United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Optometry Internet Webpage

Service Directory (by State)

This directory is maintained by Dawn Pewitt, OD, Susie Lim, OD and Catherine H Egusa, OD. Please email them at Contact Dawn Pewitt, Contact Susie Lim or Contact Catherine Egusa with any changes you may have to your own listings. Please include name, address - mailing and email and phone numbers - commercial, FTS, and fax.


Bessemer, AL CBOC
(VISN: 7  station: 521GG)
975 9th Avenue SW, Suite 400
Bessemer, AL 35220
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Merin A. Graves
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205)428-3495 x 7955
Fax: (205)428-9240
Email:  merin.gravesat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Nicole Guyette
Job Title: Staff optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 205-428-3495 x 7935
             205-933-8101 x 1193
Fax: 205-212-3104
Email:  Nicole.Guyette2at signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Paul Schifanella
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205) 428-3495
Fax: (205) 428-9240
Email:  paul.schifanellaat signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Birmingham VAMC
(VISN: 7  station: 521)
Optometry (112C)
700 South 19th Street
Birmingham, AL 35233
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Bethany Martinez, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UABSO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Megan Mills, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UABSO 4 12 weeks 12
Dr. John A. Essinger
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Part-time (5hr/wk)
Phone: (205) 933-8101 x 3265
Email:  john.essingerat signva.gov
Faculty:  UAB (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. James D. Fisk
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, PhD
Part-time (0.75)
Phone: 205-933-8101 x 3257
Email:  james.fiskat signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Merin A. Graves
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205)428-3495 x 7955
Fax: (205)428-9240
Email:  merin.gravesat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Nicole Guyette
Job Title: Staff optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 205-428-3495 x 7935
             205-933-8101 x 1193
Fax: 205-212-3104
Email:  Nicole.Guyette2at signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Oakley W. Hayes
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Oakley.Hayesat signva.gov
Faculty:  UAB (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Thomas Keith
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: (205)933-8101
Email:  Thomas.Keithat signva.gov
Faculty:  UAB (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Visual Impairment and Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Bethany S. Martinez
Job Title: Director Low Vision Optometry
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (205) 933-8101 x 5105
Fax: (205) 588-7060
Email:  bethany.martinezat signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Visual Impairment and Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Megan C. Mills
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205) 933-8101 x 3271
Email:  megan.mills2at signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Elizabeth C. Perkins
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205) 933-8101 x 3241
Fax: (205) 212-3104
Email:  elizabeth.perkins2at signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Gurjit Singh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  gurjit.singhat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Research: Co-principal Investigator
Dr. Lindsay Snow
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, BSN
Phone: 205-933-8101
Fax: 205-939-2177
Email:  Lindsay.Snow1at signva.gov
National Optometric Association (NOA)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Marsha S. Snow
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205) 933-8101 x 3253
Fax: (205) 212-3104
Email:  marsha.snowat signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct associate professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Eric Tidmore
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 205-933-8101 x 5123
Email:  eric.tidmoreat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Guntersville CBOC
(VISN: 7  station: )
101 Judy Smith Dr.
Guntersville, AL 35976
Dr. Jennifer Alverson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time .5 FTEE
Phone: 256-582-4033
Fax: 205-212-3104
Email:  jennifer.alversonat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Huntsville CBOC
VA Birmingham Healthcare System
(VISN: 7  station: 521GA)
500 Markaview Road NW
Huntsville, AL 35805
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Nicole, Tucker, OD, Stephen Boyer, OD, Michael Brown OD and Gurjit Singh, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UAB 0-1 12 weeks 0-4
Dr. Lauren Boudousquie
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 256-533-84774 x 12063
Email:  lauren.boudousquieat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry)
Dr. Stephen P. Boyer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205) 933-8101 x 7471
Fax: (256) 534-1580
Email:  stephen.boyerat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                UAB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: National
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Michael Dwayne Brown
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (256) 535-3100 x 6
Fax: (256) 534-1580
Email:  michael.browndat signva.gov
Faculty:  UAB (Clinical associate professor)
                Dept of Family Med
                UA School of Medicine (Instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Montgomery Campus VAMC
Central Alabama Veterans Healthcare System
(VISN: 7  station: 619)
Eye Clinic
8105 Veterans Way
Montgomery, AL 36117
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Stephen Bordlee, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UAB 1 12 weeks 3
Dr. Jacqueline Balderas
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 334-502-7884
Email:  Jacqueline.Balderasat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Johnny Bannister
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, BA, MA, OD
Phone: (334) 272-4670 x 4337
Fax: (334) 273-6254
Email:  johnny.bannisterat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                UAB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Stephen J. Bordlee
Job Title: Director of CA VHCS Optometry Externship Programs
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (334) 272-4670 x 4800
Fax: (334) 273-6254
Email:  stephen.bordleeat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                UABSO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Tuscaloosa VAMC
(VISN: 7  station: 679)
Optometry (123)
3701 East Loop Road
Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Lisa Schifanella, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UABSO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Ellen Prewitt, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UABSO 3 12 weeks 9
ICO 0-1 12 weeks 0-4
Dr. Ellen Prewitt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205) 554-2847
Fax: (205)554-4628
Email:  ellen.prewittat signva.gov
Faculty:  UABSO (Adjunct associate professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Lisa Land Schifanella
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Residency Supervisor
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 205-554-3740
Email:  Lisa.Schifanellaat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct associate professor)
                UABSO (Adjunct associate professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Nathan Allen Whitaker
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (205) 554-2847
Fax: (205) 554-4628
Email:  nathan.whitakerat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct associate professor)
                UAB (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Tuskegee CAVHCS East Campus
Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System
(VISN: 7  station: 619A4)
Eye Clinic (3-230)
2400 Hospital Road
Tuskegee, AL 36083
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Stephen Bordlee, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UAB 1 12 weeks 3
Dr. Stephen J. Bordlee
Job Title: Director of CA VHCS Optometry Externship Programs
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (334) 272-4670 x 4800
Fax: (334) 273-6254
Email:  stephen.bordleeat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                UABSO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Mark Patrick McGuire
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (334) 727-0550 x 3346
Fax: (334) 725-2549
Email:  mark.mcguireat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Jordan Rockwell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (334) 727-0550 x 3346
Email:  jordan.rockwellat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)


Joint Base Elemendorf-Richardson
(VISN: 20  station: )
1201 N Muldoon Rd
Anchorage, AK 99504
Dr. Marcy O'Neil
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MHA
Phone: 907-580-2020
Email:  marcy.oneil2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO


Casa Grande Community Based Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 18  station: 678)
1876 East Sabin Drive
Building A
Casa Grande, AZ 85222
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Matthew Rhodes, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 2 10 weeks 10
Dr. Matthew Alan Rhodes
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 792-1450 x 3741
Fax: (520) 876-5794
Email:  matthew.rhodesat signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
                 AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: TBI/Polytrauma Clinical Optometry
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Northwest Tucson VA CBOC
(VISN: 18  station: 678GF)
2945 W. Ina Road (Mail Code 0-002A6)
Tucson, AZ 85741
Student Program:
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SCCO MBKU 1 12 weeks 4
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Renee Doss
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 219-2418 x 3336
Fax: (520) 219-2332
Email:  renee.dossat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Phoenix - Carl Hayden VAMC
(VISN: 18  station: 644)
650 E. Indian School Rd. (112C)
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: William D. Gitchell, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
AZCOPT 2 12 weeks 6
Dr. William D. Gitchell
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 602-277-5551 x 2858
Fax: 602-222-6535
Member:  AOA
Southeast Tucson CBOC
(VISN: 18  station: )
7395 S Houghton Road
Suite 129
Tucson, AZ 85747
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jason R. Powell, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SCCO MBKU 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. Amanda Mendez Roberts
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 664-1831 x 3428
Email:  amanda.mendezrobertsat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jason R. Powell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 664-1831
Fax: (520) 664-1842
Email:  jason.powell1at signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Thunderbird VA clinic
VA Phoenix Health Care
(VISN: 22  station: )
9424 North 25th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85021
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: William Gitchell, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Midwestern Arizona  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: William Gitchell, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Midwestern Arizona 4 12 weeks 16
Dr. Alex Smith
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 602-633-6900
Email:  alex.smith3at signva.gov
Faculty:  Midwestern Arizona (Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Specialty Contact Lens)
Tucson VAMC
Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System
(VISN: 18  station: 678)
Optometry (11-112A) SWBRC(3-124)
3601 S. 6th Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85723
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Network Site
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Danielle Weiler, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Carla Engelke, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
AZCOPT 2 12 weeks 8
SCCO MBKU 4 12 weeks 16
OSU 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Carla Engelke
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 792-1450 x 5419
Fax: (520) 838-5636
Email:  carla.engelkeat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant clinical professor)
                TOSU (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Amy Lyn Grimes
Job Title: Program Director
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 792-1450 x 2955
Fax: (520) 838-3656
Email:  amy.grimesat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Alyon J. Marion
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 792-1450 x 2954
Fax: (520) 838-3656
Email:  alyon.wasikat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct assistant professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Optometry VISN Mentor
Research: Other
Dr. Amanda Mendez Roberts
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 664-1831 x 3428
Email:  amanda.mendezrobertsat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Sean P. Rowan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  sean.rowanat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Huey-Fen Song
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (5/8 FTEE)
Phone: (520) 792-1450 x 6551
Fax: (520) 629-4712
Email:  huey-fen.songat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Danielle L. Weiler
Job Title: Residency Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (520) 792-1450 x 5419
             (520) 459-3654
Fax: (520) 838-3656
Email:  danielle.weilerat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                OSU College of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Research: Principal Investigator


Central Arkansas VA - McClellan
(VISN: 16  station: 598)
Eye Clinic 112LR
4300 West Seventh Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Tina Porzukowiak
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 501-257-2022
Email:  tina.porzukowiakat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Diplomate Primary Care
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Central Arkansas VA - Towbin
(VISN: 16  station: 598)
2200 Fort Roots Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Timothy E. Elcyzyn
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (501) 554-9065
Email:  timothy.elcyzynat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: VISN
Dr. Tina Porzukowiak
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 501-257-2022
Email:  tina.porzukowiakat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Diplomate Primary Care
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Shannon R. Stone
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (501) 257-3395
             (501) 257-3396
Fax: (501) 257-3398
Email:  shannon.stoneat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Conway VA CBOC
(VISN: 16  station: 598)
1520 E. Dave Ward Drive
Conway, AR 72032
Dr. Kelsey B. Livengood
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (501) 548-0593
Fax: (501) 548-0678
Email:  kelsey.livengoodat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Beatrice Reed
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 501-548-0500
Email:  beatrice.reedat signva.gov
Fayetteville AR VAMC
Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks
(VISN: 16  station: 564)
Eye Clinic
1100 N. College
Fayetteville, AR 72703
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Emily Peterson, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NSUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Emily Peterson, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 1 16 weeks 2-3
Kentucky College of Optometry 1 14 weeks 2-3
Dr. Marcus Cooke
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (479) 444-5093
Fax: (479) 587-6105
Email:  marcus.cookeat signva.gov
Faculty:  NSUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Allicia K. Kelly
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (479) 444-5093
Fax: (479) 587-6105
Email:  allicia.kellyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Kylie Nelson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 417-891-4800 x 54517
Fax: 417-891-4922
Email:  kylie.nelsonat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Kathryn Schmandt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 479-444-5093 x 65662
Email:  kathryn.schmandtat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Derek Urban
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (479) 443-4301 x 5771
Fax: (479) 587-6105
Email:  derek.urbanat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
North Little Rock - Eugene J. Towbin Healthcare Center
Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System
(VISN: 16  station: 598A0)
Eye clinic (112EY/NLR)
2200 Fort Roots Dr.
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Isaih Choy, OD, Stephanie Quiroz, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
AZCOPT 1 12 weeks 3
SCO 1 16 weeks 6
University of Houston School of Optometry 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Isaiah Choy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 901-523-8990 x 72108
Email:  Isaiah.Choyat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jonathan Goodwin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 501-257-2276
Fax: 501-257-2022
Email:  jonathan.goodwinat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Frederick L. Hammond
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (501) 257-2277
Fax: (501) 257-2022
Email:  frederick.hammondat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Zakiya Nicks
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (501) 257-2277
Email:  zakiya.nicksat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
North Little Rock Teleretinal Reading Center
Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System
(VISN: 16  station: )
2200 Fort Roots Dr. (16L/NLR)
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Dr. Karla A. Hefty
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (501) 658-4571
Email:  karla.heftyat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)


Bakersfield VA CBOC
Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: )
1801 Westwind Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Anh-Tuan H. Nguyen, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SCCO MBKU 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Anh-Tuan Hoang Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (661) 632-1840
Fax: (661) 632-1830
Email:  anh-tuan.nguyenat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Chula Vista VA CBOC (South Bay)
VA San Diego Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: 664GC)
835 Third Avenue, Suite B
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Dr. Minna Huang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (619) 409-1600
             (858) 552-8585
Fax: (619) 409-6030
        (858) 642-3342
Email:  minna.huangat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Fresno VA Medical Center/Central CA HCS
Central California Health Care System
(VISN: 21  station: 570)
Optometry Section (112-Opt)
2615 E. Clinton Avenue
Fresno, CA 93703
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Deana Lum, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UCB  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Claire Henry, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 2 10 weeks 10
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
PUCO 2 12 weeks 8
Western University 1 12 weeks 4
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Drew Aldrich
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 559-225-6100 x 3217
Email:  drew.aldrichat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Justin Duong-Mac
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  justin.duong-macat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jessica Gee
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 559-225-6100 x 5101
Email:  jessica.geeat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Deana E. Lum
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (599) 225-6100 x 5101
Fax: (559) 228-5309
Email:  deana.lum2at signva.gov
Pager: (559)771-3629
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                UCB (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Natalie Ramirez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 559-225-6100 x 5366
Email:  Natalie.Ramirez5at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jasmine Welch
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
            jasmine.welchat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Kearny Mesa VA CBOC
VA San Diego Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: 664BY)
Eye Clinic (112G KM)
8875 Aero Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Katherine Wang, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Dr. Michael An-Hsing Huang
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): MS, OD
Phone: (858) 552-8585 x 6753
             (619) 400-5260
Fax: (858) 642-3342
        (619) 400-5263
Email:  michael.huangat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Univ of California San Diego
                School of Medicine (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Susie L. Lim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 619-400-5262
Fax: 619-400-5263
Email:  susie.limat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Therese Anne Vy-Phuc T. Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (858) 552-8585 x 2534
Email:  thereseanne.nguyenat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Erin F. Swift
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (858) 552-8585 x 2205
Email:  erin.swiftat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Monica Vu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 760-643-2000
Email:  monica.vuat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Cathy Zou
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 760-643-4552
Email:  cathy.zouat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Livermore VA Division
VA Palo Alto Healthcare System
(VISN: 21  station: 640A4)
Eye Clinic
4951 Arroyo Road Opt 118
Livermore, CA 94550
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jessica Gee, OD; Chelsia Park, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 1 10 weeks 5
ICO 1 12 weeks 5
Dr. Marge Geronimo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (M @ PAD, T @ LIV)
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 64377
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  marge.geronimoat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Tarah Lee
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (925) 373-4700
Email:  Tarah.leeat signva.gov
Faculty:  Berkeley (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Joanna Leong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.58 FTEE)
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 62026
Email:  joanna.leongat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Clinical preceptor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Tran H. Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 66717
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  tran.nguyenat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jeremy Walz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 67277
Email:  jeremy.walzat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Fellowship Trained: TBI/Polytrauma Clinical Optometry
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Tracy Wang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
0.8 FTEE
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 66717
Email:  tracy.wang1at signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. David Yang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 62026
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  david.yangat signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Loma Linda - Jerry L. Pettis Memorial VAMC
(VISN: 22  station: 605)
Eye Clinic (112F)
11201 Benton St.
Loma Linda, CA 92357
Dr. Reema Chokshi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (909) 825-7084 x 5324
Fax: (909) 583-6719
Email:  reema.chokshi2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: VISN
Dr. Richard J. Kamiyama
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (909) 422-3076 x 3015
             (800) 422-3076 x 3015
Fax: (909) 777-3291
Email:  richard.kamiyamaat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Amy M Miller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Phone: 800-741-8387 x 2113
Fax: 909-777-3291
Email:  amy.miller2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Dana Rawlings
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (4 days/week)
Phone: (800) 741-8387 x 6015
Fax: (909) 583-6719
Email:  dana.rawlingsat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
Long Beach VA Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: 600)
5901 E. 7th Street (OPT 154)
Long Beach, CA 90822
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Edward Chu, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Kevin Yuan, OD, Edward Chu, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Berkeley 2 10 weeks 10
SCCO MBKU 2 12 weeks 8
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Edward Chu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 562-826-8000 x 6590
Email:  edward.chuat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Julie Furness
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 562-826-8000 x 6590
Email:  julie.furness1at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Paula Matsuno
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 526-826-8000 x 6950
Email:  paula.matsunoat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry)
ACMO certified
Dr. Rachel A Moy (Young)
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (844) 808-2020
Email:  Rachel.moyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jessica Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 562-826-8000 x 6590
Email:  jessica.nguyen5at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Catherine Tran
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 844-808-2020
Fax: 562-826-5063
Email:  Catherine.Tranat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Suzanne M. Wickum
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (562)826-8000 x 6590
Fax: (562)826-5063
Email:  suzanne.wickumat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Pediatric Optometry)
Dr. Kevin Yuan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (562) 826-8000 x 6590
Email:  kevin.yuan2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Los Angeles Ambulatory Care Center
Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (GLAHS)
(VISN: 22  station: 691GE)
Optometry (112-C)
351 E. Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Diana Wu, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Diana Wu, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 1 10 weeks 5
SCCO MBKU 3 12 weeks 12
Dr. Chang H. Kim
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (213) 253-2677 x 4624
Fax: (213) 253-5123
Email:  chang.kimat signva.gov
Pager: (310) 362-0179 55567
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
Dr. Kelly Leong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 213-253-2677 x 24622
Fax: 213-253-5123
Email:  Kelly.Leongat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Diana Wu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MPA
Phone: (213) 253-2677 x 24611
Fax: (213) 253-5123
Email:  diana.wuat signva.gov
Faculty:  Marshall University School of Medicine (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Martinez VA
(VISN: 21  station: 612GF)
Eye Clinic (112I)
150 Muir Road
Martinez, CA 94553
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Rita Hannum
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (925) 372-2600 x 5954
Fax: (925) 372-2993
Email:  rita.hannumat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
McClellan Park VA Outpatient Clinic
Sacramento VAMC
(VISN: 21  station: 612A4)
5342 Dudley Blvd, Bldg 98
McClellan Park, CA 95652
Dr. Lauren A. Choy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 916-561-7400 x 2001
Email:  Lauren.choyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Frederick M. Meyer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, OD
Phone: (916) 561-7533 x 7534
             (916) 561-7534
Email:  frederick.meyerat signmed.va.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Merced CBOC
VA Central California Health Care System
(VISN: 21  station: )
340 E Yosemite Ave
Merced, CA 95340
Dr. Rachel J. Choi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 559-225-6100
Email:  Rachel.choi1at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Pek (Lily) Lou
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (559) 225-6100 x 5101
Fax: (559) 241-3691
Email:  pek.louat signva.gov
Pager: (559) 771-1939
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Natalie Ramirez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 559-225-6100 x 5366
Email:  Natalie.Ramirez5at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Oakhurst CBOC
(VISN: 21  station: )
40597 Westlake Drive
Oakhurst, CA 93644
Dr. Rachel J. Choi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 559-225-6100
Email:  Rachel.choi1at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Pek (Lily) Lou
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (559) 225-6100 x 5101
Fax: (559) 241-3691
Email:  pek.louat signva.gov
Pager: (559) 771-1939
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Oakland Outpatient Clinic
VA Northern California Health Care System
(VISN: 21  station: 612BY)
Eye Clinic (112I)
2221 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Oakland, CA 94612
Dr. Tammy C. Hong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (Wed, Th)
Phone: (510) 267-7873
Email:  tammy.hongat signva.gov
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Pamela J. Tong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.4 Mon & Tues)
Phone: (510) 267-7872
Email:  tong.pamelaat signva.gov
Oceanside VA Outpatient Clinic
VA San Diego Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: 664GB)
Optometry 118Y
1300 Rancho Del Oro Road
Oceanside, CA 92056
Dr. Monica Vu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 760-643-2000
Email:  monica.vuat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Katherine (Kathy) Li-Wei Wang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (760) 643-2089
Fax: (760) 643-4550
Email:  katherine.wangat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Cathy Zou
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 760-643-4552
Email:  cathy.zouat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Palo Alto VA Healthcare System
VA Palo Alto Healthcare System
(VISN: 21  station: 640)
Optometry (112/OPTOM)
3801 Miranda Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: David Yang, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UCB  
Research Fellowship Training Program
Fellowship Program Coordinator: Gregory Goodrich, PhD
Number of 1st year fellows/year: 1
Number of 2nd year fellows/year: 1
Fellowship training areas: Dual Sensory Impairment, Gerontology, Rehabilitation Research and Development, Telemedicine, Visual Impairment and Low Vision Rehabilitation
Affiliated Institution: UCB
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Katherine Portugal, OD, Tracy Wang, OD & Tran Nguyen, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 1 10 weeks 5
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
SCCO MBKU 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Heidi Flyg
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 69906
Fax: (650) 496-2529
Email:  heidi.flygat signva.gov
Fellowship Trained: Visual Impairment and Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Marge Geronimo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (M @ PAD, T @ LIV)
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 64377
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  marge.geronimoat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. David Hicks
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (408) 363-3000 x 72023
Fax: (408) 363-3049
Email:  david.hicks6at signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Residency Mentor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Shanida P. Ingalla
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 62020
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  shanida.ingallaat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Tarah Lee
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (925) 373-4700
Email:  Tarah.leeat signva.gov
Faculty:  Berkeley (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Kristi Lew
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 650-493-5000 x 62020
Email:  Kristi.Lewat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Andrew J. Mangum
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 408-363-3000 x 72020
Fax: 408-363-3049
Email:  andrew.mangumat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Tran H. Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 66717
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  tran.nguyenat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Katherine Portugal
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (Mon.-Th. and every
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 62026
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  katherine.portugalat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Lee Vien
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 62026
             (650) 493-5000 x 43659
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  lee.vienat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jeremy Walz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 67277
Email:  jeremy.walzat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Fellowship Trained: TBI/Polytrauma Clinical Optometry
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Tracy Wang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
0.8 FTEE
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 66717
Email:  tracy.wang1at signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. David Yang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 62026
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  david.yangat signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Redding VA
(VISN: 21  station: )
Eye Clinic
351 Hartnell Ave.
Redding, CA 96002
Dr. William H. Howell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (530) 226-7639
Email:  william.howell2at signmed.va.gov
Member:  AOA
Sacramento VAMC
(VISN: 21  station: 612A4)
Optometry (MAT 112/I)
10535 Hospital Way
Mather, CA 95655-1200
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Wesley Ota, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 2 10 weeks 8
Dr. Wesley T. Ota
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (916) 366-5466
Fax: (916) 364-0187
Email:  wesley.otaat signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Gina G. Wong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (3d/w)
Phone: (916) 366-5463
             (916) 843-7287
Fax: (916) 364-0187
Email:  gina.wongat signva.gov
Pager: (832) 843-7287
Member:  NAVAO
San Diego VAMC Jennifer Moreno
VA San Diego Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: 664)
Eye Clinic (112G)
3350 La Jolla Village Drive
San Diego, CA 92161
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Katherine Wang, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Dr. Michael An-Hsing Huang
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): MS, OD
Phone: (858) 552-8585 x 6753
             (619) 400-5260
Fax: (858) 642-3342
        (619) 400-5263
Email:  michael.huangat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Univ of California San Diego
                School of Medicine (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Minna Huang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (619) 409-1600
             (858) 552-8585
Fax: (619) 409-6030
        (858) 642-3342
Email:  minna.huangat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Christina Lim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  christina.limat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Susie L. Lim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 619-400-5262
Fax: 619-400-5263
Email:  susie.limat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Therese Anne Vy-Phuc T. Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (858) 552-8585 x 2534
Email:  thereseanne.nguyenat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Erin F. Swift
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (858) 552-8585 x 2205
Email:  erin.swiftat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Kelly Tran
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 858-552-8585 x 6743
Email:  kelly.tran8at signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Monica Vu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 760-643-2000
Email:  monica.vuat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Denise Wong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (858) 552-8585 x 6743
Email:  denise.wongat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Cathy Zou
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 760-643-4552
Email:  cathy.zouat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
San Francisco VAMC
(VISN: 21  station: 662)
Eye Clinic (112A)
4150 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA 94121
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Andrew Mick, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UCB  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Heather Jones, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 2 10 weeks 10
Dr. Bernard J. Dolan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist / residency coordinator
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (415) 221-4810 x 2683
Fax: (415) 750-2181
Email:  bernard.dolanat signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry, Rehabilitative Optometry)
Dr. Heather N Jones
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (415) 221-4810 x 3351
Fax: (415) 750-2181
Email:  heather.jones3at signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Andrew Mick
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (415) 221-4810 x 4606
Fax: (415) 750-2181
Email:  andrew.mickat signmed.va.gov
Pager: (415) 708-9442
Faculty:  UCB (Clinical assistant professor)
                UCSF Department of Ophthalmology (Lecturer)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Co-principal Investigator
San Jose VA Clinic
(VISN: 21  station: 640BY)
Optometry (112)
80 Great Oaks Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95119
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: David, Hicks, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 2 10 weeks 10
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. David Hicks
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (408) 363-3000 x 72023
Fax: (408) 363-3049
Email:  david.hicks6at signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Residency Mentor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Zibya Karolia
Dr. Andrew J. Mangum
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 408-363-3000 x 72020
Fax: 408-363-3049
Email:  andrew.mangumat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Tran H. Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 66717
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  tran.nguyenat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jon Wada
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (2 days)
Phone: (408) 363-3000 x 72023
Fax: (408) 363-3049
Email:  jon.wadaat signva.gov
Pager: (408) 231-1511
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Tracy Wang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
0.8 FTEE
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 66717
Email:  tracy.wang1at signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Santa Ana CBOC
(VISN: 22  station: )
1806 Brookhollow Dr. Suite 118
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Sally Dang, OD and Edward Chu, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Dr. Edward Chu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 562-826-8000 x 6590
Email:  edward.chuat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Julie Furness
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 562-826-8000 x 6590
Email:  julie.furness1at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jessica Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 562-826-8000 x 6590
Email:  jessica.nguyen5at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Catherine Tran
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 844-808-2020
Fax: 562-826-5063
Email:  Catherine.Tranat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Kevin Yuan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (562) 826-8000 x 6590
Email:  kevin.yuan2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Santa Rosa VA
(VISN: 22  station: )
3841 Brickway Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Dr. Raymond Y Chew
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 707-569-2300
Fax: 707-569-2473
Email:  Raymond.chewat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Juliane Flettner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (707) 569-2300
Fax: (707) 569-2383
Email:  juliane.flettnerat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Barnie Y Lim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 707-569-2337
Fax: 707-569-2383
Email:  barnie.lim2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Charlie Ngo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  charlie.ngoat signva.gov
Faculty:  Berkeley (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center and Nursing Home
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: 691A4)
Optometry (112E)
16111 Plummer St.
Sepulveda, CA 91343
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Steven Ferrucci, OD and Brenda Yeh, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Dr. Steven Ferrucci
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (818) 891-7711 x 7744
Fax: (818) 895-9597
Email:  steven.ferrucciat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Assoc professor)
Member:  NAVAO
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Brenda S Yeh
Job Title: Assistant Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 818-891-7711 x 32358
Email:  brenda.yehat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry)
ACMO certified
Ukiah CBOC
(VISN: 21  station: )
630 Kings Court
Ukiah, CA 95482
Dr. Marilyn K. Gilbreath
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5FTEE)
Phone: (707) 468-7759
Fax: (707) 468-7744
Email:  marilyn.gilbreathat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Diplomate Low Vision
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Bruce Moen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (707) 468-7759
Fax: (707) 468-7747
Email:  bruce.moenat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
VA Monterey Outpatient Clinic
VA Palo Alto Healthcare System
(VISN: 21  station: )
201 9th St
Marina, CA 93933
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Randall McPherran OD & Megan Carter, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 1 10 weeks 5
Western University 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. Tran H. Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 66717
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  tran.nguyenat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Kimberly Pham
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): O.D.
Phone: (831) 883-3800 x 43844
Email:  Kimberly.Pham3at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Lee Vien
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 62026
             (650) 493-5000 x 43659
Fax: (650) 849-0145
Email:  lee.vienat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jeremy Walz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 67277
Email:  jeremy.walzat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Fellowship Trained: TBI/Polytrauma Clinical Optometry
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Tracy Wang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
0.8 FTEE
Phone: (650) 493-5000 x 66717
Email:  tracy.wang1at signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
(VISN: 22  station: 600)
5901 E. 7th. St.
Long Beach, CA 90822
Dr. Anthony DeWilde
Job Title: TeleEye Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (816) 861-4700 x 57411
Fax: (816) 332-3526
Email:  anthony.dewildeat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN
West Los Angeles VA Healthcare Center
Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (GLAHS)
(VISN: 22  station: 691)
Optometry Dept. (123) / Eye Care Center, Bldg. 304
11301 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90073
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry
Residency Coordinator: Pauline F. Ilsen, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Pauline F. Ilsen, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SCCO MBKU 2 12 weeks 16
Dr. Pauline F. Ilsen
Job Title: Associate Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (310) 478-3711 x 42356
Fax: (310) 268-3780
Email:  pauline.ilsenat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Assoc professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry)
ACMO certified
Optometry VISN Mentor
Optometry VISN Consultant Member


