testing. (Courtesy photo)
U.S. Veterans Affairs Police Officer, Bobby Wilcher accepts his Honor Graduate award on May 6. Wilcher, with the Montana VA, earned the award by scoring at the top of his class in all written testing, Firearms Qualification, his Physical Training test and all Practical Testing. (Courtesy photo)

HELENA, MT – A U.S. Veterans Affairs Police Officer stationed in Montana was awarded the distinction of Honor Graduate on May 6 at the Law Enforcement Training Center’s Police Officer Standardization Training in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Detective Bobby Wilcher earned the award by scoring at the top of his class in all written testing, Firearms Qualification, his Physical Training test and all Practical Testing.


“This is an incredible accomplishment that only one VA Police Officer can earn out of a class of 75 students,” said Montana VA Police Chief, Marc White. “The student with the highest accumulated score earns Honor Graduate, which is publicly acknowledged in front of his peers at graduation. Bobby earned a total score of 97.2%. Bobby also earned the Leadership Award. These achievements speak volumes about Detective Wilcher’s dedication and focus to VA Police and the VA as a whole.”


Detective Wilcher was born in the Bronx, New York. He is the proud father of “the best five children that a father could ask for.”


He is a 32-year-old Army Combat Veteran with 13 years of military service. He earned a Masters’ Degree in Criminal Justice Administration and served six years as a municipality officer upon exiting the active duty Army.


“I was honored to receive the Honor Graduate award and the teamwork award,” said Det. Wilcher. ”Now, I cannot wait to meet and serve the Veterans within our community at my highest capabilities.”