Colorado Springs VA Out Patient Clinic
(VISN: 19  station: )
3141 Centennial Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Dustin Anderson, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Western University 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. Jennifer Jo Henry
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (719) 227-4020
Email:  jennifer.henry4at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Denver VAMC Jewell Clinic
(VISN: 19  station: 554)
14400 E. Jewell Avenue
Aurora, CO 80012
Dr. Shannon Kessler
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (303) 399-8020 x 6407
Fax: (303) 751-0171
Email:  shannon.kesslerat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Western University (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Loveland Community Outpatient Clinic
Cheyenne VA Medical Center
(VISN: 19  station: 442)
5200 Hahns Peak Drive
Loveland, CO 80538
Dr. Kelsey Haugen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 307-778-7550 x 7762
Email:  Kelsey.haugenat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)


John J. McGuirk VA
(VISN: 1  station: )
6 Shaw's Cove
Suite 104
New London, CT 06320
Dr. Vincent Andrew Thoren
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: 860-437-3611 x 18919
Fax: 860-437-1801
Email:  vincent.thorenat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Attending)
Member:  CAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Newington Campus
VA Connecticut Health Care System
(VISN: 1  station: 689A4)
Optometry Section (182)
555 Willard Ave.
Newington, CT 06111
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Nichole Roy, OD and Michael Kelleman, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Richard Sui, OD, Michael Kelleman OD, David Imondi OD, Nicole Roy, OD, Sharon Bisighni, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SUNY 0-1 10 weeks 1-2
NECO 2 12 weeks 8
ICO 2 12 weeks 1-4
Western University 2 12 weeks 8
Salus University 1-2 12 weeks 2-4
Dr. Sharon Bisighini
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (860) 667-6742
Fax: (860) 667-6833
Email:  sharon.bisighiniat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Christine Burke
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (203) 932-5711 x 2760
Fax: (203) 937-4739
Email:  christine.burke2at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Cheryl B. Haskes
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.8 FTEE)
Phone: (860) 667-6742
             (203) 932-5711 x 2760
Fax: (860) 667-6833
Email:  cheryl.haskesat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. David Imondi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (860) 667-6742
Fax: (860) 667-6833
Email:  david.imondiat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Joseph Petitti
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (5hrs/week)
Phone: (860) 667-6742
Fax: (860) 667-6833
Email:  joseph.petittiat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Michael D. Rickels
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (860) 667-6742
Email:  michael.rickelsat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Julie Sheen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (510) 585-5164
Email:  julie.sheenat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Richard Sui
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (860) 667-6742
Fax: (860) 667-6833
Email:  richard.suiat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
West Haven Campus - Primary Care
VA Connecticut Healthcare System
(VISN: 1  station: 689)
Eye Clinic (112D)
950 Campbell Ave.
West Haven, CT 06516
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Nancy Shenouda-Awad, OD and Theresa Zerilli, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jordan Zinn, OD & Shannon Santapaola, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Sharon Bisighini
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (860) 667-6742
Fax: (860) 667-6833
Email:  sharon.bisighiniat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Christine Burke
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (203) 932-5711 x 2760
Fax: (203) 937-4739
Email:  christine.burke2at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Stacy Byron
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 203-932-5711
Email:  stacy.byronat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Dr. Melissa Cuan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (203) 932-5711 x 2759
Fax: (203) 937-3485
Email:  melissa.cuanat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jonathan R. Hamilton
Job Title: Director of Inpatient Low Vision Optometry, Low Vision Externship Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (203) 932-5711 x 4106
Fax: (203) 937-3833
Email:  jonathan.hamiltonat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Charles Haskes
Job Title: Assistant Chief
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (203) 932-5711 x 2758
             (203) 932-5711 x 2760
Fax: (203) 937-3845
Email:  charles.haskesat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Cheryl B. Haskes
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.8 FTEE)
Phone: (860) 667-6742
             (203) 932-5711 x 2760
Fax: (860) 667-6833
Email:  cheryl.haskesat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Tam Nguyen
Job Title: Attending/Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (203) 932-5711 x 4554
             (203) 932-5711 x 2760
Fax: (203) 937-3845
Email:  tam.nguyen5at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Nancy Shenouda-Awad
Job Title: Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (203) 932-5711 x 2760
Fax: (203) 937-4985
Email:  nancy.shenouda-awadat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Zachary Tlumak
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 203-932-5711 x 2760
Fax: 203-937-3485
Email:  zachary.tlumakat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Theresa Zerilli
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (845) 306-8389
Fax: (203) 937-4739
Email:  theresa.zerilliat signva.gov
Pager: (845) 300-2604
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Jordan Zinn
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (646) 284-8591
Fax: (203) 937-4739
Email:  jordan.zinnat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)


Wilmington VAMC
(VISN: 4  station: 460)
1601 Kirkwood Highway
Wilmington, DE 19805
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Rajni K. Acharya, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Salus University  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Emily Carr, OD, Mira Aumiller, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2 3/6 months 4
NOVA 1 3/6 months 2-4
NECO 1 3/6 months 1-4
SUNY 1 12 weeks 1-4
ICO 1 12 weeks 1-4
Dr. Rajni K Acharya
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MBS
Full Type
Phone: 302-994-2511
Fax: 302-633-5358
Email:  rajni.acharyaat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Mira Silbert Aumiller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (800) 461-8262 x 5289
Fax: (302) 633-5358
Email:  mira.aumillerat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Emily Carr
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,FAAO
Phone: 302-994-2511 x 4199
Fax: 302-633-5358
Email:  emily.carrat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Amanda A Dori
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 302-994-2511 x 2812
Fax: 302-633-5358
Email:  amanda.doriat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Robert S. Duszak
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: 302-994-2511 x 4014
Fax: 302-633-5358
Email:  robert.duszakat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Jason Rinehart
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (302) 994-2511 x 4014
Fax: (302) 633-5358
Email:  jason.rinehartat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Lisa Stottlemyer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (302) 994-2511 x 4014
             (800) 461-8262
Fax: (302) 633-5358
Email:  lisa.stottlemyerat signva.gov
Pager: (302) 433-4429
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct associate professor)
                NOVA (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                ICO (Adjunct clinical preceptor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Kristina Treml
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 302-994-2511 x 2487
Email:  Kristina.tremlat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA

 District of Columbia

Washington DC VAMC
(VISN: 5  station: 688)
50 Irving Street #112, NW
Washington, DC 20422
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Dr. Samuel S. Belkin
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (202) 745-8347
Fax: (202) 745-8116
Email:  samuel.belkinat signva.gov
Faculty:  Georgetown University
                Washington DC (Instructor)
Residency Trained: VA
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN, National
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Principal Investigator
Dr. Angelina Bonner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 301-884-7102
Email:  angelina.bonner2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ellen Kwon
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (202) 745-8344
Email:  ellen.kwonat signva.gov
Faculty:  Georgetown University Medical School (Instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Kathryn Matherly
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 202-745-8000
Fax: 202-745-2418
Email:  Kathryn.matherlyat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Kathryn Matherly OD
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 202-745-8000
Fax: 202-745-2418
Email:  kathryn.matherlyat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Kathyrn Matherly OD
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 202-745-8000
Fax: 202-745-2418
Email:  kathyrn.matherlyat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Gemini A. Singh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (202) 745-8344
Fax: (202) 745-8116
Email:  gemini.singhat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Research: Co-principal Investigator


Bay Pines VAMC(CW Bill Young VAMC)
(VISN: 8  station: 516)
PO Box 5005
Eye Clinic Bldg 106 1st Floor
Bay Pines, FL 33744
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Candace Greenough, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Derek Richardson, OD(ICO) & Vanessa Santos-Nevarez(NECO, NOVA)
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Ronald B. Arenstein
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 239-652-1800 x 20737
Fax: 239-652-1929
Email:  ronald.arensteinat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Candace Cordero
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (727) 398-6661 x 16604
Fax: (727) 399-3968
Email:  Candace.corderoat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                Western University (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Paul J. Gruosso
Job Title: Low Vision Clinic Director, Student Extern Program Director
Degree(s): OD
Email:  paul.gruossoat signva.gov
Pager: (727) 627-1128
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Joseph A. Miller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (727) 398-6661 x 5431
Email:  joseph.miller3at signva.gov
Pager: (727) 257-1368
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Vanessa Santos Nevarez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 727-398-6661
Fax: 727-399-3968
Email:  Vanessa.santos-nevarezat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Derek A. Richardson
Job Title: Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 727-398-6661 x 10225
Email:  derek.richardson5at signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Daniel Shea
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 727-398-6661 x 16604
Fax: 727-399-3968
Email:  Daniel.Shea3at signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Bradenton VA CBOC
(VISN: 8  station: )
5520 STATE ROAD 64, Suite 101
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Katherine S. Dunatov, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Karen R. Reeves, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Western University 1 12 weeks 4
UABSO 1 16 weeks 1
Dr. Katherine S. Dunatov
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 941-721-0649
Fax: 941-749-3850
Email:  katherine.dunatovat signva.gov
Faculty:  Western University (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Elizabeth M. Garland
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (941) 721-0649 x 6862
Fax: (941) 721-6080
Email:  elizabeth.garlandat signva.gov
Faculty:  Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Karen Reeves
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 941-721-0649
Fax: 941-749-3850
Email:  karen.reeves2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Western University (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA
Broward County VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 8  station: )
9800 W Commercial Blvd.
Sunrise, FL 33351
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Robert Sherrin
Phone: (305) 324-4455
Email:  robert.sherrinat signva.gov
Fort Myers VA OPC
(VISN: 8  station: )
Eye clinic
3033 Winkler Ext.
Fort Myers, FL 33916
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Susan H. Shin-Harris
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (239) 939-3939 x 6285
Fax: (239) 931-6136
Email:  susan.shinat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Gainesville - Malcom Randall VAMC
(VISN: 8  station: 573)
Optometry Clinic
5533 SW 64th Street
Gainesville, FL 32608
Low Vision Clinic
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Susannah Marcus-Freeman, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Regina Portocarrero, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA 2 12 weeks 1-8*
SCO 2 12 weeks 1-8*
IAUPR 1 12 weeks 1-4*
AZCOPT 1 12 weeks 1-4*
UIWRSO 1 12 weeks 1-4*
Dr. Kenneth Chung
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 352-271-5967
Email:  Kenneth.Chungat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Susannah B. Marcus-Freeman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (33 hrs/week)
Phone: (352) 271-5967
             (352) 262-4360
Fax: (352) 271-5968
Email:  susannah.marcusat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Eva Manousakis Page
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (352) 271-5967
Fax: (352) 271-5968
Email:  eva.pageat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Mischelle L. Pearcy-Baluyot
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (352) 271-5967 x 4908
Fax: (352) 271-5968
Email:  mischelle.pearcy-baluyotat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Regina L. Portocarrero
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Optometry Externship Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (352) 271-6005
Fax: (352) 271-5968
Email:  regina.portocarreroat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. John Tierney
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (352) 271-6002
Fax: (352) 271-5968
Email:  john.tierneyat signva.gov
Member of the VA Optometry Professional Standards Board
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Optometry VISN Mentor
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Research: Other
Dr. Anna Wong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MA
Part-time (22 hours)
Phone: (352) 376-1611 x 4908
Fax: (352) 271-4543
Email:  anna.wongat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                ICO (Assoc professor)
                NOVA (Assoc professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Optometry VISN Mentor
Homestead CBOC
(VISN: 8  station: )
950 N. Krome Ave
Homestead, FL 33030
Dr. Soraya Lopez-Milian
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 305-248-0874 x 12268
Email:  Soraya.Lopez-Milianat signva.gov
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Shannon Ver Woert
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 305-248-0874
Email:  shannon.verwoertat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Jacksonville VA
(VISN: 8  station: )
1536 N. Jefferson St.
Jacksonville, FL 32209
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Roxanne Senechal, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Rena Cappelli, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA 2 12 weeks 8
UIWRSO 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Rena Cappelli
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: 904-475-5876
Fax: 904-232-2381
Email:  rena.cappelliat signva.gov
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Tiffany Tucker
Job Title: Externship Director
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 904-475-6310
Fax: 904-232-2381
Email:  tiffany.tucker2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
Dr. Danielle Vance
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 904-475-6310
Fax: 904-232-2381
Email:  danielle.vanceat signva.gov
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Adjunct professor)
                Western University (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AFOS
ACMO certified
Lake City VAMC
(VISN: 8  station: 573A4)
Optometry Clinic (112)
619 S. Marion Avenue
Lake City, FL 32025
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Nirmani Karunathilake, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Carolyn Clark Huggett, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4*
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4*
NECO 1 12 weeks 4*
AZCOPT 2 12 weeks 6*
UIWRSO 2 12 weeks 6*
Dr. Ansu Mariam Abraham
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 386-755-3016
Fax: 386-754-6423
Email:  ansu.abrahmaat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Danielle Howard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 386-755-3016
Fax: 352-384-8109
Email:  Danielle.Howard1at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Amy Huddleston
Job Title: Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (386) 755-3016
             (386) 365-1691
Email:  amy.huddlestonat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Wendy M. McGonigal
Job Title: Associate Chief, Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (386) 755-3016 x 7500
             (800) 308-8387 x 7500
Fax: (386) 755-3016
Email:  wendy.mcgonigalat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical preceptor)
                TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Melissa R. Nichols
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (386) 755-3016 x 2373
Fax: (386) 754-6423
Email:  melissa.nicholsat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Mischelle L. Pearcy-Baluyot
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (352) 271-5967 x 4908
Fax: (352) 271-5968
Email:  mischelle.pearcy-baluyotat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Lee County VAHC
(VISN: 8  station: )
2489 Diplomat Parkway East
Cape Coral, FL 33909
Dr. L. Philip Baier
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (239) 652-1800 x 20734
Fax: (239) 652-1929
Email:  louis.baierat signva.gov
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Bruce Barbon
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (239) 652-1800
Fax: (239) 652-1929
Email:  bruce.barbonat signva.gov
Faculty:  Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Stephanie Cali
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): O.D.
Phone: (239)652-1800 x 20740
Email:  Stephanie.caliat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Miami VAMC
(VISN: 8  station: 546)
Eye Clinic 112
1201 NW 16th Street
Miami, FL 33125
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Kasey Zann, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: James Fabian, OD & Samantha Fernandez, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA 1 12 weeks 4
UCB 2 9 weeks 10
Dr. James A. Fabian
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (305) 575-7000 x 6717
Email:  james.fabianat signva.gov
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Samantha Fernandez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 305-575-7000 x 16131
Email:  Samantha.Fernandezat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Molly O'Shaughnessey Johnson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (305) 575-7000 x 6247
Email:  molly.johnson5at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Kasey Zann
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (305) 575-7000 x 3910
Email:  kasey.zannat signva.gov
Faculty:  UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
New Port Richey VAOPC
(VISN: 8  station: 673BZ)
9912 Little Road
New Port Richey, FL 34654
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Laryn Adams
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (727) 863-1035
Fax: (727) 863-1027
Email:  laryn.adamsat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Lindsey Hardy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: 502-287-6199
Fax: 502-287-6325
Email:  Lindsey.hardyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Megan Hueske
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (727) 863-1035 x 2001
Email:  megan.hueskeat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Fellowship Trained: TBI/Polytrauma Clinical Optometry
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Joyce E. Jordahl Nash
Job Title: Staff Optometrist(Supervisor)
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 727-863-1035
Fax: 727-863-1027
Email:  joyce.jordahl-nashat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
North Florida/South Georgia VHA
(VISN: 8  station: )
5533 SW 64th St. Bldg.#2
Gainesville, FL 32608
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Geriatric Optometry, Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation, Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care, Ocular Disease
Resident Affiliated Institutions: 
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Regina Portocarrera
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA   12 weeks 26
Dr. Carolyn Clark Huggett
Job Title: Chief/Assistant Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 352-271-6000
Email:  carolyn.huggettat signva.gov
Oakland Park VAOPC
(VISN: 8  station: )
Eye Clinic
5599 N. Dixie Hwy
Oakland Park, FL 33334
Dr. Donald McCoy
Phone: (954) 771-2101 x 2239
Email:  donald.mccoyat signmed.va.gov
Orlando VA - Lake Baldwin Division
(VISN: 8  station: 675)
Eye Clinic
5201 Raymond Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: John M. Spalding, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  MCPHS   NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Erica Walker, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1-2 12 weeks 4-6
NOVA 1-2 16 weeks 3-6
MCPHS 1-2 16 weeks 3-6
UIWRSO 2-3 16 weeks 6-8
Dr. Claire Pizzimenti
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 407-646-5160
Email:  claire.pizzimentiat signva.gov
Faculty:  UIWRSO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 National Academies of Practice
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. John M. Spalding
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (407) 629-1599 x 1725
Fax: (407) 599-1340
Email:  john.spaldingat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 Optometric Glaucoma Society
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Trisha Tran
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  trisha.tran2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Erica J. Walker
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (407) 629-1599 x 1080
Fax: (407) 599-1340
Email:  erica.walkerat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Betty Wang
Orlando VA - Lake Nona Division
(VISN: 8  station: )
13800 Veterans Way
Orlando, FL 32827
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry
Residency Coordinator: John M. Spalding OD and Beth Norris OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Trisha Tran, OD & Lauren Kiggen, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA 0-4 12 weeks 8-12
Western University 2-4 12 weeks 10-12
SCO 0-5 16 weeks 5-15
Dr. Lauren S Barnhart
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (407) 631-1000 x 12006
Email:  Lauren.Barnhartat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Jenette L. Cantrell
Job Title: Staff Optometris
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (407) 631-2013
Email:  jenette.cantrellat signva.gov
Faculty:  MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Babita Gounden
Dr. Sara Henney
Degree(s): OD
Dr. David N. Lynne
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (407) 629-1599 x 6210
Fax: (407) 599-1340
Email:  david.lynneat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Maria J. Mandese
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Fax: (407) 599-1340
Email:  maria.mandeseat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct clinical professor)
                MCPHS (Clinical preceptor)
                Western University (Clinical preceptor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care, Rehabilitative Optometry)
Dr. Beth Elise Norris
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 407-631-1209
Email:  beth.norrisat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Ian D. Raden
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD. MBA
Phone: (386) 323-7500 x 30207
Fax: (386) 323-7564
Email:  ian.radenat signva.gov
Pager: (407) 510-7027
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Optometry VISN Mentor
Pensacola VA OPC
VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System
(VISN: 16  station: 0)
Joint Ambulatory Care Center
790 Veterans Way
Pensacola, FL 32507
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Andrew S. Kim, OD, MBA
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Andrew S. Kim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MBA
Phone: (850)912-2557
Fax: (850)912-2439
Email:  andrew.kim2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Port Charlotte VA CBOC
(VISN: 8  station: )
4161 Tamiami Trail Suite 401
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Dr. Alice Higgins
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (941) 235-2710 x 22040
Fax: (941) 235-2712
Email:  alice.higginsat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Tallahassee VA Healthcare Center
(VISN: 8  station: 573GF)
2181 East Orange Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32311
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Brady Hanlon, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NOVA  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Brandon Sanders, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4-8
MCPHS 1 12 weeks 4
IAUPR 1 16 weeks 4
ICO 1-2 14 weeks 4-8
Midwestern University 1-2 15 weeks 4
Dr. Angel L. Rivera
Job Title: Director of Optometry Externship Program
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (850) 878-0191 x 2174
Fax: (850) 878-8900
Email:  angel.rivera1at signva.gov
Faculty:  IAUPR (Adjunct faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Research: Principal Investigator
Dr. Brandon Sanders
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (850) 878-0191 x 2428
Fax: (850) 878-8900
Email:  brandon.sanders2at signva.gov
Waterloo (Adjunct faculty), NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
Faculty:  IAUPR (Adjunct faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
                Midwestern University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Joni Scott-Weideman
Job Title: Residency Coordinator/Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (850) 878-0191 x 2176
Fax: (850) 878-8900
Email:  joni.scott-weidemanat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                NOVA (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Tampa VA (C&P)
(VISN: 8  station: )
JAHVA Compensation & Pension
14020 N. 46th Street
Tampa, FL 33613
Dr. Brian LeStrange
Job Title: Optometrist, Compensation & Pension
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (813) 972-2000 x 5192
Fax: (813) 972-7605
Email:  brian.lestrangeat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
The Villages VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 6  station: )
8900 SE 165th Mulberry Lane
The Villages, FL 32162
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Brian D. Fisher, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA 1 12 weeks 4
ICO 2 12 weeks 8
Indiana University 2 12 weeks 8
Western University 1 12 weeks 8
MCPHS 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Stephanie M Carter
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 352-674-5000
Fax: 352-674-5027
Email:  Stephanie.carterat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Assistant clinical faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Matthew G. Cordes
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (352) 674-5130
Fax: (352) 674-5027
Email:  Matthew.Cordesat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Sarah V. Cordes
Job Title: Staff Optometrist; Student Externship Supervisor
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 352-674-5130 x 1624
Fax: 352-674-5027
Email:  sarah.cordesat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                MCPHS (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Research: Co-investigator
Dr Brian Fisher
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 352-674-5000 x 1907
Email:  Brian.Fisherat signva.gov
NECO Adjunct clinical Faculty, IAU Affiliated professor
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                MCPHS (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct clinical professor)
                Western University (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. David W. Johnson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 352-674-5130
Email:  David.Johnson3at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Trina Perkins
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (352) 674-5027
Fax: (352) 674-5027
Email:  trina.perkinsat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Viera VA OPC
(VISN: 8  station: 675GA)
Eye Clinic
2900 Veterans Way
Viera, FL 32940
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Bruce Barbon, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA 1 12 weeks 4
Western University 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Robert W. Hillsgrove
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (321) 637-3646
Fax: (321) 637-3509
Email:  robert.hillsgroveat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  UAB (Assoc professor)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Jacqueline Zermeno
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (321) 637-3788 x 42616
Fax: (407) 513-9085
Email:  jacqueline.zermenoat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
West Palm Beach VAMC
(VISN: 8  station: 548)
7305 N. Military Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33410
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Kirsten Knowles, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA 1 12 weeks 8
Dr. Robert D. Barr
Job Title: Chief, Optometry Services
Degree(s): MBA, OD
Phone: (561) 422-7636
             (561) 422-8262
Fax: (561) 422-8362
Email:  robert.barrat signva.gov
Pager: (561) 230-1089
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Diana Cajamarca
Job Title: Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (561) 422-8262 x 7198
Fax: (561) 422-5349
Email:  diana.cajamarcaat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Kirsten J. Knowles
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  kirsten.knowlesat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Jenny Lee
Job Title: Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (561) 422-8335
Fax: (561) 422-5349
Email:  jenny.leeat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Amy J. Pikal
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (561) 422-8262 x 6443
Fax: (561) 422-8362
Email:  amy.pikalat signva.gov
Pager: (561) 604-0273
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Peter S. Siedman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (561) 442-8262 x 2982
Fax: (561) 442-8362
Email:  peter.siedmanat signva.gov
Pager: (561) 604-0249
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Clifton Curtis Stephens
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (561) 422-6442
Fax: (561) 422-8362
Email:  clifton.stephensat signva.gov
Pager: (561) 604-0283
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
William Bill Kling VA Clinic
(VISN: 8  station: )
9800 W Commercial Blvd
Sunrise, FL 33351
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Johnlee Beaton, OD, Andrew Jensen OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NOVA 1 24 weeks 2
Dr. Andrew Jensen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 954-475-5500 x 5616
Email:  Andrew.jensen3at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Katherine Jensen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (954) 475-5500 x 5615
Fax: 954-625-8755
Email:  katherine.jensen3at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified


Atlanta VAMC
(VISN: 7  station: )
1670 Clairmont Rd, 112E
Decatur, GA 30033
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Dr. Thao M. Harris
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  thao.harrisat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Donya Kobari
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 770-852-3400
Email:  donya.kobariat signva.gov
Member:  GOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Dolly Rajamannar-Kakarala
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: (404) 321-6111 x 5995
Fax: (404) 327-4918
Email:  dolly.rajamannar-kakaralaat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Trennda Rittenbach
Job Title: TECS Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full-time (Tu-Fri)
Email:  Trennda.rittenbachat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Augusta VA Downtown Division
Augusta VA Medical Center
(VISN: 7  station: )
1 Freedom Way
Augusta, GA 30904
Dr. Alejandro Diaz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (706) 733-0188 x 2375
Fax: (706) 823-3939
Email:  alejandro.diaz2at signva.gov
Member:  Colegio de Optometras de PR
Dr. Arnold Martin Huskins
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (Tu-Th)
Phone: (706) 733-0188 x 2318
Fax: (706) 823-3939
Email:  arnold.huskinsat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Mark Petrelli
Degree(s): OD
Email:  mark.petrelliat signva.gov
Carl Vinson VAMC
(VISN: 7  station: )
1826 Veterans Blvd
Dublin, GA 31021
Dr. Alexander John Leong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (478) 272-1210 x 3343
Email:  Alexander.Leongat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Charlie Norwood VAMC
(VISN: 7  station: )
1 Freedom Way
Augusta, GA 30904
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Dr. Robin Thomas
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 706-733-0188 x 6658
Email:  robin.thomas3at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Columbus VA Clinic
Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System (CAVHCS)
(VISN: 7  station: )
1310 13th Avenue
Columbus, GA 31901-2335
Dr. Cindy L DePlonty
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 706-257-7200 x 6593
Fax: 706-257-7212
Email:  Cindy.Deplontyat signva.gov
Dublin VAMC
(VISN: 7  station: )
1862 Veterans Blvd.
Dublin, GA 31021
Dr. Daniel Brigham
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (478) 272-1210 x 3339
Email:  daniel.brigham2at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry)
Dr. Libertad Melendez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MBA
Part-time (32 hours)
Phone: (478) 272-1210
Email:  libertad.melendezat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Cornea and Contact Lenses, Hospital-Based Optometry, Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Charles J. Paullisky
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (478) 272-1210 x 3341
Email:  charles.paulliskyat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Ft. Benning VA Clinic
(VISN: 7  station: )
6635 Bass Road
Ft. Benning, GA 31905
Dr. Kevin C. Pollard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (762) 408-3508
Email:  kevin.pollardat signva.gov
Diplomate, American Board of Optometry
Member:  AAO Fellow
Macon VA Clinic
(VISN: 7  station: )
5566 Thomaston Road
Macon, GA 31220-8118
Dr. Sarah Mendonca
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 478-576-8868 x 46608
Fax: 478-274-5598
Email:  sarah.mendoncaat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Savannah VA Clinic
(VISN: 7  station: )
325 W. Montgomery Crossroads
Savannah, GA 31406
Dr. John R. Latch
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full Time
Phone: (912) 920-0214 x 2046
Fax: (912) 921-2000
Email:  john.latchat signva.gov
VA Southeast Network
(VISN: 7  station: )
3700 Crestwood Parkway
Suite 500
Duluth, GA 30096
Dr. Anney K Joseph
Job Title: TECS Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 646-509-6915
Email:  Anney.Josephat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)


Hilo VA CBOC (PCC03)
(VISN: 21  station: )
1285 Waianuenue Ave., Ste 211
Hilo, HI 96720
Dr. Jon M. Sakuda
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  jon.sakudaat signva.gov
Pager: (808) 299-3611
Faculty:  PUCO (Assistant clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                UCB (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Honolulu - Spark Matsunaga Medical Center
VA Pacific Islands Health Care System
(VISN: 21  station: 459)
Eye Clinic (11SC)
459 Patterson Road
Honolulu, HI 96819-1522
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jon M. Sakuda, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 1 10 weeks 4
PUCO 1 12 weeks 3
SCCO MBKU 1 12 weeks 2
Dr. Alan Riezman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, BS, OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  alan.riezman2at signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AMSUS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Jon M. Sakuda
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  jon.sakudaat signva.gov
Pager: (808) 299-3611
Faculty:  PUCO (Assistant clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                UCB (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Dr. Lynn H. Ueshiro
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  lynn.ueshiroat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Family Practice Optometry)
ACMO certified
Kahului VA CBOC (PCC02)
(VISN: 21  station: )
203 Ho'ohana Street, Suite 303
Kahului, HI 96732
Dr. Alan Riezman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, BS, OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  alan.riezman2at signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AMSUS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Jon M. Sakuda
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  jon.sakudaat signva.gov
Pager: (808) 299-3611
Faculty:  PUCO (Assistant clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                UCB (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Kona VA CBOC (PCC04)
(VISN: 21  station: )
75-5995 Kuakini Hwy, Ste 413
Kailuna-Kona, HI 96740
Dr. Jon M. Sakuda
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  jon.sakudaat signva.gov
Pager: (808) 299-3611
Faculty:  PUCO (Assistant clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                UCB (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Lihue VA CBOC (PCC01)
VAMROC Honolulu
(VISN: 21  station: 459GB)
3367 Kuhio Hwy, Suite 102
Lihue, HI 96766
Dr. Alan Riezman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, BS, OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  alan.riezman2at signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AMSUS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Jon M. Sakuda
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (808) 838-6505
Fax: (808) 433-0398
Email:  jon.sakudaat signva.gov
Pager: (808) 299-3611
Faculty:  PUCO (Assistant clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                UCB (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Spark Matsunaga VA Medical Center
(VISN: 21  station: )
459 Patterson Road
Honolulu, HI 96819
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jon Sakuda, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 1 10 weeks 4
PUCO 1 12 weeks 3
SCCO MBKU 1 12 weeks 2
Dr. Joyce Zhang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 808-838-6505
Email:  joyce.zhang2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 Hawaii Optometric Association
                 Texas Optometric Association
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)


Boise VAMC
(VISN: 20  station: 531)
500 West Ft. Street
Boise, ID 83702
Dr. Timothy Ellis
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (208) 422-1072
Fax: (208) 422-1080
Email:  timothy.ellisat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Caldwell CBOC
(VISN: 20  station: )
713 Haystack Way
Caldwell, ID 83605
Dr. Samantha F. Kamo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 208-454-4820
Fax: 208-454-4859
Email:  Samantha.kamoat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)


Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center
(VISN: 12  station: )
Optometry- Building 133EF
3001 Green Bay Road
North Chicago, IL 60064
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Shelly Kim, OD FAAO
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  ICO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Sarah Rogers, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 3 12 weeks 8
Chicago College of Optometry 3 12 weeks 12
SCO 3 15 weeks 6
Dr. Shelly Kim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 224-610-7174
Fax: 224-610-7153
Email:  shelly.kimat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Research: Co-principal Investigator
Danville VAMC
Illiana Health Care System
(VISN: 12  station: 550)
Eye Clinic (112E)
1900 East Main St.
Danville, IL 61832
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Guadalupe Mejia, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Indiana University  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jane Lakayil-Armstrong, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 2 12 weeks 8
AZCOPT 2 12 weeks 8
Midwestern Chicago 2 12 weeks 8
Indiana University 2 12 weeks 8
MCPHS 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Aimee Beluch
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 217-554-3000 x 45400
Fax: 217-554-4861
Email:  aimee.beluchat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Jane Lakayil
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 217-554-5180
Fax: 217-554-4861
Email:  jane.lakayilat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Guadalupe A. Mejia
Job Title: Optometry Section Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (217) 554-5321
Fax: (217) 554-4861
Email:  guadalupe.mejiaat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
                Midwestern Arizona (Adjunct faculty)
                Midwestern Chicago (Adjunct faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 Neuro-Optometric Rehab Assoc
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Decatur VA CBOC
(VISN: 12  station: Optometry (26B))
792 N Sunnyside Road
Decatur, IL 62522
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Brandy Vaughn, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
Midwestern Chicago 1 12 weeks 2
IAUPR 1 12 weeks 1
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 1
Dr Friedel Daniel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 217-362-5442 x 47673
Fax: 217-362-5476
Email:  friedel.danielat signva.gov
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Stephanie Loy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): O.D.
Phone: 217-362-5442 x 57673
Fax: 217-362-5467
Email:  Stephanie.Loyat signva.gov
Dr. Brandy Vaughn
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 217-362-5442 x 47647
Fax: 217-362-5476
Email:  brandy.vaughn1at signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Edward Hines, Jr. VAMC
(VISN: 12  station: 578)
Eye Clinic, Bldg 200
5000 South 5th Ave.
Hines, IL 60141
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Eileen Gable, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Eileen Margaret Gable
Job Title: Attending Staff
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (5/8 FTEE)
Phone: (708) 202-3784
Fax: (708) 202-2175
Pager: (708) 216-8777 17153
Faculty:  LUMC (Assistant professor of ophthalmology)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Research: Other
Dr. Bruce I. Gaynes
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, PharmD
Part-time (5/8 FTE)
Phone: (708) 202-2061
Email:  bruce.gaynesat signva.gov
Faculty:  Loyola University Chicago
                Stritch School of Med (Assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Peter A. Russo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (6/8 FTE)
Phone: (708) 202-2061
Fax: (708) 202-2175
Email:  peter.russo2at signva.gov
Faculty:  LUMC (Professor
                Department of Ophthalmology)
Member:  AAO Diplomate Cornea
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Fisher Clinic, Bldg 237
(VISN: 12  station: )
2470 Sampson Street
Great Lakes, IL 60088
Dr. Patricia Ann Steiner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 847-688-5469 x 89063
Fax: 847-688-2512
Email:  patricia.steinerat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Diplomate Low Vision
                 AAO Fellow
Jesse Brown (West Side) VAMC
Chicago VA Healthcare System
(VISN: 12  station: 537)
Eye Clinic (MC 170-F)
820 S. Damen Avenue
Chicago, IL 60612
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Jennifer H. Brown, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  ICO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michelle Marciniak, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1 3/6 months variable
Chicago College of Optometry 1 12 weeks 4
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Victoria M. Butcko
Job Title: Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (312) 569-7539
Fax: (312) 569-7547
Email:  victoria.butckoat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
                College of Medicine (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Contact Lens
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Kristina T. Gabrenya
Job Title: Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (.4 to .8)
Phone: (312) 569-7501
Fax: (312) 569-7547
Email:  kristina.gabrenyalat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
Dr. Megan A. Hunter
Job Title: Optometry Attending
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (312) 569-7509
Fax: (312) 569-7547
Email:  megan.hunterat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Charles W. Kinnaird
Job Title: Attending
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (312) 569-7507
             (773) 464-4183
Fax: (312) 569-6147
Email:  charles.kinnardat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                ICO (Assoc professor)
                U. of IL
                Dept of Ophth and Visual Sci (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Michelle M. Marciniak
Job Title: Attending optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.6)
Phone: (312) 569-7501
             (312) 569-7539
Fax: (312) 569-7547
Email:  michelle.marciniakat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                ICO (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Heather McLeod
Job Title: Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 312-569-7500
Email:  Heather.McLeod3at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Lauren Ristin
Job Title: Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.65 FTEE)
Phone: (312) 569-7509
Fax: (312) 569-7547
Email:  lauren.ristinat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Lakeside VA
(VISN: 12  station: 537a)
Eye Clinic
333 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
Dr. Margaret M. Mannion
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (219) 662-5081
Email:  margaret.mannionat signmed.va.gov
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
North Chicago, IL DVA
Great Lakes Health Care System
(VISN: 12  station: 556)
Eye Clinic (112e)
3001 Green Bay Road
North Chicago, IL 60064-3095
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Stuart Richer, OD, PhD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Gary I. Bekritsky
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): MA, OD
Phone: (847) 688-1900 x 85440
             (224) 610-5440
Fax: (224) 610-2909
Email:  gary.bekritskyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Contact Lens
Peoria Campus - Bob Michel VA OPC
VA Illiana Healthcare System
(VISN: 12  station: 550BY)
Optometry (11P1)
7717 N Orange Prairie Road
Peoria, IL 61615-9323
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jonathan Bradley, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Chicago College of Optometry 2 12 weeks 8
UIWRSO 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Jonathan Bradley
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (217)554-3000 x 47213
Fax: (217)875-2689
Email:  jonathan.bradleyat signva.gov
Faculty:  UIWRSO (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Pediatric Optometry, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Jessica M. Johnson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part time
Phone: (217)554-3000 x 47121
Fax: (217)875-2689
Email:  jessica.johnson11at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Lara K. Pedretti Staley
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (309) 589-6800 x 47212
             (309) 589-6800 x 47111
Fax: (309) 589-6994
Email:  lara.staleyat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                UIWRSO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
(VISN: 23  station: )
6020 Broadway St
Quincy, IL 62305
Dr. Heidi M. Larner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (217)224-3366
Email:  heidi.larnerat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
VA Illiana Health Care System
(VISN: 11  station: )
1900 E. Main Street, Eye Clinic 11C-5
Danville, IL 61832
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Guadalupe A Mejia, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Indiana University  
Student Program:
Dr. Kellie M Gladys
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 309-827-4090 x 37831
Fax: 309-827-4109
Email:  kellie.gladysat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)


Adam Benjamin Jr MD VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 12  station: )
9301 Madison St
Crown Point, IN 46307
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Treacy Adamo, OD, MS, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Jamie N. Hogan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  jamie.hoganat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Crown Point - Adam Benjamin Jr. VA OPC
(VISN: 12  station: 537)
Eye Clinic
9330 So. Broadway
Crown Point, IN 46307
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: David Storer, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Treacy M. Adamo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist/Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (312) 569-5257
Fax: (312) 569-5201
Email:  treacy.adamo2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Margaret M. Mannion
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (219) 662-5081
Email:  margaret.mannionat signmed.va.gov
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Tricia L Newman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  tricia.newmanat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. David G. Storer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, OD
Phone: (312) 569-5252
Fax: (312) 569-5201
Email:  david.storerat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dearborn County CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: )
1600 Flossie Drive
Greendale, IN 47025
Dr. Elizabeth Fahy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  elizabeth.fahyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Amber Watkins
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  amber.watkinsat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Evansville VA Health Care Center
(VISN: 15  station: 609BY)
Eye Clinic
6211 E. Waterford Blvd
Evansville, IN 47715
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Rachel Rexing-Thacker, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Gordon C. Green
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (812) 465-5631
Fax: (812) 465-6287
Email:  gordon.greenat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Rachel Rexing-Thacker
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 812-465-6202
Fax: 812-474-3587
Email:  rachel.rexing-thackerat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ricardo R. Salvat
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (812) 465-5631
Fax: (812) 465-6287
Email:  ricardo.salvatat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
ACMO certified
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Jennifer Visk
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 812-465-6202 x 73612
Fax: 812-464-3587
Email:  Jennifer.visk2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Fort Wayne Division, Northern Indiana Health Care System
VA Northern Indiana Health Care System
(VISN: 11  station: )
Eye Clinic, 112B
2121 Lake Avenue
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Aaron Case, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  MCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Nathan Rock, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
Chicago College of Optometry 1 12 weeks 4
MCO 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Matthew Anderson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist(Lead)
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (260) 426-1442
Fax: (260) 421-1823
Email:  matthew.anderson1at signva.gov
Faculty:  MCO (Assoc professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Aaron Case
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (260) 460-1442
Email:  aaron.caseat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Assistant professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jacob Goeser
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MBA
Full Time
Email:  Jacob.Goeserat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Nathan Rock
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 260-460-1442
Fax: 260-421-1823
Email:  nathan.rockat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
                Midwestern University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Lovelee Sayomac
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (260) 460-1442
Fax: (260) 421-1823
Email:  lovelee.sayomacat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Traci L. (Thielen) Seng
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (260) 460-1442
Fax: (260) 421-1823
Email:  traci.sengat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN
Indianapolis - Roudebush VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 583)
1481 W. 10th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Bradley Hiatt, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Piper Groppel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (317) 988-2563
Fax: (317) 988-2970
Email:  piper.groppelat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                IU School of Medicine (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Zachary L. Olsen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (317) 554-0000 x 86084
Email:  zachary.olsen1at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Steve Petkovich
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (317) 554-0053
Email:  steve.petkovichat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                IU School of Medicine (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Jacqueline J Thompson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (317) 988-2563
Fax: (317) 988-5320
Email:  jacqueline.thompson1at signva.gov
Dr. Sarah Zender
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (317) 988-2563
Fax: (317) 988-5320
Email:  sarah.zenderat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Marion VA - South Campus
Northern Indiana Health Care System
(VISN: 11  station: )
1700 East 38th Street
Marion, IN 46953
Dr. Haylee Bourlier
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 765-674-3321 x 74609
Fax: 765-677-5737
Email:  Haylee.Bourlierat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ron Brackenbury
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (765) 674-3321 x 3911
Fax: (765) 677-5137
Email:  ronald.brackenbury2at signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Brett T. Garee
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 614-257-5200
Email:  brett.gareeat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Jessie Vorachek
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 765-674-3321 x 74610
Fax: 765-677-5137
Email:  jessie.vorachekat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Roudebush VA Medical Center
(VISN: 11  station: )
1481 W. 10th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Dr. Mary E. Marte
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (317) 988-2563
Email:  mary.marte1at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Debra L. McConnaha
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.375 FTEE)
Phone: (317) 988-2563
Fax: (317) 988-5320
Email:  debra.mcconnahaat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                IU School of Medicine (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Rehabilitative Optometry)
Dr Ravisa Patel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 317-988-2563
Email:  Ravisa.Patelat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
St. Joseph County VA Clinic
(VISN: 11  station: )
Eye Clinic
1540 Trinity Pl
Mishawaka, IN 46545
Dr. Christopher J. Bugajski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (574) 272-9000
Fax: (574)272-9153
Email:  Christopher.Bugajskiat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Mary Stoll
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 574-272-9000 x 49835
Fax: 574-272-9153
Email:  mary.stollat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
VA Northern Indiana Health Care System - Jackie Walorski VA Clinic
(VISN: 23  station: )
1540 Trinity Pl.
Mishawaka, IN 46545
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Christopher Bugajski, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  ICO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Mary Wittendorf, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 2 12 weeks 8
Chicago College of Optometry 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. Christopher J. Bugajski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (574) 272-9000
Fax: (574)272-9153
Email:  Christopher.Bugajskiat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Mary E Wittendorf
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 574-272-9000 x 49385
Fax: 574-272-9153
Email:  mary.wittendorfat signva.gov
Faculty:  Chicago College of Optometry (Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor)
                ICO (Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Veteran Health Indiana, Brownsburg VA Clinic
(VISN: 23  station: )
557 Pit Rd
Brownsburg, IN 46112
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Sarah Zender, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Indiana University  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Sarah Zender, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Midwestern Chicago 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Sarah Zender
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (317) 988-2563
Fax: (317) 988-5320
Email:  sarah.zenderat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)


Des Moines Division - VA Central Iowa Health Care System
VA Central Iowa
(VISN: 23  station: )
3600 30th Street (112B)
DesMoines, IA 50310
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Kimberly A. Geren
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (515) 699-5815
Fax: (515) 599-5906
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN, National
Dr. Lincoln Geren
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (515) 699-5815
Dr. Benjamin Groth
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 515-242-4697
Fax: 515-699-5610
Email:  benjamin.grothat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Justin J. Meeks
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (515) 699-5999 x 5815
Email:  justin.meeks2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Iowa City VAMC
(VISN: 23  station: 584)
Eye Clinic
601 Hwy 6 West
Iowa City, IA 52246
Dr. Brian M. Colander
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full Time
Phone: (319) 338-0581 x 7844
Fax: (319) 887-4926
Email:  brian.colander2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Brian Richard Kirschling
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (12h/w)
Phone: (319) 338-0581 x 5844
Fax: (319) 887-4926
Faculty:  University of Iowa College of Medicine (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Sarah Vanway
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD


Dwight D. Eisenhower Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
(VISN: 15  station: )
4101 4th Street Trafficway
Leavenworth, KS 66048
Dr. Steven MacDonald
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 913-682-2000 x 52998
Email:  Steven.Macdonald1at signva.gov
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Sarah Truman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 913-682-2000 x 62997
Email:  sarah.trumanat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Leavenworth VAMC
(VISN: 15  station: 686)
4101 S. 4th St. Trafficway
Leavenworth, KS 66048
Dr. Melanie J. Bolinger
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (913) 682-2000 x 52996
Fax: (913) 758-4137
Email:  melanie.bolingerat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Lenexa VA Clinic
(VISN: 15  station: )
15512 West 113th Street
Lenexa, KS 66219, KS 66219-5100
Dr. Shannon Cummings
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 816-922-4931 x 54931
Fax: 816-922-3309
Email:  shannon.cummings3at signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Delaram Shirazian
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 816-861-4700 x 56611
Fax: 816-922-4872
Email:  delaram.shirazianat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Robert J. Dole VA
(VISN: 15  station: #579)
5500 East Kellogg Wichita
Kansas, KS 67218
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Residency Coordinator: primary care/low vision
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Salus University   SCO   UMSL  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michelle L Dent, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 1-2 12 weeks 4-6
SCO 1-2 12 weeks 4-6
Salus University 1-2 12 weeks 4-6
Dr. Michelle Lee Dent
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: 888-878-6881 x 57100
Fax: (316) 239-2747
Email:  michelle.dent2at signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Bryce Krehbiel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 316-685-2221 x 57100
Email:  Bryce.Krehbielat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Topeka - Colmery O'Neil VAMC
Eastern Kansas VA Healthcare System
(VISN: 15  station: 677)
Eye clinic (#11-0)
2200 Gage Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66622
Dr. David A. Nelson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Dr. Douglas Tassi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (785) 350-3111 x 53557
Email:  douglas.tassiat signva.gov
Wichita, Kansas - Robert J. Dole VAMC
(VISN: 15  station: 579)
5500 E. Kellogg
Wichita, KS 67218
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Michelle L. Dent, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UMSL  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michelle Dent, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 1-2 8 weeks 3-4
SCO 1-2 12 weeks 3-4
UIWRSO 1-2 12 weeks 3-4
Dr. Janet Boschert
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, BS
Phone: (316) 685-2221 x 57100
Fax: (316) 239-2747
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Sean C. Knaak
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (316) 685-2221
Fax: (316) 239-2747
Email:  sean.knaakat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)


Lexington VAMC
(VISN: 9  station: 596)
Optometry Clinic (112-S)
1101 Veterans Drive
Lexington, KY 40502
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Ashley Rone, OD and Tara Foltz, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Indiana University  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Breyne Middleton, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
PUCO 1-2 12 weeks 4-8
Michigan College of Optometry 1 16 weeks 1-3
Kentucky College of Optometry 1 16 weeks 3
Indiana University 1-2 14 weeks 4-8
Dr. Drew Anderson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (859) 233-4511 x 3618
Email:  drew.anderson2at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Taylor N. Beaton
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 859-233-4511 x 3649
Fax: 859-281-3934
Email:  taylor.beatonat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Tara Foltz
Job Title: Optometry Section Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (859) 233-4511 x 3652
Fax: (859) 281-3934
Email:  tara.foltzat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                PUCO (Adjunct associate professor)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Phillip K Haiman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 859-233-4511 x 3687
Fax: 859-281-3934
Email:  phillip.haimanat signva.gov
Faculty:  AZCOPT (Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor)
Member:  AOA
                 Scleral Lens Ed. Soc. Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Jacob G. Hillard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct professor)
Member:  ARVO
Fellowship Trained: Optometric Research
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Breyne Middleton
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Student Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (859) 233-4511 x 3687
Email:  breyne.middleton2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                PUCO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Ashley Rone
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Residency Coordinator
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (859) 233-4511 x 3635
Fax: (859) 281-3934
Email:  ashley.roneat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                PUCO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                Waterloo (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
Louisville VA Medical Center
(VISN: 9  station: )
800 Zorn Avenue
Louisville , KY 40206
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Megan Horter
Job Title: Staff Optometrist/Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 502-287-6199
Fax: 502-287-6325
Email:  megan.horterat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Carol B. Parker
Job Title: Staff-optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 502-287-6199
Fax: 502-287-6325
Email:  Carol.Parkerat signva.gov


Alexandria VA Medical Center
(VISN: 16  station: 502)
2495 Shreveport Highway
Pineville, LA 71360
Dr. Mark Bowen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (318) 473-2535
Email:  mark.bowen2at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Alyssa Fasano
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  alyssa.fasanoat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Catherine Liu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full Time
Phone: 318-466-4424
Fax: 318-483-5127
Email:  Catherine.Liuat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Southeast Lousiana Veterans Health Care System/New Orleans LA
(VISN: 16  station: )
2400 Canal St.
New Orleans, LA 70112
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Leann Jaroczynski, OD, Steve D. Gill, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UAB 1 16 weeks 3
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 3
SCO 1-2 16 weeks 3-6
University of Houston School of Optometry 1 16 weeks 3
OSU College of Optometry 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Nicole Abrashoff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  nicole.abrashoffat signva.gov
Faculty:  MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Emily Becker
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (225) 761-3400 x 3530
Email:  emily.becker4at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Steve D. Gill
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (5/8)
Phone: (504) 412-3700
Email:  steve.gillat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow


Bangor CBOC
Maine VA Medical Center
(VISN: 1  station: )
35 State Hospital Street
Bangor, ME 04401
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jennifer Sprague, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Western University 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Luke G. Cyr
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 207-623-8411 x 2674
Email:  Luke.Cyrat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Jennifer Robichaud
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (207) 561-3600 x 2672
Email:  jennifer.robichaudat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Kyla Smith
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Email:  kyla.smithat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Lewiston CBOC
(VISN: 1  station: )
15 Challenger Drive
Lewiston, ME
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Priscilla Hopkins, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1 12 weeks 1-4
ICO 1 12 weeks 1-4
UIWRSO 1 16 weeks 1-4
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 1-4
Dr. Holly McCarthy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 207-330-2723
Fax: 207-330-2794
Email:  holly.mccarthyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Portland CBOC
(VISN: 1  station: )
Eye Clinic
141 West Commercial St
Portland, ME 04102
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Luke Cyr, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Western University 1 12 weeks 4
Midwestern Chicago 1 12 weeks 1-4
Dr. Luke G. Cyr
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 207-623-8411 x 2674
Email:  Luke.Cyrat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
VA Maine Health Care System
(VISN: 1  station: )
Eye Clinic (112E)
1 VA Center - Togus
Augusta, ME 04330
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Laura Dowd OD, Kyla Duchin OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Laura K Dowd, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. James Patrick Smith
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (207) 623-8411 x 4126
Fax: (207) 621-4853
Email:  james.smith402at signva.gov
Pager: (207) 580-5166
Faculty:  NECO (Clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Principal Investigator


Baltimore VAMC
VA Maryland Health Care System
(VISN: 5  station: 512)
Eye Clinic (112/OPT), rm 2d-168
10 North Greene Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Low Vision Clinic
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 6
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Adam LePosa, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Salus University  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Adam LePosa, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2 6 months 4
NECO 1 6 months 2
UAB 1 6 months 2
SUNY 2 12 weeks 8
SCO 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Lindsay Agro
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 410-605-7230
Email:  lindsay.agroat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 ABO Diplomate
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Rex Ballinger
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (410) 605-7230
Fax: (410) 605-7232
Email:  rex.ballingerat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 Optometric Retina Society
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Optometry VISN Mentor
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Kelliann Dignam
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (3 days/week)
Phone: (410) 605-7000 x 5607
Fax: (410) 605-7232
Email:  kelliann.dignamat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Ocular Disease
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Zoe Kalimeras Lazarou
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (410) 605-7000 x 7230
Fax: (410) 605-7232
Email:  zoe.lazarouat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Waterloo (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct instructor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Adam C. LePosa
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (410) 605-7230
Fax: (410) 605-7232
Email:  adam.leposaat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Amy Jill Quan
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (410) 642-2411 x 5080
Fax: (410) 642-1048
Email:  amy.quanat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                NECO (Affiliated Clinical Professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Charlotte Hall Maryland
(VISN: 5  station: )
29640 Three Notch RD
Charlotte Hall , MD 20622
Dr. Angelina Bonner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 301-884-7102
Email:  angelina.bonner2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Glen Burnie Outpatient Clinic
VA Maryland Health Care System
(VISN: 5  station: 512GC)
Eye Clinic
808 Landmark Drive, Suite 128
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Dr. Zoe Kalimeras Lazarou
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (410) 605-7000 x 7230
Fax: (410) 605-7232
Email:  zoe.lazarouat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Waterloo (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct instructor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Loch Raven Outpatient Clinic
VA Maryland Health Care System
(VISN: 5  station: 512GD)
3901 The Alameda
Baltimore, MD 21218
Dr. Lindsay Agro
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 410-605-7230
Email:  lindsay.agroat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 ABO Diplomate
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Rex Ballinger
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (410) 605-7230
Fax: (410) 605-7232
Email:  rex.ballingerat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 Optometric Retina Society
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Optometry VISN Mentor
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Kelliann Dignam
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (3 days/week)
Phone: (410) 605-7000 x 5607
Fax: (410) 605-7232
Email:  kelliann.dignamat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Ocular Disease
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Zoe Kalimeras Lazarou
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (410) 605-7000 x 7230
Fax: (410) 605-7232
Email:  zoe.lazarouat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Waterloo (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct instructor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Olga Whitman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (410) 605-7000 x 4692
Fax: (410) 605-7685
Email:  olga.whitmanat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Research: Other
Perry Point VAMC
VA Maryland Healthcare System
(VISN: 5  station: 512A5)
Optometry Clinic (11CI)
Perry Point, MD 21902
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Michael Belhumeur, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Salus University  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michael Belhumeur, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Amy Jill Quan
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (410) 642-2411 x 5080
Fax: (410) 642-1048
Email:  amy.quanat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                NECO (Affiliated Clinical Professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)


Bedford VAMC - Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial
(VISN: 1  station: 518)
Eye Clinic (518-11A)
200 Springs Road
Bedford, MA 01730
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Paul Colburn,OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Douglas Allen, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Western University 2 12 weeks 8
NECO 4 16 weeks 16
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Douglas Allen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (781) 687-2538
Fax: (781) 687-2753
Email:  douglas.allen2at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Paul Colburn
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (781) 687-2538
Fax: (781) 687-2753
Email:  paul.colburnat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Anna DeNardo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (781) 687-2538
Fax: (781) 687-2753
Email:  anna.denardoat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Donee L. Wong
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (781) 687-2538
Fax: (781) 687-2753
Email:  donee.wongat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Brockton Division
VA Boston Healthcare System
(VISN: 1  station: 523A5)
Optometry Clinic (112B)
940 Belmont Street
Brockton, MA 02301
Low Vision Clinic
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Kevin Toolin,OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Research Fellowship Training Program
Fellowship Program Coordinator: Barry Fisch, OD
Number of 1st year fellows/year: 1
Number of 2nd year fellows/year: 1
Fellowship training areas: Clinical Trials, Dual Sensory Impairment, Epidemiology, Geriatrics, Gerontology, Health Services Research and Development, Ocular Disease, Optometric Research, Rehabilitation Research and Development, Telemedicine, Vision Therapy COVD, Visual Impairment and Low Vision Rehabilitation
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: James Brooks, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 3 12 weeks 12
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Robert J. Parks
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Part-time (3 days)
Phone: (774) 826-1106
Fax: (774) 826-2606
Email:  robert.parks2at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Kevin C. Toolin
Job Title: Co-Director of Optometric Residencies
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (508) 583-4500 x 61106
Fax: (774) 826-2606
Email:  kevin.toolinat signva.gov
Pager: (617) 705-9714
Faculty:  NECO (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Jamaica Plain Campus
VA Boston Healthcare System
(VISN: 1  station: 523)
Eye Clinic (112-0)
150 South Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02130
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Network Site
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Tak Chau, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Research Fellowship Training Program
Fellowship Program Coordinator: Baharak Asefzadeh, OD
Number of 1st year fellows/year: 1
Number of 2nd year fellows/year: 1
Fellowship training areas: Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Gerontology, Telemedicine, Visual Impairment and Low Vision Rehabilitation
Affiliated Institution: NECO
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Joseph Kane, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 3 12 weeks 12
Salus University 1 12 weeks 2
ICO 1 12 weeks 2
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 2
Dr. Anne Bertolet
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 587-354-5796
Fax: 857-364-6538
Email:  anne.bertoletat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Research Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Principal Investigator , Co-principal Investigator
Dr. Tak Chau
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (857) 364-6508
Fax: (857) 364-6538
Email:  tak.chauat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry, Ocular Disease)
Dr. Rachel O Currin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 857-364-6052
Email:  rachel.currinat signva.gov
Pager: 617-705-1567
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Optometric Research
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Research: Principal Investigator
Dr. Robert W. Dunphy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (857) 364-5120
Fax: (857) 363-6538
Email:  robert.dunphyat signva.gov
Pager: (617) 705-5807
Faculty:  NECO (Clinical professor)
                ICO (Instructor)
                Salus University (Instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 American Telemedicine Assoc
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Principal Investigator , Co-investigator
Dr. Joanna B. Gebhardt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.4 FTE)
Phone: (857) 364-5795
Fax: (857) 364-5663
Email:  joanna.gebhardtat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Susan P. Haesaert
Job Title: Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (617) 232-9500 x 46669
Fax: (857) 364-6648
Email:  susan.haesaertat signva.gov
Pager: (617) 705-7698
Faculty:  NECO (Assoc professor)
                Tufts Medical School (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Kelsey Jordan
Job Title: Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 857-364-2824
Fax: 857-364-6538
Email:  Kelsey.jordan1at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Joseph Kane
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 857-364-6669
Fax: 857-364-6538
Email:  joseph.kaneat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Paul Marescalchi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full Time
Phone: (617) 323-7700 x 35438
Email:  paul.marescalchiat signmed.va.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Wendy Newman-Evans
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (1 day/week) and con
Phone: (857) 364-4293
Fax: (857) 364-4407
Email:  wendy.newmanat signva.gov
Dr. Douglas Rett
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 857-364-2412
Fax: (857) 203-5706
Email:  douglas.rett2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Susan Rodgin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.25 FTEE)
Phone: (617) 232-9500 x 46669
Fax: (857) 364-6648
Email:  susan.rodginat signva.gov
Pager: (508) 492-0222
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Sarah Dougherty Wood
Job Title: Optometry Clinical Research Fellow
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (857) 364-6589
Email:  sarah.woodat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
Research: Principal Investigator
Lowell VA-OPC
VA Boston Healthcare System
(VISN: 1  station: 523BY)
130 Marshall Road
Lowell, MA 01852
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Emily Carell, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Emily Carell, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. Paul Marescalchi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full Time
Phone: (617) 323-7700 x 35438
Email:  paul.marescalchiat signmed.va.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Northampton VAMC
(VISN: 1  station: 631)
Optometry Clinic
421 North Main St.
Leeds, MA 01053-9764
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michele Miranda, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
IAUPR 1 12 weeks 4
NOVA 1 12 weeks 4
MCPHS 3 15 weeks 6
Dr. Terrence P. Donnelly
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): MS, OD
Phone: (413) 584-4040 x 3010
Fax: (413) 582-3185
Email:  terrence.donnelly1at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Lacey J Marks
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 413-584-4040
Fax: 413-582-3185
Email:  lacey.marksat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                MCPHS (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                IAUPR (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Kathryn Skarbez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (413) 584-4040
Fax: (413) 582-3185
Email:  kathryn.skarbezat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
West Roxbury VAMC
VA Boston Healthcare System
(VISN: 1  station: 523)
1400 VFW Parkway
West Roxbury, MA 02132
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Emily Richard, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Rachen Druckenbrod, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1 3/6 months 2-4
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Anne Bertolet
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 587-354-5796
Fax: 857-364-6538
Email:  anne.bertoletat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Research Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Principal Investigator , Co-principal Investigator
Dr. Rachel O Currin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 857-364-6052
Email:  rachel.currinat signva.gov
Pager: 617-705-1567
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Optometric Research
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Research: Principal Investigator
Dr. Lisa Fanciullo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD
Phone: (617) 323-7700 x 35438
Fax: (857) 203-5706
Email:  lisa.fanciulloat signva.gov
Pager: (617) 705-5204
Faculty:  NECO (Affiliated Clinical Professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Kelsey Jordan
Job Title: Attending Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 857-364-2824
Fax: 857-364-6538
Email:  Kelsey.jordan1at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Paul Marescalchi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full Time
Phone: (617) 323-7700 x 35438
Email:  paul.marescalchiat signmed.va.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Douglas Rett
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 857-364-2412
Fax: (857) 203-5706
Email:  douglas.rett2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Sarah Dougherty Wood
Job Title: Optometry Clinical Research Fellow
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (857) 364-6589
Email:  sarah.woodat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
Research: Principal Investigator
Worcester Outpatient Clinic
VA Boston Healthcare System
(VISN: 1  station: )
377 Plantation St
Bio Tech 4, Third Floor
Worcester, MA 01605
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: James M. Aylward, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michele Miranda, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
MCPHS 2 15 weeks 6
Dr. James M. Aylward
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (508) 856-0104 x 17025
Fax: (508) 853-4961
Email:  james.aylwardat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Alyssa Batistine
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: 413-584-4040
Fax: 508-793-7858
Email:  Alyssa.batistineat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Joy Huang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (413) 584-4040 x 6558
Fax: (508) 793-7856
Email:  joy.huangat signva.gov
Faculty:  MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Marie Mantelli
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 413-584-4040 x 6519
Fax: 508-793-7858
Email:  marie.mantelliat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Douglas Rett
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 857-364-2412
Fax: (857) 203-5706
Email:  douglas.rett2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Kathryn Surdovel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: 413-584-4040
Fax: 508-793-7858
Email:  kathryn.surdovelat signva.gov
Faculty:  MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)


Ann Arbor VAMC
(VISN: 11  station: 506)
2215 Fuller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Dr. Sara Weidmayer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (734) 845-5575
Email:  sara.weidmayerat signva.gov
Faculty:  U of Michigan
                Kellogg Eye Center (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Battle Creek VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 515)
Eye Clinic (123)
5500 Armstrong Road
Battle Creek, MI 49037
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Molly McGinty-Tauren, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Michigan College of Optometry  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Erica Vanderpool, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
MCO 2-3 16 weeks 6-9
ICO 0-2 14 weeks 0-8
Chicago College of Optometry 1-2 14 weeks 4-8
Dr. Carla Gilbertson-Kuiken
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 269-966-5600 x 32455
Fax: 269-223-6502
Email:  carla.gilbertsonat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
                Western Michigan University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Molly B. McGinty-Tauren
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (269) 966-5600 x 32451
Email:  molly.mcginty-taurenat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                MCO (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Laura N Segraves
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 269-966-5600 x 36544
Fax: 269-223-5095
Email:  laura.segravesat signva.gov
Faculty:  Chicago College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
                MCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Erica Vanderpool
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (269) 966-5600 x 36569
Fax: (269) 223-5095
Email:  erica.vanderpoolat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Michael Vandeveer
Job Title: Chief, Blind Rehab and Optometry Service
Degree(s): OD, MPA
Phone: (269) 966-5600 x 35190
Fax: (269) 223-5095
Email:  michael.vandeveerat signva.gov
Pager: (269) 417-2578
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct clinical professor)
                Western University (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Optometry VISN Mentor
Detroit - John Dingell VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 553)
4646 John R. Street
Optometry Clinic (112S)
Detroit, MI 48201
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Jaime Zadoff, OD, FAAO
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Michigan College of Optometry  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Courtney Andersen, OD, MS
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1-2 12 weeks 4-8
ICO 0-2 12 weeks 0-8
SCO 0-1 12 weeks 0-4
Michigan College of Optometry 2-3 16 weeks 6-9
Salus University 0-2 16 weeks 0-6
Dr. Courtney E Andersen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 313-576-1000 x 65742
Fax: 313-576-1002
Email:  courtney.andersenat signva.gov
OSU: adjunct faculty; Indiana University School of Optometry: Adjunct assistant clinical professor
Faculty:  AZCOPT (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Abigail Cash
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-576-1000 x 64588
Fax: 313-576-1827
Email:  abigail.cash1at signva.gov
Faculty:  AZCOPT (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                OSU College of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Colleen Downey
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 313-576-1000 x 65742
Fax: 313-576-1002
Email:  colleen.downeyat signva.gov
Faculty:  AZCOPT (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Phillip R. Elston
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (313) 576-1000 x 65742
Email:  phillip.elstonat signva.gov
Pager: (313) 250-0280
Faculty:  AZCOPT (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Chad R. Gallatin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (313) 576-1000 x 64016
Fax: (313) 576-1002
Email:  chad.gallatinat signva.gov
Pager: (313) 250-0074
Faculty:  AZCOPT (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Clinical associate professor)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Clinical associate professor)
                Salus University (Clinical associate professor)
                SCO (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  ABCMO
Dr. Arlene Gold
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (313) 576-1000 x 65742
Fax: (313) 576-1002
Email:  arlene.goldat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                OSU (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AOA
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Meredith Jeffrey
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-576-1000 x 65742
Fax: 313-576-1002
Email:  meredith.jeffreyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jared Most
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-576-1000 x 61312
Fax: 313-576-1002
Email:  jared.mostat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Tatevik Movsisyan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS,FAAO
Phone: 313-576-4588
Email:  tatevik.movsisyanat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Craig R. Swanson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  craig.swansonat signva.gov
Pager: (248) 367-0377
Indiana University: Adjunct clinical assistant professor
Faculty:  AZCOPT (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct associate professor)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                OSU (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Christopher Walsh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-576-1000 x 65742
Fax: 313-576-1002
Email:  christopher.walsh3at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jaime B. Zadoff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (313) 576-1000 x 65742
Fax: (313) 576-1002
Email:  jaime.zadoffat signva.gov
ICO: adjunct faculty assistant professor, Michigan College of Optometry: Clinical Assistant Professor
Faculty:  AZCOPT (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Gaylord CBOC
Saginaw VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: )
2782 S Otsego Ave
Gaylord, MI 49735
Dr. Elizabeth Tremblay
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 989-732-7525 x 15224
Fax: 989-321-4483
Email:  Elizabeth.Tremblayat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Oscar G. Johnson VAMC
(VISN: 12  station: )
325 East H Street
Iron Mountain, MI 49801
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Dean Hartwig, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
MCO 1 12 weeks 3
Dr. Dean L. Hartwig
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (906) 774-3300 x 32799
Email:  dean.hartwigat signva.gov
Faculty:  MCO (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AOA
Saginaw - Aleda E. Lutz VAMC
(VISN: 11  station: 655)
Optometry (123)
2830 McCarty Rd
Saginaw, MI 48603
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Sarah Sharrard-Boughton, OD, Jason Fliegel, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 0-1 10 weeks 4
MCO 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Brent L. Beldyga
Job Title: Staff Optometrist/Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (989) 479-2500 x 11849
Fax: (989) 321-4926
Email:  brent.beldyga2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Jason J. Fliegel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (989) 497-2500 x 11845
Fax: (989) 791-2421
Email:  jason.fliegelat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
                Central Michigan University (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Veronica Hrywnak
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (989) 497-2500 x 11851
Fax: (989) 321-4926
Email:  veronica.hrywnakat signva.gov
Pager: 16-658
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
Member:  NAVAO
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Kathy J. Lewis
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (989) 497-2500 x 11846
Fax: (989) 321-4926
Email:  kathy.lewisat signva.gov
Pager: (989) 222-4246
Faculty:  MCO (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Dr. Gabrielle McGuire
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 989-497-2500
Fax: 989-321-2500
Email:  gabrielle.mcguire2at signva.gov
Faculty:  MCO (Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor)
                ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                Central Michigan University (Clinical instructor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Katelyn Parmalee-Rau
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 989-497-2500 x 18458
Email:  Katelyn.parmalee-rauat signva.gov
Faculty:  MCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Sarah Sharrard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  sarah.sharrardat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Wyoming VA Health Care Center
VAMC Battle Creek
(VISN: 11  station: 515BY)
Eye Clinic
5835 Metro Way
Wyoming, MI 49519
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Jordan Kuipers, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Michigan College of Optometry  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Joy A Kerns, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 0-2 12 weeks 0-6
Salus University 0-2 12 weeks 0-6
Chicago College of Optometry 0-2 12 weeks 0-6
SCO 0-2 12 weeks 0-6
MCO 3-4 16 weeks 9-12
Dr. Douglas A. Coon
Job Title: Chief Optometrist, Residency Director
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (616) 365-9575 x 37585
Fax: (616) 365-7509
Email:  douglas.coonat signva.gov
Pager: (269) 417-2465
Faculty:  ICO (Clinical assistant professor)
                Western Michigan University (Clinical assistant professor)
                MCO (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Joy A. Kerns
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (616) 365-9462
Fax: (616) 365-9471
Email:  joy.kernsat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Clinical assistant professor)
                Western Michigan University (Clinical assistant professor)
                Michigan College of Optometry (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Jordan N. Kuipers
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (616) 365-9462
Fax: (616) 365-9471
Email:  jordan.kuipers2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Clinical assistant professor)
                MCO (Clinical assistant professor)
                Western Michigan University (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Justin Ullrey
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 616-249-5300 x 30562
Email:  Justin.Ullreyat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)


Brainerd CBOC, St. Cloud
(VISN: 23  station: 656)
722 NW 7th St
Brainerd, MN 56401
Dr. David Malchow
Job Title: Staff optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 218-855-1115
Email:  david.malchowat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Minneapolis VA Health Care System
(VISN: 23  station: 618)
One Veterans Drive
2E Eye Clinic
Minneapolis, MN 55417
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Network Site
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Student Program:
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 1-2 6 weeks 4-8*
UIWRSO 1-2 12 weeks 4-8*
SCO 1-2 12 weeks 4-8*
Dr. Grace Brown Bissonnette
Job Title: TECS Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 402-575-8431
Email:  grace.brownbissonnetteat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Cornea and Contact Lenses)
ACMO certified
Dr. Jessica Fedor
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 612-725-2000
Fax: 763-421-2067
Email:  Jessica.fedorat signva.gov
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Adjunct assistant professor)
                UMSL (Adjunct assistant professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Amy Garbo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (4d/w)
Phone: (612) 467-1877
Fax: (612) 727-5972
Email:  amy.garboat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Kendra Pollard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full time
Phone: (612) 467-1877
Fax: (612) 727-5972
Email:  kendra.pollardat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Pamela Wendlandt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (612) 725-2000
Fax: (763) 421-2067
Email:  pamela.wendlandtat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
                 Neuro-Optometric Rehab Assoc
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Pediatric Optometry, Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation)
Dr. Kristin Wilson
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (612) 467-4191
             (612) 727-5972
Email:  Kristin.wilsonat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
St. Cloud VA
(VISN: 23  station: 656)
Eye Clinic
4801 Veterans Drive
St. Cloud, MN 56303
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Rachael Lloyd, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 1 6 weeks 4
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Sean Dempsey
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (320) 252-1670
Email:  sean.dempsey2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Billie Krizan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 320-255-6480
Email:  billie.krizanat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Rachael Lloyd
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 320-255-6480
Fax: 320-255-6434
Email:  rachael.lloydat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Carl R. Moon
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (302) 255-6429
Email:  carl.moonat signva.gov
Dr. Amber R. Scharnweber
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Email:  amber.scharnweber2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Kayleen Wagner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  kayleen.wagnerat signva.gov


Biloxi VA Medical Center
VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System
(VISN: 16  station: 520)
Optometry (112E)
400 Veterans Blvd
Biloxi, MS 39531
Dr. Tracy L.M. Ammann
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 228-385-6720
Dr. Leslie A. Hackworth
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time 0.5 FTEE
Phone: (228) 523-5000 x 6720
Email:  leslie.hackworthat signva.gov
Membership: ABCMO
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Contact Lens
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Cornea and Contact Lenses)
Dr. John L. Murphy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (2 days/week)
Phone: (316) 650-3314
Email:  john.murphy2at signva.gov
Dr. Megan D. Tomsik
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Chief of Optometry Education
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 228-523-5000 x 4063
Email:  megan.tomsikat signva.gov
Faculty:  UAB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)


Branson VA CBOC
(VISN: 16  station: )
5571 North Gretna Road
Branson, MO 65616
Dr. Owen Setter
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (417) 243-2344
Fax: (417) 243-2380
Email:  owen.setterat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. David M. Werner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (417) 243-2344 x 62312
Fax: (417) 243-2380
Email:  david.wernerat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
ACMO certified
Columbia - Harry S. Truman Memorial VAMC
VA Heartland-West
(VISN: 15  station: 543)
589A4 SC/Surg Clinic
800 Hospital Drive
Columbia, MO 65201
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1-2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Christine C. Tran, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UMSL  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Richard Zimbalist, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Jeffrey Leipholtz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (573) 814-6000 x 52156
Email:  jeffrey.leipholtzat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Christine C. Tran
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: (573) 814-6394
Fax: (573) 814-6340
Email:  christine.tranat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Richard Zimbalist
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (573) 814-6000 x 53120
Fax: (573) 814-6340
Email:  richard.zimbalistat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Harry S Truman Memorial Veteran's Hospital
(VISN: 15  station: )
800 Hospital Drive
Columbia, MO 65201
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jeffrey Leipholtz, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Angella Gentry
Job Title: OD
Degree(s): OD
Staff Optometrist
Phone: 573-814-6000
Fax: 573-814-6231
Email:  Angella.Gentryat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Kansas City VA Medical Center
VA Heartland-West
(VISN: 15  station: 589)
Eye/Victors Clinic (112G)
4801 Linwood Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64128
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Kendra Null, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UMSL  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Timothy Harkins, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 3 16 weeks 12
Dr. Timothy J. Harkins
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (816) 861-4700 x 57434
Fax: (816) 922-3382
Email:  timothy.harkinsat signva.gov
            harkins.timothyat signkansas-city.med.va.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Assoc professor)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Candice A. Law
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (816) 861-4700 x 57906
Fax: 816-922-3382
Email:  candice.lawat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Kristen Moyer
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (816) 861-4700 x 57402
Fax: 816-922-3382
Email:  kristen.moyerat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Dr. Delaram Shirazian
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 816-861-4700 x 56611
Fax: 816-922-4872
Email:  delaram.shirazianat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Janessa Visin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Phone: 816-861-4700 x 53675
Email:  Janessa.visinat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct assistant professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Marshfield VA Clinic
(VISN: 15  station: 589JD)
1240 Banning Street
Marshfield, MO 65706-2390
Dr. Kayla M Nervick
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Poplar Bluff VAMC
(VISN: 15  station: 647)
1500 N.Westwood Blvd.
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Dr. Tyler Tinsley Kramer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (2 days)
Phone: (573) 727-0011
Email:  tyler.kramerat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Research: Other
Dr. Paul Varner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  paul.varnerat signva.gov
Springfield VA CBOC (Gene Taylor)
(VISN: 16  station: 564BY)
1850 W. Republic Street
Springfield, MO 65807
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Brittany Setzer, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NSUCO  
Dr. Anne F. Polasek
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (417) 891-4800 x 64517
Fax: (417) 891-4922
Email:  anne.polasekat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Family Practice Optometry)
Dr. Hilary M. Price
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (417) 891-4800 x 64517
Fax: (417) 891-4922
Email:  hilary.priceat signva.gov
Faculty:  NSUCO (Assistant adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Brittany Setzer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (417) 891-4800 x 64517
Fax: (417) 891-4922
Email:  brittany.setzerat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
St. Louis VA - John Cochran Division
St. Louis VA Medical Center
(VISN: 15  station: 657)
Eye Clinic (112 JC)
1 Jefferson Barracks Road
St. Louis, MO 63125
Low Vision Clinic
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Network Site
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Julia Dombek, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UMSL  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: My-Chau Nguyen, oD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UMSL 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Kristen M Buskirk
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (314) 652-4100
Email:  Kristen.Buskirkat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Matthew C. Simpson
Job Title: Chief Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 429-6741 x 3879
Fax: (304) 429-7592
Email:  matthew.simpson2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jennifer Sutter
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Jennifer.sutterat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
St. Louis VA - Jefferson Barracks
St. Louis VA Medical Center
(VISN: 15  station: 657A0)
Eye Clinic (11F JC)
1 Jefferson Barracks Road
St. Louis, MO 63125-4181
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Steven Grondalski, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UMSL  
Dr. Jennifer Sutter
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Jennifer.sutterat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Warrensburg VA Clinic
(VISN: 15  station: )
702 E. Young St.
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Dr. Delaram Shirazian
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 816-861-4700 x 56611
Fax: 816-922-4872
Email:  delaram.shirazianat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Janessa Visin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Phone: 816-861-4700 x 53675
Email:  Janessa.visinat signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct assistant professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Danielle Waller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (816) 861-4700 x 53674
Fax: (660) 422-6354
Email:  Danielle.Waller2at signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)


No Optometrists found.


Grand Island Division
(VISN: 23  station: )
2201 N. Broadwell Avenue
Grand Island, NE 68803
Dr. Dustin Suminski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (308) 382-3660 x 2061
Fax: (308) 389-5156
Email:  dustin.suminskiat signva.gov
Pager: (308) 864-2061
Member:  AOA
Lincoln Division - VA Nebraska Western Iowa Health Care System
(VISN: 23  station: 636A5)
Eye Clinic 11AC
600 S. 70th Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
Dr. Shannon Boone
Job Title: Staff Optometrists
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (402) 489-3802 x 6994
Fax: (402) 486-7851
Email:  shannon.boone2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Crystal DeLuca
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 402-489-3802
Fax: 402-486-7851
Email:  crystal.deluca2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Allison Guindon
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 402-489-3802
Fax: 402-486-7857
Email:  allison.guindonat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease and Specialty Contact Lenses, Ocular Disease)
Dr. Vanessa Saltzgaber
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (402) 489-3802 x 6991
Fax: (402) 486-7851
Email:  vanessa.saltzgaberat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)


Southeast Las Vegas VA Clinic
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
(VISN: 21  station: 593)
1020 S. Boulder Highway
Henderson, NV 89015
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Kevin Chan, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Marshall B. Ketchum University 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Kevin Chan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 702-791-9125
Fax: 702-791-9376
Email:  Kevin.Chan3at signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Southwest Las Vegas VA clinic
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
(VISN: 21  station: 593)
7235 South Buffalo Drive
Las Vegas , NV 89113
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Edeline, Lu OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Marshall B. Ketchum University 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Edeline Lu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 702-791-9125
Fax: 702-7919376
Email:  edeline.luat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
VA Sierra Nevada Healthcare System
(VISN: 21  station: )
2295 Kietzke Lane
Reno, NV 89502
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Joan Browne, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  UCB  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jennifer Padolina, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Berkeley 1 10 weeks 5
PUCO 1 16 weeks 4
Dr. Laurie Davie
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 775-328-1773 x 6054
Fax: 775-326-5743
Email:  laurie.davieat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jennifer Padolina
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 775-786-7200 x 6057
Fax: 775-326-5743
Email:  Jennifer.Padolinaat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Quan Vong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 775-328-1773
Fax: 775-326-5743
Email:  Quan.Vongat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: 593)
North Las Vegas VA Medical Center Eye Clinic (123)
6900 North Pecos Road
North Las Vegas, NV 89086
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Lane Fujimoto, OD and Jennifer Monarrez, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Paul Vejabul, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 2 12 weeks 8
SCCO MBKU 5 12 weeks 20
Dr. Sophia Araujo-Hernandez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 702-791-9125
Fax: 702-791-9376
Email:  sophia.araujohernandez2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Theresa Chong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist/Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, OD
Phone: (702) 791-9125
Fax: (702) 791-9376
Email:  theresa.chong2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct instructor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Lane T. Fujimoto
Job Title: Chief, Optometry Service
Degree(s): BS,OD
Phone: (702) 791-9125
Fax: (702) 791-9376
Email:  lane.fujimotoat signva.gov
ABCMO Certification
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Brian S. Kawasaki
Job Title: Deputy Chief, Optometry Service
Degree(s): BS, OD, MBA
Phone: (702) 791-9125
Fax: (702) 791-9376
Email:  brian.kawasakiat signva.gov
ABCMO Certification, VA Optometry Professional Standards Board Member
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct associate professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr Mark A. Marquez, Jr.
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD
Phone: 702-791-9125
Fax: 702-791-9376
Email:  Mark.Marquezat signva.gov
ABCMO Certification
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct instructor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Michelle E. Matson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, OD
Phone: (702) 791-9125
Fax: (702) 791-9376
Email:  michelle.matson3at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct instructor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. David J. Mietzner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD, MA
Phone: 702-791-9125
Fax: 702-791-9376
Email:  david.mietznerat signva.gov
ABCMO certification
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Jennifer L. Monarrez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BS,OD
Phone: 702-791-9125
Fax: 702-791-9376
Email:  jennifer.monarrezat signva.gov
ACMO, ABCMO Certification
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct instructor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Nina T. Tran
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, OD
Phone: 702-791-9125
Fax: 702-791-9376
Email:  nina.tranat signva.gov
ABCMO Certification
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct instructor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry)
ACMO certified
Dr. Paul A. Vejabul
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, OD
Phone: (702) 791-9125
Fax: (702) 791-9376
Email:  paul.vejabulat signva.gov
ABCMO certification
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Optometry VISN Mentor

 New Hampshire

Manchester VAMC
(VISN: 1  station: 608)
Eye Clinic (112)
718 Smyth Rd
Manchester, NH 03104
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Nadia Zalatimo, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jessica Potter, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1-2 3/6 months 4-8
NECO 3 3/6 months 4-8
IU School of Medicine 1 12 weeks 4
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 6
Dr. Jessica L. Potter
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (3 d/w)
Phone: (603) 624-4366 x 6732
Fax: (603) 629-3217
Email:  jessica.potterat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
Dr. Nadia Zalatimo
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5FTEE)
Phone: (603) 624-4366 x 6675
Fax: (603) 629-3217
Email:  nadia.zalatimoat signva.gov
Pager: (603) 666-1775
Faculty:  NECO (Assistant professor)
                Salus University (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility

 New Jersey

East Orange Campus - VA New Jersey Health Care System
VA New Jersey Health Care System
(VISN: 3  station: 561)
385 Tremont Avenue
East Orange, NJ 07018
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3*
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Cathy Marques, OD and Malinda Cafiero, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SUNY  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Joseph Cercone, OD and Mayur Bhavsar, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2-3 12 weeks 8-12
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Mayur Bhavsar
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (908) 647-0180 x 4590
             (973) 676-1000 x 1138
Fax: 973-395-7188
Email:  mayur.bhavsarat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Malinda A. Cafiero
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (5/8 FTE)
Phone: (908) 647-0180 x 4590
Fax: (908) 604-5844
Email:  malinda.cafieroat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Clinical associate professor)
                SUNY (Clinical associate professor)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Dr Catherine Chiu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (M,W,F)
Phone: (973) 676-1000 x 1138
             (908) 647-0180 x 4590
Fax: (973) 395-7188
Email:  catherine.chiu2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Michael E Chocky
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 973-676-1000 x 1138
             908-647-0180 x 4590
Fax: 973-395-7188
Email:  Michael.chockyat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Cathy Marques
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Residency Program Supervisor
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (973) 676-1000 x 3917
Fax: (973) 395-7188
Email:  cathy.marquesat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Optometry VISN Mentor
Dr. Angela Tardanico
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (973) 676-1000
Email:  angela.tardanicoat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Bruce D. Walker
Job Title: Associate Chief
Degree(s): BS, OD
Part-time (7/8)
Phone: (908) 657-0180 x 4590
Fax: (908) 604-5249
Email:  bruce.walker2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Clinical associate professor)
                SUNY (Clinical associate professor)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Janis M. White
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD, PhD
Phone: (973) 676-1000 x 2717
Fax: (973) 395-7188
Email:  janis.whiteat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  ARVO
Fort Dix Army Base
(VISN: 3  station: )
Soldier Readiness Center / Attn: Optometry
Bldg 5250 New Jersey Ave.
Fort Dix, NJ 08640
Dr. Janet M. Conway
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (609) 562-2627
Fax: (609) 562-4097
Email:  janet.conwayat signva.gov
Hackensack CBOC
VA NJ Healthcare System
(VISN: 3  station: 561)
385 Prospect Avenue
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Residency Coordinator: Cathy Marques, OD and Malinda Cafiero, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SUNY  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Joseph Cercone and Mayur Bhavsar
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
Salus University 2-3 12 weeks 8-12
Dr Catherine Chiu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (M,W,F)
Phone: (973) 676-1000 x 1138
             (908) 647-0180 x 4590
Fax: (973) 395-7188
Email:  catherine.chiu2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
James J. Howard Community Clinic
East Orange Campus of VA New Jersey Health Care System
(VISN: 3  station: )
970 Rt. 70
Brick, NJ 08724
Dr. Rosine Alianakian
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (732) 206-8900 x 6127
Email:  rosine.alianakianat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Saurin Patel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 732-206-8900 x 6127
Email:  Saurin.Patel2at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Yelena Smart
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (732) 903-9400 x 6090
Fax: (732) 785-2604
Email:  Yelena.Smartat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Lyons Campus - VA New Jersey Health Care System
VA New Jersey Health Care System
(VISN: 3  station: 561A4)
Optometry Clinic
151 Knollcroft Road
Lyons, NJ 07939
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Cathy Marques, OD and Malinda Cafiero, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SUNY  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Joseph Cercone, OD and Mayur Bhavsar, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SUNY 2 12 weeks 4-8
Salus University 2-3 12 weeks 8-12
Western University 1 12 weeks 4
Midwestern University 0-1 12 weeks 0-4
IAUPR 0-1 16 weeks 0-2
Dr. Mayur Bhavsar
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (908) 647-0180 x 4590
             (973) 676-1000 x 1138
Fax: 973-395-7188
Email:  mayur.bhavsarat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Malinda A. Cafiero
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (5/8 FTE)
Phone: (908) 647-0180 x 4590
Fax: (908) 604-5844
Email:  malinda.cafieroat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Clinical associate professor)
                SUNY (Clinical associate professor)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Dr Joseph Cercone
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (908) 647-0180 x 4590
Fax: (908) 604-5844
Email:  joseph.cerconeat signva.gov
Faculty:  Midwestern University (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                Western University (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr Catherine Chiu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (M,W,F)
Phone: (973) 676-1000 x 1138
             (908) 647-0180 x 4590
Fax: (973) 395-7188
Email:  catherine.chiu2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Angela Tardanico
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (973) 676-1000
Email:  angela.tardanicoat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Bruce D. Walker
Job Title: Associate Chief
Degree(s): BS, OD
Part-time (7/8)
Phone: (908) 657-0180 x 4590
Fax: (908) 604-5249
Email:  bruce.walker2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Clinical associate professor)
                SUNY (Clinical associate professor)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AFOS
Tinton Falls CBOC
(VISN: 3  station: )
55 North Gilbert Street
Tinton Falls, NJ 077011
Dr. Rosine Alianakian
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (732) 206-8900 x 6127
Email:  rosine.alianakianat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Yelena Smart
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (732) 903-9400 x 6090
Fax: (732) 785-2604
Email:  Yelena.Smartat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)

 New Mexico

Albuquerque Raymond G. Murphy VAMC
New Mexico Veterans Healthcare System
(VISN: 22  station: 501)
Optometry (112A)
1501 San Pedro SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Suchitra Katiyar, MPH, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  University of Houston School of Optometry  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Daniel Detwiler, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NSUCO 1 8 weeks 1
MUACO 1-2 12 weeks 3-6
University of Houston School of Optometry 1-2 14 weeks 3-6
Dr. Cassandra Lappegaard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 505-265-4143
Fax: 505-256-5761
Email:  Cassandra.lappegaardat signva.gov
Dr. Kevin J. Mercado
Job Title: V22 TeleEye Hub Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  kevin.mercadoat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Stacy M Washington
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 505-265-1711 x 3104
Email:  stacy.washington1at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)

 New York

Albany VAMC - Samuel S. Stratton
(VISN: 2  station: 500)
Eye Clinic (112C)
113 Holland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Jennifer Grill
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 518-626-5000
Email:  jennifer.grillat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Marc S. Hecker
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (518) 626-5850
Fax: (518) 626-5846
Email:  marc.heckerat signva.gov
Pager: (518) 229-6797
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Robert J. Ruggiero
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (518) 626-5850
Fax: (518) 626-5846
Email:  robert.ruggiero2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Albany Medical College (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Batavia VAMC
(VISN: 2  station: 528A4)
222 Richmond Avenue
Eye Clinic
Batavia, NY 14020
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Julia Terry, OD
Dr. Julia Terry
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (585) 297-1079
Fax: (585) 297-1191
Email:  julia.terryat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Optometry VISN Mentor
(VISN: 2  station: 514)
Bath, NY 14810
Dr. Steven Follansbee
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 607-664-2627
Email:  steven.follansbeeat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Bronx VAMC
(VISN: 2  station: 526)
Eye Clinic (Area 2C)
130 W. Kingsbridge Rd.
Bronx, NY 10468
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. David M. Galeoto
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,FAAO
Phone: (718) 584-9000 x 6482
Fax: 718-741-4629
Email:  david.galeotoat signmed.va.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Teresa Lim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist/Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (718) 584-9000 x 6566
Email:  teresa.limat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Brooklyn Campus - New York Harbor Health Care System
New York Harbor Health Care System
(VISN: 2  station: 630A4)
Surgery/Optometry (112)
800 Poly Place
Brooklyn, NY 11209
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Michelle D' Amura, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SUNY  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Evan Canellos, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SUNY 2 10 weeks 8*
Salus University 1 12 weeks 2-4*
ICO 1 12 weeks 2-4*
Dr. Evan C. Canellos
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (718) 836-6600 x 6497
Fax: (718) 567-4078
Email:  evan.canellosat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Clinical preceptor)
                Salus University (Clinical preceptor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Lisa Chan-O'Connell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (718) 836-6600 x 8093
Email:  lisa.chan-oconnellat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
                UMSL (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jeffrey M. Chou
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Phone: 718-836-6600 x 1392
Email:  jeffrey.chou2at signva.gov
Research: Other
Buffalo VAMC
Upstate NY Healthcare System
(VISN: 2  station: 528)
3495 Bailey Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14215
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Residency Coordinator: Richard Soden, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions: 
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Carolyn Ihrig, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Jacquelyn M. Dougherty
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.80 FTEE)
Phone: (716) 862-7843
Email:  jacquelyn.doughertyat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Carolyn Ihrig
Job Title: Chief, Advanced (Hoptel) Outpatient Blind Rehabilitation
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (716) 862-7440
Fax: (716) 862-8664
Email:  Carolyn.ihrigat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                University of Buffalo Ophthalmology (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Optometry VISN Mentor
Dr. James Simmons
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Part-time (20hrs)
Phone: 716-862-7843
Fax: 716-862-8664
Email:  James.Simmons4at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Canandaigua VAMC
(VISN: 2  station: 532)
400 Ft. Hill Ave.
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Dr. Angeliki Arvanitogiannis
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 585-473-3695
Fax: 585-473-3695
Email:  Angeliki.arvanitogiannisat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ing-Chyong Chen-Rawson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 5853937261
Fax: 5853938375
Email:  ing-chyong.chen-rawsonat signva.gov
Member:  ARVO
Dr. Jill Gottehrer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 585-393-7293
Fax: 585-393-8375
Email:  jill.gottehrer2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Frederick C. Schamu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (585) 463-2600 x 32418
Fax: (585) 473-3695
Email:  fredrick.schamuat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Castle Point Campus
VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System
(VISN: 2  station: 620A4)
Optometry Service (620-123)
41 Castle Point Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Jean Y Jung, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SUNY  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jean Jung, MS, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 2 12 weeks  
NECO 2 12 weeks  
ICO 2 12 weeks  
SUNY 2 12 weeks  
Dr. Michael Ferri
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 2014
Fax: (914) 788-4373
Email:  michael.ferri2at signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Felicia A. Fodera
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (2 day/week)
Phone: (845) 831-2000 x 5664
Fax: (845) 838-5267
Email:  felicia.foderaat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Shelly R. Hay
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (845) 831-2000 x 5664
             (845) 265-4388
Fax: (845) 838-5267
Email:  shelly.hayat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. William F. O'Connell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTE)
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 3158
Email:  william.oconnellat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Diplomate Low Vision
                 AAO Fellow
Dr. Miriam M. Rolf
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, supervisor of optometry
Degree(s): BA, MS, OD
Phone: (845) 831-2000 x 5663
Fax: (845) 838-5267
Email:  miriam.rolfat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Kelly H. Thomann
Job Title: Program Manager, Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 2241
Fax: (914) 788-4373
Email:  kelly.thomanat signva.gov
Pager: (914) 760-6871
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct associate professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct associate professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Dawn N. Tomasini
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (4 days)
Phone: (845) 831-2000 x 5663
Fax: (845) 838-5267
Email:  tomasini.dawnat signmontrose.va.gov
            dawn.tomasiniat signmed.va.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Optometry VISN Mentor
James J. Peters VA Medical Center
(VISN: 2  station: )
130 W. Kingsbridge Rd.
Bronx, NY 10468
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Tam Ying, OD, MS, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. Terry Luk
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 718-584-9000 x 6692
Fax: 718-741-4798
Email:  terry.lukat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Manhattan VAMC
(VISN: 2  station: )
423 E 23 St
New York, NY 10010
Dr. Michelle D'Amura
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (212) 686-7500 x 3086
Fax: (212) 951-6874
Email:  Michelle.DAmuraat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Aaron Schron
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): AAS, BS, OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (212) 686-7500 x 4518
Email:  aaron.schronat signva.gov
Faculty:  NYU Medical School (Clinical instructor)
Dr. Elliot Schwartz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD
Phone: (212) 686-7500 x 3084
Fax: (212) 951-6874
Email:  elliot.schwartzat signva.gov
Faculty:  NYU Medical School (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Alyssa Tursi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 212-686-7500 x 7172
Email:  Alyssa.Tursiat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Montrose - FDR VA Hospital
VA Hudson Valley Health Care System
(VISN: 2  station: 620)
Optometry Service (620-123)
2094 Albany Post Rd
Montrose, NY 10548
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Jean Y Jung, OD, MS
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SUNY  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michael Ferri, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4-6
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4
NECO 2 12 weeks 8
ICO 1 12 weeks 2
Dr. Michael Ferri
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 2014
Fax: (914) 788-4373
Email:  michael.ferri2at signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jean Jung
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Supervisor of Externs
Degree(s): OD, MS
Part-time (4 days)
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 2214
Fax: (914) 788-4373
Email:  jean.jungat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. William F. O'Connell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTE)
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 3158
Email:  william.oconnellat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Diplomate Low Vision
                 AAO Fellow
Dr. Kelly H. Thomann
Job Title: Program Manager, Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 2241
Fax: (914) 788-4373
Email:  kelly.thomanat signva.gov
Pager: (914) 760-6871
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct associate professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct associate professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Steward Wang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 2241
Fax: (914) 788-4373
Email:  steward.wangat signva.gov
Pager: (914) 957-0440
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct associate professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical preceptor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Nancy N. Wong
Job Title: Supervisor, Optometry Residency Program
Degree(s): OD, PhD
Phone: (704) 597-3500 x 7600
Fax: (704) 597-3587
Email:  nancy.wongat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Northport VA Medical Center
(VISN: 2  station: 632)
Optometry Service (123)
79 Middleville Road
Northport, NY 11768
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Michael Fischer, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SUNY  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Grace Tan, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SUNY 1-2 12 weeks 4-8
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
Salus University 1-2 12 weeks 4-8
ICO 1 12 weeks 1-2
Dr. Gina Maria Cardone
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (1 day)
Phone: (631) 261-4400 x 2038
Fax: (631) 266-6056
Email:  gina.cardoneat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Keith Dworkin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD
Part-time (0.1)
Phone: (631) 261-4400 x 2137
Fax: (631) 266-6056
Email:  keith.dworkinat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Lynn Finnegan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.4)
Phone: (631) 261-4400 x 2137
Fax: (631) 266-6056
Email:  lynn.finneganat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Clinical associate professor)
Dr. Gwen R. Gnadt
Job Title: Coordinator, Student Intern Program
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Part-time (0.4 FTEE)
Phone: (631) 261-4400 x 2137
Fax: (631) 266-6056
Email:  gwen.gnadtat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Joseph Hallak
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, PhD, Optical Engineer
Part-time (.3 FTEE)
Phone: (631) 261-4400 x 2137
Fax: (631) 266-6056
Email:  joseph.hallakat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                Nassaj University Medical Center (Director
                CL & LV Clinic)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Bradley R. Meltzer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.4 FTEE)
Phone: (631) 261-4400 x 2038
Email:  bradley.meltzerat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  FCOVD
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation)
Dr. Marina Epelman Meyerowitz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.4 FTEE)
Phone: (631) 261-4400 x 2137
Fax: (631) 266-6056
Email:  marina.meyerowitzat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care, Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation)
Dr. Shephali Patel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist/Residency Coordinator
Degree(s): OD,MS
Full Time
Phone: 631-261-4400 x 2136
Email:  shephali.patelat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care, Vision Therapy/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Catherine Scandiffio
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Dr. Grace Tan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (631) 261-4440 x 2038
             (631) 757-4440
Fax: (631) 266-6056
        (631) 757-4593
Email:  grace.tan2at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Sonia Valle
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.2 FTE)
Phone: (631) 499-8811
Fax: (631) 499-8846
Email:  sonia.valleat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Pine Plains CBOC
VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System
(VISN: 2  station: )
Pine Plains, NY 12567
Dr. Kelly H. Thomann
Job Title: Program Manager, Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 2241
Fax: (914) 788-4373
Email:  kelly.thomanat signva.gov
Pager: (914) 760-6871
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct associate professor)
                SUNY (Adjunct associate professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Port Jervis
VA Hudson Valley
(VISN: 2  station: )
150 Pike St.
Port Jervis, NY 12771
Dr. Michael Ferri
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (914) 737-4400 x 2014
Fax: (914) 788-4373
Email:  michael.ferri2at signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Rochester VA OPC
(VISN: 2  station: )
919 Westfall Rd
Rochester, NY 14618
Dr. Angeliki Arvanitogiannis
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 585-473-3695
Fax: 585-473-3695
Email:  Angeliki.arvanitogiannisat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ing-Chyong Chen-Rawson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 5853937261
Fax: 5853938375
Email:  ing-chyong.chen-rawsonat signva.gov
Member:  ARVO
Dr. Frederick C. Schamu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (585) 463-2600 x 32418
Fax: (585) 473-3695
Email:  fredrick.schamuat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Rome OPC
(VISN: 2  station: 0)
125 Brookley Drive
Rome, NY 13440
Dr. Steven Ohlbaum
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Contract (2 days/week)
Phone: (315) 334-7100 x 57363
Fax: (315) 797-9124
Email:  steven.ohlbaumat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Joshua E. Vanderhoof
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 315-334-7100 x 57363
Email:  joshua.vanderhoofat signva.gov
St. Albans Campus - New York Harbor Health Care System
New York Harbor Health Care System
(VISN: 2  station: 630A5)
Optometry Section (112Z)
Linden Blvd and 179th Street
St. Albans, NY 11425
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4*
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Michelle D'Amura, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SUNY  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Evan Canellos, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
SUNY 1 12 weeks 4
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4
Waterloo 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Evan C. Canellos
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (718) 836-6600 x 6497
Fax: (718) 567-4078
Email:  evan.canellosat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Clinical preceptor)
                Salus University (Clinical preceptor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Jeffrey M. Chou
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Phone: 718-836-6600 x 1392
Email:  jeffrey.chou2at signva.gov
Research: Other
Staten Island VA
New York Harbor Health Care System
(VISN: 2  station: )
Eye Clinic
21 Water Street
Staten Island, NY 10304
Dr. Victoria Bolbirer
Job Title: Staff optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (24 hours)
Phone: (718) 630-3550 x 1507
Fax: (718) 556-2102
Email:  victoria.bolbirerat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Syracuse VAMC
VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York
(VISN: 2  station: 670)
Eye Clinic (112E)
800 Irving Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13210
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Rachel Albrecht, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SUNY 1 12 weeks 2
MCPHS 1 12 weeks 2
Dr. Gerald P. Abruzzese
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (315) 425-4400 x 53281
Fax: (315) 425-4380
Email:  gerald.abruzzeseat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
                University of Montreal (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Kathleen M. Gaynor
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 607-772-9100 x 53125
Fax: 607-772-3081
Email:  kathleen.gaynorat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Richard Krzyzak
Part-time contractor
Phone: (315) 476-7461 x 3639
Fax: (315) 477-4547
Dr. Rachel Murtiff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 315-425-4400
Email:  rachel.murtiff1at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Nolan Wilson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 315-425-4400 x 53281
Fax: 315-425-4380
Email:  Nolan.Wilson2at signVA.gov
Faculty:  MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)

 North Carolina

Charlotte VA CBOC
W. G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center
(VISN: 6  station: 659GA)
8601 University East Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28213
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 6
Speciality: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Jeffrey Joy, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Nancy, N. Wong
Dr. Elizabeth Cody
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Student Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 704-329-1300 x 81800
Fax: 704-357-7539
Email:  elizabeth.codyat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Yesha Gami
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 704-597-3500 x 37600
Fax: 704-597-3587
Email:  yesha.gamiat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ania Hamp
Job Title: Charlotte Eye Clinic Section Chief
Degree(s): BGS, OD
Phone: (704) 329-1300 x 31843
Fax: (704) 357-7534
Email:  ania.hampat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Matthew Levernosh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (704) 597-3500 x 7600
Fax: (704) 597-3587
Email:  matthew.levernoshat signva.gov
Dr. Kristin Richwine
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (704) 597-3500
Fax: (704) 597-3587
Email:  kristin.richwine-elledgeat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct assistant professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Charlotte VA HCC
(VISN: 6  station: 659)
3506 West Tyvola Road
Charlotte, NC 28213
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Nancy N. Wong, OD, PhD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 4 3/6 months variable
Dr. Yesha Gami
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 704-597-3500 x 37600
Fax: 704-597-3587
Email:  yesha.gamiat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ania Hamp
Job Title: Charlotte Eye Clinic Section Chief
Degree(s): BGS, OD
Phone: (704) 329-1300 x 31843
Fax: (704) 357-7534
Email:  ania.hampat signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Shradha Parikh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (704) 597-3500 x 7600
Fax: 704-597-3587
Email:  shradha.parikhat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Lyndon C Wong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Lyndon.Wongat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation)
Durham VAMC
(VISN: 6  station: 558)
508 Fulton Street
Durham, NC 27705
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Dr. Michael Carstens
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 919-286-0411 x 4150
Fax: 919-416-5815
Email:  Miachel.carstensat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Joseph A. Halabis
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (919) 286-0411 x 5135
Fax: (919) 416-5815
Email:  joseph.halabisat signmed.va.gov
Pager: (919) 970-7100
Faculty:  Duke University (Asst consulting professor in ophthalmology)
                TOSU (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Durham VAMC - Brier Creek
(VISN: 6  station: 558)
Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic - Brier Cre
8081 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 120
Raleigh , NC 27617
Dr. John A. Dziadul
Job Title: Director, Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (919) 286-5237
Fax: (919) 286-5223
Email:  john.dziadulat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Heather Whyte
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full time
Phone: 919-286-0411 x 5135
Fax: 919-416-5880
Email:  Heather.Whyte15at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Fayetteville NC VAMC
(VISN: 6  station: 565)
7300 South Raeford Road
Fayetteville, NC 28304
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: James A. Porter, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2 3/6 months variable
Dr. Diane M. Lindsay
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (910) 343-5300
Email:  diane.lindsayat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Franklin, NC CBOC
(VISN: 6  station: )
647 Wayah Street
Franklin, NC 28734
Dr. Steve K. Davis
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (828) 369-1781
             (800) 932-6408
Fax: (828) 369-1809
Email:  steven.davis7at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Greenville VA Health Care Center, NC
(VISN: 6  station: )
Eye Clinic
401 Moye Blvd.
Greenville, NC 27834
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Armstrong Keodara, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  MCPHS  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Leticia Santa, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
MCPHS 1 12 weeks variable
IU School of Medicine 1 12 weeks variable
SCO 1 16 weeks variable
Dr. Andrew J Di Mattina
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 252-830-2149 x 14359
Fax: 252-830-2510
Email:  Andrew.Dimattinaat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Armstrong Keodara
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 252-830-2149
Fax: 252-830-2510
Email:  Armstrong.Keodaraat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ryan Eric Kern
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 252-830-2149
Email:  ryan.kernat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Leticia Santa
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 252-830-2149
Fax: 252-830-2510
Email:  Leticia.Santaat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr Jeffrey Sterling
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 252-830-2149
Fax: 252-830-2510
Email:  Jeffrey.Sterlingat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 Scleral Lens Ed. Soc. Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Hickory CBOC
Charles George VA Medical Center
(VISN: 6  station: 637)
2440 Century Place, SE
Hickory , NC 28602
Dr. Matias E Della Bella
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): MS, OD
Phone: (828) 431-5600 x 8011
Fax: (828) 431-5697
Email:  matias.dellabella3at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Kernersville VA Health Care Center
W. G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center
(VISN: 6  station: 659BY)
1695 Kernersville Medical Parkway
Kernersville, NC 27284
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Timothy A. Shoff, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 10 weeks variable
Berkeley 1 10 weeks variable
MCPHS 1 10 weeks variable
Chicago College of Optometry 1 12 weeks variable
Dr. Lauren R. Hunt
Job Title: Section Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 704-638-9000 x 14318
Fax: 704-645-6020
Email:  lauren.hunt3at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Theresa A. Jay
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  theresa.jayat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Saidivya Komma
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 336-515-5000 x 21586
             336-515-5000 x 21286
            Saidivya.Kommaat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Kristine Loo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): MS, OD
Phone: 336-515-5000 x 21586
             336-515-5000 x 21504
Fax: (704)645-6020
Email:  kristine.loo2at signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct professor)
                MCPHS (Affiliate adjunct)
                UCB (Affiliate adjunct)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Diana Mah
Job Title: Winston-Salem CBOC Eye Clinic Section Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (336) 515-5000 x 21586
             (336) 515-5000 x 21504
Email:  diana.mahat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct professor)
                MCO (Affiliate Professor)
                UCB (Affiliate Professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Research: Principal Investigator
Dr. Jarett Mazzarella
Job Title: Section Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 336-515-5000 x 21586
             336-515-5000 x 21504
Email:  jarett.mazzarellaat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct professor)
                MCPHS (Affiliate Professor)
                UCB (Affiliate Professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Philip Roels
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 336-515-5000 x 21586
             (336)768-3296 x 1424
Email:  philip.roelsat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct professor)
                MCPHS (Affiliate adjunct)
                Salus University (Affiliate adjunct)
                UCB (Affiliate adjunct)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Timothy A. Shoff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 336-515-5000 x 21586
Email:  timothy.shoffat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Rachel Werner
Job Title: Staff optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 336-515-5000 x 21283
Fax: 336-515-5308
Email:  rachel.werner1at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Susan Yee
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): RN, OD
Phone: (336) 515-5000 x 21586
             336-515-5000 x 21504
Email:  susan.yee2at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct professor)
                MCPHS (Affiliate adjunct)
                UCB (Affiliate adjunct)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Morehead City CBOC
(VISN: 6  station: )
Optometry Section
5420 Hwy 70
Morehead City , NC 28557
Dr. Dale F. Fath
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (252) 240-2349 x 3452
Fax: (252) 240-1840
Email:  dale.fathat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
Salisbury - W. G. Hefner VAMC
W. G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center
(VISN: 6  station: 659)
Optometry Service (11-I)
1601 Brenner Avenue
Salisbury, NC 28144
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 6
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Jeffrey Joy, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Matthew Levernosh, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2 3/6 months varies
NOVA 2 12 weeks varies
SCO 2 16 weeks varies
OSU 1-2 16 weeks varies
UABSO 1 16 weeks varies
Dr. Jennifer K Bulmann
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 314-642-5565
Email:  Jennifer.Bulmannat signva.gov
Remote Tele Eye Provider
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Charles (Jack) N. Davis, Jr
Job Title: Assistant Chief
Degree(s): OD, MA, MPH, MHA
Phone: (704) 638-9000 x 3789
Fax: (704) 638-3868
Email:  charles.davis8at signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  NSUCO (Assoc professor)
                TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
                 Optometric Clin Research Group
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Research: Principal Investigator
Dr. Theresa A. Jay
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  theresa.jayat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Jeffrey T. Joy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist/Residency Supervisor
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (704) 638-3825 x 3783
Fax: (704) 638-3868
Email:  jeffrey.joy1at signva.gov
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Matthew Levernosh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (704) 597-3500 x 7600
Fax: (704) 597-3587
Email:  matthew.levernoshat signva.gov
Dr. Robert W. Morris
Job Title: Tele-Retinal Imaging Section Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (704) 638-3825
Fax: (704) 645-6020
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct professor)
                SCO (Adjunct professor)
                TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN
Dr. Simmy Panchal
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 704-638-9000 x 13790
Email:  simmy.panchalat signva.gov
Member:  ABO Diplomate
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Cornea & Contact Lenses)
Dr. Joan M. Sears
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Externship Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (704) 638-9000 x 3836
             (704) 638-9000 x 3825
Fax: (704) 645-6020
Email:  joan.searsat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                TOSU (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Scott Slagle
Job Title: Telehealth Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 948-205-1774
Email:  scott.slagleat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Heather Spampinato
Job Title: TeleEye Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 704-638-9000 x 13773
Email:  Heather.Spampinatoat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Aaron Tarbett
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (704)638-9000 x 3748
             (704)638-9000 x 4318
Fax: (704)645-6020
Email:  aaron.tarbettat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                TOSU (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow

 North Dakota

(VISN: 23  station: )
Eye Clinic (112E)
2101 Elm St. N
Fargo, ND 58102
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. James Engstrom
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (701) 239-3700 x 3991
Fax: (701) 237-2648
Email:  james.engstromat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Nathan L. Vetter
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 701-261-4042
Email:  nathan.vetter2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA


Chalmers P. Wylie VA Ambulatory Care Center
VA Central Ohio Healthcare System
(VISN: 10  station: )
420 N. James Rd
Columbus , OH 43219
Dr. Jessica Kreinbrink
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 614-257-5642
Fax: 614-257-5288
Email:  jessica.kreinbrinkat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Elizabeth Perch
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 614-257-5642
Fax: 614-257-5288
Email:  Elizabeth.perchat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
(VISN: 10  station: )
Eye clinic
55 West Waterloo Road
Akron, OH 44319
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Erica Keller, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
OSU 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Jennifer A. Goldberg
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 724-7715 x 1223
Fax: (330) 724-1029
Email:  jennifer.goldbergat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct associate professor)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Kathryn Gordon
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 724-7715 x 1220
Fax: (330) 724-1029
Email:  kathryn.gordonat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Erica Keller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 724-7715 x 1224
Fax: (330) 724-1027
Email:  Erica.kellerat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr Julie Marko
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 330-724-7715
Email:  Julie.Marko2at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. William R. Rudy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (419) 366-4033
Fax: (330) 724-1029
Email:  william.rudyat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Natasha Taleff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 330-724-7715 x 1218
Email:  natasha.taleffat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Athens CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: )
510 West Union Street
Athens, OH 45701
Dr. Sherry Compston
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 740-568-0412
Fax: 740-4568-0413
Email:  sherry.compstonat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU (Associated Faculty)
                OSU (Clinical instructor)
                OSU (Clinical professor)
                OSU (Module Manager Binocular & Pediatric Service)
Member:  AFOS
Fellowship Trained: Family Practice Optometry
Dr. William Hileman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (740) 773-1141 x 7853
Email:  william.hilemanat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Compston Sherry
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 740-568-0412
Fax: 740-568-0413
Email:  sherry.compstonat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Fellowship Trained: Family Practice Optometry
Dr. Natalie Wong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 740-773-1141 x 1317
Email:  Natalie.Wong1at signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Associated Faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Canton Outpatient Clinic
Louis Stokes Department of Veterans Affairs
(VISN: 10  station: 541BY)
Eye Clinic (112C)
733 Market Avenue South
South Canton, OH 44702
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Stacia Yaniglos, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  TOSU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Ben Flagel, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 1
OSU 1 16 weeks 3-4
Dr. Michael Dobos
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (330) 489-4600 x 1710
Fax: (330) 489-4805
Email:  michael.dobosat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Ben J. Flagel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 489-4600 x 1710
Fax: (330) 489-4580
Email:  benjamin.flagelat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Chillicothe VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 538)
Eye Clinic (161)
17273 State Route 104
Chillicothe, OH 45601-0999
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Hospital-Based Optometry
Residency Coordinator: Susan Zacatelco, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  OSU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Emily Reynolds, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
IU School of Medicine 1 13 weeks 4
OSU 2 15 weeks 6
Dr. William Hileman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (740) 773-1141 x 7853
Email:  william.hilemanat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Jennifer Holmes
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 740-773-1141
Fax: 740-779-5535
Email:  Jennifer.Holmes10at signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Associated Faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Brian A. Montgomery
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): MS, OD
Phone: (740) 773-1141 x 7853
Fax: (740) 772-7143
Email:  brian.montgomeryat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Lindsay M. Stronz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (740) 773-1141
Fax: (740) 779-5535
Email:  lindsay.stronzat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Natalie Wong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 740-773-1141 x 1317
Email:  Natalie.Wong1at signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Associated Faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Cincinnati VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 539)
2929 Highland Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Matt Horton OD, FAAO
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  OSU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Matthew Hochwalt, OD & Meaghan Horton
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 0-4
IU School of Medicine 1-2 12 weeks 4-8
OSU 2 16 weeks 6
Kentucky College of Optometry 1 16 weeks 3
SCO 1 16 weeks 0-3
Dr. Elizabeth Fahy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  elizabeth.fahyat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Amila Herbert
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (513) 559-3600
Fax: (513) 475-6944
Email:  amila.herbertat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Matthew Hochwalt
Job Title: Externship Director
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (513) 559-3600
Fax: (513) 475-6944
Email:  matthew.hochwaltat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Matt Horton
Job Title: Residency Program Director
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (513) 559-3600
Fax: (513) 475-6944
Email:  Matthew.horton3at signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Meaghan Horton
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (513) 559-3600
Fax: (513) 475-6944
Email:  meaghan.hortonat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. William D. Kress
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: 513-559-3600
Fax: 513-475-6944
Email:  William.kressat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Erik Kuntzsch
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 513-559-3600
Fax: 513-475-6944
Email:  Erik.Kuntzschat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
                 ABO Diplomate
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Laura V Perron
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Laura.Perronat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Aditha Reddy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: 513-559-3599
Fax: 513-475-6944
Email:  Aditha.Reddy2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Eric Reinhard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (513) 559-3600
Fax: (513) 475-6944
Email:  eric.reinhardat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Dr Samuel A Saeli
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 513-5593600
Email:  sameul.saeli2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Daniele P. Saltarelli
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 859-282-4480
Fax: 513-475-6944
Email:  Daniele.Saltarelliat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Kelly R. Thompson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (513) 559-3600
Fax: (513) 475-6944
Email:  kelly.thompson4at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Assistant professor)
                TOSU (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Research: Principal Investigator
Clermonth Community Based Outpatient Clinic
Cincinnati VA Medical Center
(VISN: 10  station: )
4600 Beechwood Road
Cincinnati, OH 45244
Dr Samuel A Saeli
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 513-5593600
Email:  sameul.saeli2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Cleveland - Brecksville Division
Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 541A0)
Optometry (112B)
10000 Brecksville Rd.
Brecksville, OH 44141
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Stacia Yaniglos, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  TOSU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Vincent L. Driggs, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
TOSU 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Vincent L. Driggs
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (440) 526-3030 x 6833
Fax: (440) 838-6045
Email:  vincent.driggsat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Corrie D. Weitzel
Job Title: Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Part-time (20 hours/week)
Phone: (440) 526-3030
Email:  corrie.weitzelat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Danielle Wilhelm
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-942-6527 x 65742
Email:  Danielle.Wilhelmat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Angela Gullifer Zurowski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD
Phone: (440) 526-3030 x 6833
Fax: (440) 838-6045
Email:  angela.zurowskiat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Cleveland VAMC - Wade Park Division
Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 541)
10701 East Blvd (112w)
Cleveland, OH 44106
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 5
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: David Roncone, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  OSU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Piana Simpson, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 0-1
Salus University 1 12 weeks 0-1
Chicago College of Optometry 1 12 weeks 0-1
OSU 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Scott Anthony
Job Title: Chief, Optometry Section
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (216) 791-3800
Fax: (216) 707-5974
Email:  scott.anthonyat signva.gov
Faculty:  Case Western Reserve School of Medicine (Clinical assistant professor)
                ICO (Clinical assistant professor)
                TOSU (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Rachael Canania
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (216) 791-3800 x 6087
Email:  rachael.cananiaat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Jennifer H. Engle
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (3/8)
Phone: (216) 791-3800 x 3902
Email:  jennifer.engleat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Caroline Haberthy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 614-966-5071
Email:  caroline.haberthyat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Gurpinderjeet Kaur
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (216) 791-3800 x 3065
Email:  Gurpinderjeet.Kaurat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. David P. Roncone
Job Title: Residency Program Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (216) 791-3800 x 3902
Fax: (216) 229-2390
Email:  david.ronconeat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Diplomate Cornea
                 AAO Fellow
                 Optometric Retina Society
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Danielle Wilhelm
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-942-6527 x 65742
Email:  Danielle.Wilhelmat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Angela Gullifer Zurowski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD
Phone: (440) 526-3030 x 6833
Fax: (440) 838-6045
Email:  angela.zurowskiat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Cleveland VAMC Wade Park Division V10 Clinical Research Hub
(VISN: 10  station: 541)
10701 East Blvd (112w)
Cleveland, OH 44106
Dr. Christina Hicks-Hubbard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-409-2776
Email:  christina.hicks-hubbardat signva.gov
Faculty:  Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Mollie C. Saxon
Job Title: Tele-Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD
Phone: 702-229-4453
Email:  mollie.saxonat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Jeanette C Varanelli
Job Title: Chief, Tele Specialty Care
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-353-0463
Email:  Jeanette.Varanelliat signva.gov
SCO, Adjunct clinical faculty
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                MCO (Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor)
                AZCOPT (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: National
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: VISN
Optometry VISN Mentor
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Danielle Wilhelm
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 313-942-6527 x 65742
Email:  Danielle.Wilhelmat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Columbus - Chalmers P. Wylie VA ACC
(VISN: 10  station: 757)
420 N. James Road
Columbus, OH 43219
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 5
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Brett Irvin, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  OSU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Nicole Abrashoff, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
TOSU 3 16 weeks 9
Dr Sara M Bokan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 614-257-5642
Fax: 614-257-5642
Email:  sara.bokanat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Andrew J Crist
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (614) 257-5642
Fax: (614) 257-5288
Email:  andrew.cristat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Sarah Dieter
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (614) 257-5642
Fax: (614) 257-5288
Email:  sarah.dieterat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Brett T. Garee
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 614-257-5200
Email:  brett.gareeat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Julie F. Henry
Job Title: Chief, Eye Care Service
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (614) 257-5391
Fax: (614) 257-5288
Email:  julie.henryat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Dr. Gregory R Hopkins
Job Title: Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 619-257-5390
Fax: 614-257-5288
Email:  gregory.hopkinsat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Trained: Non VA
Dr. Brett Irvin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (614) 257-5390
Fax: (614) 257-5288
Email:  brett.irvinat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Pete Liette
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 614-257-2500 x 2405
Email:  pete.lietteat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Morgan Murphy
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (614) 257-5200 x 2153
Email:  morgan.murphyat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Associate clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Ocular Disease
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Andrew Weibel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (614) 257-5642
Fax: 614-257-5288
Email:  andrew.t.weibelat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Optometry VISN Mentor
Dayton VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 552)
Optometry Section (112E)
4100 West Third Street
Dayton, OH 45428
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Dalya Qaisi, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  OSU College of Optometry  
Dr. Samuel A. Borchers
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.25 FTEE)
Phone: (937) 262-2105
Fax: (937) 267-5395
Email:  samuel.borchersat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Jeffrey A. Davisson
Job Title: Consultant
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 d Tues)
Phone: (937) 262-2105
Fax: (937) 267-5395
Email:  jeffrey.davissonat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Rebecca Diller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-262-2105
Fax: (937) 267-5395
Email:  rebecca.dillerat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Gregory A Kiracofe
Job Title: Consultant
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-262-2105
Email:  Gregory.Kiracofeat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Amy T. Knapke
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 800-368-8262 x 6848
Fax: 937-267-3343
Email:  amy.knapkeat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Nicky Lai
Job Title: Consultant
Degree(s): OD, MS
Part-time (1/2 d / week)
Phone: (937) 262-2105
Fax: (937) 267-5395
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Cornea and Contact Lenses)
Dr. Elizabeth Lemos
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS, FAAO
Phone: 937-262-2105
Fax: 937-267-5395
Email:  elizabeth.lemosat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Dennis J. Light
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-262-2105
             937-268-6511 x 6114
Fax: 937-267-5395
Email:  dennis.lightat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Amber Louprasong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-268-6511 x 5675
Fax: 513-423-3309
Email:  Amber.Louprasong2at signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Kristin McDougall
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (937) 342-5480 x 5726
Fax: (937)267-7670
Email:  Kristin.McDougallat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Timothy Morand
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (937) 268-6511 x 3303
Fax: (937) 267-5395
Email:  timothy.morand2at signva.gov
            timothy.morand2at signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
Research: Principal Investigator
Dr. Dalya Qaisi
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-262-2105
Fax: 937-267-5395
Email:  dalya.qaisiat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Affiliated Clinical Professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Renee Rambeau
Job Title: Optometrist- Contracted
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-262-2105
Fax: 937-267-5395
Email:  renee.rambeau1at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Sloane Rudolf
Job Title: Fee Basis Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 937-262-2105
Fax: 937-267-5395
Email:  sloane.rudolfat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Robert Sorrell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.25 FTEE)
Phone: (513) 424-0339
Fax: (513) 424-4910
Email:  robert.sorrellat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Julie Staats
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-262-2105
Fax: 937-267-5395
Email:  Julie.staatsat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
East Liverpool/Calcutta CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: 541GH)
15655 State Route 170, Suite A
Calcutta, OH 43920
Dr. Kathryn E. Gordon
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 386-3030 x 2151
             (330) 602-5339 x 2151
Fax: (330) 386-6022
        (330) 602-4388
Email:  kathryn.gordonat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Rachael Y. Miller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 392-0311 x 1428
             (330) 386-4303 x 2151
Fax: (330) 392-0323
        (330) 386-4485
Email:  rachael.millerat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Grove City VA Clinic
VA Central Ohio Healthcare System
(VISN: 10  station: )
1955 Ohio Drive
Grove City, OH 43123-4835
Dr. Elizabeth Perch
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 614-257-5642
Fax: 614-257-5288
Email:  Elizabeth.perchat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Lancaster OH CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: )
1550 Sheridan Drive
Lancaster, OH 43130
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Residency Coordinator: Brian Montgomery, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  TOSU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Richard A. Bell, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
TOSU 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. William Hileman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (740) 773-1141 x 7853
Email:  william.hilemanat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Susan Zacatelco
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (740) 773-1141 x 1412
Email:  susan.zacatelcoat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
ACMO certified
(VISN: 10  station: 552GB)
1303 Bellefontaine Avenue
Lima, OH 45804
Dr. Amy T. Knapke
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 800-368-8262 x 6848
Fax: 937-267-3343
Email:  amy.knapkeat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Lorain VA CBOC - Louis Stokes Cleveland VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: 541GB)
Eye Clinic
205 West 20th Street
Lorain, OH 44052
Dr. Daniel R. Maxwell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (419)625-7350 x 1919
Fax: (419)625-6660
Email:  daniel.maxwellat signmed.va.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Dionne Moore
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MA
Phone: (440) 244-3833 x 2150
Fax: (440) 244-5328
Email:  dionne.mooreat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Patrick S. Till
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (440) 244-3833 x 2152
Fax: (440) 244-3834
Email:  patrick.till2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Mansfield VA CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: )
Optometry Clinic
1456 Park Ave. West
Mansfield, OH 44052
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Brian Williams, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
OSU 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Jacob Andrew Boroff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 419-529-4602
Email:  jacob.boroffat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Sara Hafeez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full Time
Phone: 419-529-4602
Fax: 419-529-4664
Email:  Sara.Hafeezat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Ronald A. Pycraft
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (419) 529-4602
Fax: (419) 529-4664
Email:  ronald.pycraftat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Brian R Williams
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 419-529-4602
Fax: 419-529-4664
Email:  Brian.Williams3at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Marietta CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: )
27843 State Route 7
Marietta, OH 45750
Dr. Sherry Compston
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,MS
Phone: 740-568-0412
Fax: 740-4568-0413
Email:  sherry.compstonat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU (Associated Faculty)
                OSU (Clinical instructor)
                OSU (Clinical professor)
                OSU (Module Manager Binocular & Pediatric Service)
Member:  AFOS
Fellowship Trained: Family Practice Optometry
Middletown CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: 552GA)
675 North University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
Dr. Amber Louprasong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-268-6511 x 5675
Fax: 513-423-3309
Email:  Amber.Louprasong2at signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Julie Staats
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 937-262-2105
Fax: 937-267-5395
Email:  Julie.staatsat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
New Philadelphia CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: 541)
1260 Monroe Avenue, Suite 1A
Philadelphia, OH 44663
Dr. William R. Daniel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 602-5339 x 2151
Fax: (330) 602-4388
Email:  william.danielat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Kathryn E. Gordon
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 386-3030 x 2151
             (330) 602-5339 x 2151
Fax: (330) 386-6022
        (330) 602-4388
Email:  kathryn.gordonat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Newark CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: 757GD)
1855 West Main
Newark, OH 43055
Dr. Bonny Henning
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Contract (24 hours)
Phone: (614) 257-5916
Fax: (614) 257-5903
Email:  bonnie.henningat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Assistant faculty)
Residency Trained: VA
Painesville VA CBOC
Cleveland VAMC
(VISN: 10  station: )
Optometry Clinic
7 West Jackson St.
Painesville, OH 44077
Dr. James Omodio
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 440-357-6740 x 1462
Fax: 440-358-1032
Email:  james.omodioat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Chad A. Shultz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (440) 347-6740
Fax: (440) 357-7906
Email:  chad.shultzat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Parma Multi-Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
(VISN: 10  station: )
8787 Brookpark Road
Parma, OH 44129
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Julie Tuten, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
OSU 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Lea Sawicki
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (216) 739-7000
Email:  Lea.Sawickiat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
                Rosenberg School of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Portsmouth CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: )
840 Gallia Street
Portsmouth , OH 45662
Dr. William Hileman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (740) 773-1141 x 7853
Email:  william.hilemanat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Sandusky VA CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: )
Eye Clinic
3416 Columbus Ave.
Sandusky, OH 44870
Dr. Daniel R. Maxwell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (419)625-7350 x 1919
Fax: (419)625-6660
Email:  daniel.maxwellat signmed.va.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Springfield CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: 552GD)
512 South Burnett Road
Springfield , OH 45505
Dr. Kristin McDougall
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (937) 342-5480 x 5726
Fax: (937)267-7670
Email:  Kristin.McDougallat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Toledo VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 10  station: )
3333 Glendale
Toledo, OH 43614
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Phillip W. Petterborg, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
OSU 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Heidi Mayer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  heidi.mayerat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Lisa L. Nirode
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (419) 259-2000 x 3097
Fax: (419) 259-2008
Email:  lisa.nirodeat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Phillip W Petterborg
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (419) 259-2000 x 57597
Fax: (419) 213-7623
Email:  phillip.peterborgat signva.gov
Pager: (734) 651-3322
Member:  AAO Fellow
Warren VA CBOC
(VISN: 10  station: 541)
1400 Tod Ave, NW
Warren, OH 4485
Dr. William W. McGann
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 392-0311 x 1428
Fax: (330) 392-0323
Email:  william.mcgannat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry, Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry)
ACMO certified
Dr. Rachael Y. Miller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 392-0311 x 1428
             (330) 386-4303 x 2151
Fax: (330) 392-0323
        (330) 386-4485
Email:  rachael.millerat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Youngstown VA CBOC
Louis Stokes Cleveland DVA Medical Center
(VISN: 10  station: 541BZ)
Eye Clinic (112 Y)
2031 Belmont Avenue
Youngstown, OH 44505
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Peter Calla, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Peter J. Calla
Job Title: Optometry Clinic Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 740-9200 x 2176
Fax: (330) 740-9240
Email:  peter.callaat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Priscilla R. Schaeffer-Benton
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (330) 740-9200 x 2183
Email:  priscilla.schaefferat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Zanesville VA Clinic
VA Central Ohio Healthcare System
(VISN: 10  station: )
2800 Maple Avenue
Zanesville, OH 43701-1716
Dr. Elizabeth Perch
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 614-257-5642
Fax: 614-257-5288
Email:  Elizabeth.perchat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)


Ernest Childers VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 19  station: )
8921 South Mingo Road
Tulsa, OK 74133
Dr. Jackie L. Burress
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 918-628-2543
Fax: 918-628-2528
Email:  jackie.burress2at signva.gov
Faculty:  NSUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Neil T Hecker
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): MS, OD
Fax: 918-254-9528
Email:  Neil.Heckerat signva.gov
Faculty:  Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Lawton North VA Clinic
Oklahoma City VA Health Care System
(VISN: 16  station: )
2640 Miner Road (Bldg 2640)
Fort Sill, OK 73503
Dr. Gregory D. Clift
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 580-585-5722
Email:  gregory.cliftat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Jennifer Eng
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 580-585-5871
Fax: 580-585-5680
Email:  Jennifer.engat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Refractive and Ocular Surgery)
Dr. Leon T Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 580-585-5873
Email:  Leon.Nguyen7at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Jenna Vergeldt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  jenna.vergeldtat signva.gov
Muskogee VA Medical Center
(VISN: 16  station: 623)
Optometry (11A)
1011 Honor Heights Drive
Muskogee, OK 74401
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Angela Harris-Charlton, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NSUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Angela Harris Charlton, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NSUCO 1-2 8 weeks variable
SCO 1-2 12 weeks variable
Waterloo 1-2 16 weeks variable
Dr. Kyle Edwards
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (918) 577-3667
Email:  kyle.edwardsat signva.gov
Faculty:  NSUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Angela Harris Charlton
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (918) 683-3261 x 3335
Fax: (918) 680-3950
Email:  angela.charltonat signva.gov
Faculty:  NSUCO (Adjunct professor)
                SCO (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Melissa D. Turner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (918) 577-3113
Fax: (918) 577-4140
Email:  melissa.turner4at signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Oklahoma City VAMC
(VISN: 16  station: 635)
Eye Clinic (112C)
921 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Lindsey A. Brewer-Young
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (405) 456-3914
Fax: (405) 456-5144
Email:  lindsey.brewerat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
ACMO certified
Dr. Cameron E Herrin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 405-456-1000
Email:  cameron.herrinat signva.gov
Member:  ABO Diplomate
Dr. Somer Ray
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (20 hrs)
Phone: (405) 456-2057
Email:  somer.rayat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Jenna Vergeldt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  jenna.vergeldtat signva.gov
Tulsa VA Outpatient Clinic
Muskogee VAMC
(VISN: 16  station: 623BY)
9322 E. 41st Street
Tulsa, OK 74145
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Erik Erwin, OD
Dr. Rodney Bendure
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (918) 628-2500 x 2543
Fax: (918) 628-2528
Email:  rodney.bendureat signva.gov
Faculty:  NSUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Angela Harris Charlton
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (918) 683-3261 x 3335
Fax: (918) 680-3950
Email:  angela.charltonat signva.gov
Faculty:  NSUCO (Adjunct professor)
                SCO (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Justin R. Lindsey
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (20 hours/week)
Phone: (918) 628-2500 x 2543
Fax: (918) 628-2528
Email:  justin.lindseyat signva.gov
Member:  AOA


Bend CBOC (Portland VAMC)
(VISN: 20  station: )
2650 NE Courtney Dr
Bend, OR 97701
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Karen Wadhams, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Karen Wadhams, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 1 12 weeks 2
PUCO 1-2 12 weeks 4-6
Dr. Karen Wadhams
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (541) 647-5261
Fax: (541) 647-5234
Email:  karen.wadhamsat signva.gov
Faculty:  MCPHS (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Portland VAMC
(VISN: 20  station: 648)
PO Box 1034 (P-3-Eye)
3710 Southwest US Veterans Hospital Road
Portland, OR 97207
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Weon Jun, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Linh Ngo, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SCCO MBKU 1 12 weeks 4
PUCO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Amara V. Callahan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 33014
Fax: (503) 402-2943
Email:  amara.callahanat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Rebecca J. Czerwinski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Student Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 58205
Email:  rebecca.czerwinskiat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. James P. Esposito
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  james.espositoat signva.gov
Pager: (559) 771-3812
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Weon Jun
Job Title: Director, Low Vision Rehabilitation Services
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 54400
Fax: (503) 402-2943
Email:  weon.junat signva.gov
Pager: (503) 721-7878 #2406
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Oregon Health and Science University (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Assistant clinical faculty)
                NECO (Clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Shannon Lutz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 56860
Email:  shannon.lutzat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. William J. Prunty
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (305) 575-7000 x 6131
Email:  william.pruntyat signva.gov
Pager: (305) 346-4671
Faculty:  NOVA (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jonathon C. Thomas
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 56860
Fax: (503) 402-2943
Email:  jonathon.thomasat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: Non VA
Dr. Mark A. Williams
Job Title: Chief, Optometry Section
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 57877
Email:  mark.williams3at signva.gov
Pager: (503) 721-7878-2412
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                UCB (Affiliated Clinical Instructor)
                NECO (Affiliated Clinical Professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry)
ACMO certified
Salem VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 20  station: )
1750 McGlichrist St. SE
Salem, OR 97302
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Russell Jew, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO  
Dr. Vincent Chan
Job Title: Staff-optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Vincent.chan1at signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
White City - VA Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinics
(VISN: 20  station: 692)
Medical Services (692/111)
8495 Crater Lake Hwy.
White City, OR 97503
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Mark Ostermeier, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Mark Ostermeier, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 1 10 weeks 3
PUCO 1 11 weeks 4
Dr. Christopher Jovez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 541-826-2111 x 3822
Fax: 541-830-7478
Email:  christopher.jovezat signva.gov
Dr. Mark Ostermeier
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (541) 826-2111 x 3113
Fax: (541) 830-7478
Email:  mark.ostermeierat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                UCB (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AFOS
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Optometry VISN Mentor
Dr. Aaron Severson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (541) 830-7509
Fax: (541) 830-7478
Email:  aaron.seversonat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UABSO (Adjunct faculty)


Allentown VA OPC
(VISN: 4  station: 693B4)
3110 Hamilton Boulevard
Allentown, PA 18103
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Joseph Reck, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2 3/6 months 8
Dr. Cassie Brown
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (610) 776-4323
Fax: (610) 776-4477
Email:  cassie.brownat signva.gov
Faculty:  Graduate School of the Academy of Health Sciences (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Patrick M. McLaren
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (610) 776-2390
Email:  patrick.mclarenat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Joseph A. Reck
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (610) 776-2386
Email:  joseph.reckat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jennifer Summa
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 610-776-4304
Fax: 610-776-4477
Email:  Jennifer.Summaat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Altoona VAMC - James E. Van Zandt
(VISN: 4  station: 503)
2907 Pleasant Valley Blvd.
Altoona, PA 16602
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Zoe Phillips Connacher, OD & Brenda Eckrenrode, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1 3/6 months 2-4
Dr. Brenda Eckenrode
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full Time
Phone: (814)-943-8164 x 8358
Fax: 814-940-6305
Email:  Brenda.Eckenrodeat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Jesse Merwin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (814) 375-6817 x 5115
Email:  jesse.merwin2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Daniel F. Russell
Job Title: Clinic Leader, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (814) 943-8164 x 7552
Fax: (814) 940-6515
Email:  daniel.russellat signva.gov
Pager: (814) 567-0187
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Coatesville VA Medical Center
(VISN: 4  station: 542)
Eye Clinic (111F)
1400 Black Horse Hill Road
Coatesville, PA 19320
Dr. Bruce G Muchnick
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (610) 384-7711
Fax: (610) 383-0278
Email:  bruce.muchnickat signmed.va.gov
Dr. Marc D. Myers
Job Title: Senior Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (610) 384-7711 x 6218
Fax: (610) 466-2216
Email:  marc.myersat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Mark Street
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 610-384-7711 x 5966
Fax: 610-466-2216
Email:  mark.streetat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Assoc professor)
Corporal Michael J Crescenz VAMC
VA Philadelphia Healthcare System
(VISN: 4  station: 642)
Department of Surgery (112), Optometry Clinic
6232 Market St.
Philadelphia, PA 19139
Low Vision Clinic
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Network Site
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Luanne Chubb OD; Christopher Suhr, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 4 3/6 months 12
SUNY 1 3/6 months 2-4
NECO 1 3/6 months 2-4
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Connie L. Chronister
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Low Vision Rehabilitation Specialist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Part-time (0.2 FTEE)
Phone: (215) 823-4110
Fax: (215) 823-4139
Email:  connie.chronisterat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  LOVIT II trail
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Research: Co-investigator , Other
Dr. Luanne Chubb
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (215) 823-4110
             (215) 823-6869
Email:  luanne.chubbat signva.gov
Faculty:  SUNY (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Carrie Kay Hvezda
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 215-823-4139
Email:  carrie.hvezdaat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Lisa M. Rotan-Himmelein
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (215) 823-4110
Email:  lisa.rotan2at signva.gov
Pager: (215) 823-6869
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Mark Shust
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (4/5 FTEE)
Phone: (215) 823-6050
             (215) 823-4112
Email:  mark.shustat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Denise Thomas Wilcox
Job Title: Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): PT, OD, PhD
Part-time (1.5 days/week)
Phone: (215) 823-4110
Fax: (215) 823-4139
Email:  denise.wilcoxat signva.gov
Faculty:  Gwynedd Mercy College (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Fellowship Trained: Anatomy
Cumberland CBOC
Lebanon VAMC
(VISN: 4  station: 595GA)
5070 Ritter Road
Rossmoyne Business Park
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4824
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Dr. Michael Bert
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): O.D.
Phone: 304-263-0811 x 6846
Email:  michael.bertat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Charles A. Druckman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (717)590-1525
Fax: (717)590-1563
Email:  charles.druckmanat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jennifer LeKites
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (30h/w)
Phone: (717) 730-9782
Fax: (717) 730-9854
Email:  jennifer.lekitesat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Walter G. LeKites, IV
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 717-272-6621 x 4175
Fax: 717-228-5977
Email:  walter.lekitesat signva.gov
Dr. Rebecca L. Sterner
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (717) 272-6621 x 4175
             (717) 272-6621 x 6173
Fax: (717) 228-5977
Email:  rebecca.sternerat signva.gov
Pager: 3103
Faculty:  Penn State (Adjunct Asst Professor of Ophthalmology)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
(VISN: 4  station: 562)
135 East 38th Street
Erie, PA 16504
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Tyler Mautino, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4
NOVA 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. David Domachowski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 814-860-3265
Fax: 814-860-2768
Email:  david.domachowskiat signva.gov
Dr. Richard B. Hetrick
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (814) 860-2789
Fax: (814) 860-2768
Email:  richard.hetrickat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Preceptor)
Member:  AFOS
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN
Dr. Leah Plescia
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 814-860-3265
Email:  leah.plescia1at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Horsham - Victor J. Saracini CBOC
(VISN: 4  station: )
433 Caredean Drive
Horsham, PA 19044
Dr. Mark Shust
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (4/5 FTEE)
Phone: (215) 823-6050
             (215) 823-4112
Email:  mark.shustat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct assistant professor)
                NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Johnstown VA CBOC
(VISN: 4  station: )
1425 Scalp Ave.
Suite 29
Johnstown, PA 15904
Dr. Daniel F. Russell
Job Title: Clinic Leader, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (814) 943-8164 x 7552
Fax: (814) 940-6515
Email:  daniel.russellat signva.gov
Pager: (814) 567-0187
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Lancaster PA CBOC
(VISN: 4  station: 595GC)
1861 Charter Lane (Mailcode #470)
Green Field Corporate Center, Suite 118
Lancaster, PA 17605
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Mary E. Good
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (717) 840-2730 x 3068
             (717) 840-2730 x 6671
Fax: (717) 757-3680
Email:  mary.goodat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Lebanon VA Medical Center
(VISN: 4  station: 595)
Eye Clinic (322)
1700 S. Lincoln Avenue
Lebanon, PA 17042
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Kevin Wolford, OD; Daniel Petley, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Daniel Petley, OD; Kevin Wolford, OD; Erin Heinly, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 3 12 weeks 12
PUCO 3 12 weeks 12
Dr. Charles A. Druckman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (717)590-1525
Fax: (717)590-1563
Email:  charles.druckmanat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Walter G. LeKites, IV
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 717-272-6621 x 4175
Fax: 717-228-5977
Email:  walter.lekitesat signva.gov
Dr. Daniel R. Petley
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (717) 228-6173
Fax: (717) 228-5977
Email:  daniel.petleyat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Penn State (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: VISN
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Rebecca L. Sterner
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (717) 272-6621 x 4175
             (717) 272-6621 x 6173
Fax: (717) 228-5977
Email:  rebecca.sternerat signva.gov
Pager: 3103
Faculty:  Penn State (Adjunct Asst Professor of Ophthalmology)
                ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Kevin Wolford
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (717) 272-6621 x 4834
Fax: (717) 228-5977
Email:  kevin.wolfordat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                PUCO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical instructor)
                Waterloo (Adjunct clinical supervisor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Research: Principal Investigator , Co-investigator
Pittsburgh VA - Heinz Campus
(VISN: 4  station: )
1010 Dellafield Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15215
Dr. Ann Allison
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 412-360-3112
Fax: 412-360-6296
Email:  ann.allisonat signva.gov
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Karlee Bowers
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 412-822-2118
Email:  karlee.bowersat signva.gov
Member:  POA
Dr. Gregory J. Gallagher
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, JD
Full-time (0.8)
Phone: (412) 360-6207
Fax: (412)360-6296
Email:  gregory.gallagherat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Lindsey K. Lear
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (412) 822-2118
Email:  lindsey.learat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Research: Co-principal Investigator
Dr. Jennifer McGrath
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.9 FTEE)
Phone: (412) 360-6207
Email:  jennifer.mcgrath2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Pittsburgh VAMC - University Drive Division
(VISN: 4  station: 646)
Eye Clinic
University Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15240
Dr. Karlee Bowers
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 412-822-2118
Email:  karlee.bowersat signva.gov
Member:  POA
Dr. Gregory J. Gallagher
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, JD
Full-time (0.8)
Phone: (412) 360-6207
Fax: (412)360-6296
Email:  gregory.gallagherat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Lindsey K. Lear
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (412) 822-2118
Email:  lindsey.learat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Research: Co-principal Investigator
Dr. Jennifer McGrath
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.9 FTEE)
Phone: (412) 360-6207
Email:  jennifer.mcgrath2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr Monica Rechichar
Phone: (412) 688-6207
Email:  monica.rechicharat signva.gov
Dr. Monica Rechichar
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time(1 day/week)
Phone: 412-688-6207
Email:  monica.rechicharat signva.gov
Dr. Mark V Ricciutti
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 412-360-1221
Email:  Mark.Ricciuttiat signva.gov
Dr. Edward B. Savarno
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): MS, OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (724) 984-6207
Fax: (724) 379-9660
Email:  edward.savarnoat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Nicholas Tesla
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (1 day/week)
Phone: (412) 688-6207
Email:  nicholas.teslaat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
West Philadelphia VA Clinic
(VISN: 4  station: )
6232 Market St, Suite 100
Philadelphia, PA 19139-2922
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Luanne Chubb, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 4 3/6 months 4
ICO 2 3/6 months 2
SUNY 1 6 months 1
NECO 1 6 months 1
Dr. Victoria Shust
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): O.D.
Fax: 215-823-6398
Email:  Victoria.shustat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center
(VISN: 4  station: 693)
1111 East End Blvd.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Joseph A. Reck, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Salus University  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Cassie Brown, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2 3/6 months 8
Dr. Herbert Bressler
Dr. James M. Novak
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (570) 824-3521 x 4507
Fax: (507) 819-5131
Email:  james.novakat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SUNY (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow

 Puerto Rico

Mayaguez VA Outpatient clinic
(VISN: 8  station: )
Eye Clinic (112AM)
Hostos Avenue #345
Mayaguez, PR 00680
Dr. Jorge Acevedo Garcia
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (20 hours/week)
Phone: (787) 255-0888
Fax: (787) 255-0888
Email:  jorge.acevedo-garciaat signva.gov
Dr. Maria Josefina Rodriguez-Martinez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (787) 834-6900 x 48044
Fax: (787) 265-8825
Email:  maria.rodriguez-martinezat signva.gov
Member:  Colegio de Optometras de PR
Ponce VA OPC
(VISN: 8  station: )
Eye Clinic
1010 Paseo del Veterano Street
Ponce, PR 00716-2001
Dr. Jorge Acevedo Garcia
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (20 hours/week)
Phone: (787) 255-0888
Fax: (787) 255-0888
Email:  jorge.acevedo-garciaat signva.gov
Dr. Elliott Rodriguez-Ruiz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (1 d/w)
Phone: (787) 812-3030 x 44224
Email:  elliott.rodriguez-ruizat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Alvilda M. Rodriquez-Villamile
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (787) 821-3030 x 44340
Fax: (787) 651-4321
Email:  alvilda.rodriguez-villamileat signva.gov
VA Caribbean Healthcare System
(VISN: 8  station: 672)
Blind Rehab Center (124)
10 Casia Street
San Juan, PR 00921
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Laura E Dalmasy-Frouin, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
IAUPR 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Elsa G. Barroso-Herrans
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (787) 641-7582 x 31661
             (787) 641-7582 x 31675
Fax: (787) 641-9533
Email:  elsa.barroso-herransat signva.gov
Member:  Colegio de Optometras de PR
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Pediatric Optometry)
Dr. Laura E. Dalmasy-Frouin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (787) 641-7582 x 21136
Fax: (787) 641-4569
Email:  laura.dalmasy-frouinat signva.gov
Faculty:  IAUPR (Adjunct clinical professor)
Dr. Alex Garcia-Morales
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (787) 641-7582 x 31656
Email:  alex.garcia-moralesat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Carol Lopez-Betancourt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (787) 641-7582 x 31656
Fax: (787) 641-4393
Email:  carol.lopez-betancourtat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Rosa Ana Maeso
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (787) 641-7582 x 31659
Fax: (787) 641-9533
Email:  rosa.maeso-torruellasat signva.gov
Member:  Colegio de Optometras de PR

 Rhode Island

Providence VAMC
(VISN: 1  station: 650)
Eye Clinic (112)
623 Atwells Avenue
Providence, RI 02909
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Amanda Hunter, OD and Fatima Raposo, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Fatima Raposo, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
AZCOPT 2 12 weeks 8-4th year students
NECO 1 12 weeks 4 - 3rd year students
NECO 4 12 weeks 16-4th yr students
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4 - 4th year students
ICO 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. Thomas P. Cesaro
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD
Part-time (0.55 FTE)
Phone: (401) 273-7100 x 1500
Email:  thomas.cesaroat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Amanda Gajewsk
Job Title: Staff Optometris
Degree(s): O.D.
Part-time: 0.5
Phone: (401) 273-7100 x 1504
Email:  amanda.gajewski2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Elina Goman Baskin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (18.5 hrs/wk)
Phone: (617) 512-7949
Fax: (781) 818-4118
Email:  elina.goman-baskinat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Joseph Mega
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Phone: (401) 273-7100
Email:  joseph.megaat signva.gov
Dr. Joseph Osmanski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): BA, OD, MA
Part-time (11 hrs/week)
Phone: (401) 273-7100 x 1517
Fax: (401) 567-9309
Email:  joseph.osmanskiat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                University of Montreal (Adjunct faculty)
                NECO (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Fatima Raposo
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (401) 273-7100
Email:  fatima.raposoat signva.gov
Faculty:  University of Montreal (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                NECO (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
ACMO certified
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. John C. Sellechio
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (21h/w)
Phone: (401) 273-7100 x 1500
Email:  john.sellechioat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                NECO (Affiliated Clinical Professor)
Member:  AOS
                 National Glaucoma Society

 South Carolina

Charleston - Ralph Johnson VAMC
(VISN: 7  station: 534)
Eye Clinic (Mail Code 112)
109 Bee Street
Charleston, SC 29401-5799
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Kelly Singleton, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: William J. Denton, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 3 6 months TBD
NOVA 1 6 months TBD
Indiana University 1 12 weeks 4
UAB 1 16 weeks 3
SCO 1 16 weeks 6
Dr. William J. Denton
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 803-776-4000 x 7253
Fax: 803-695-7960
Email:  william.dentonat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 Optometric Retina Soc. Fellow
                 Scleral Lens Ed. Soc. Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Optometry VISN Mentor
Dr. James F. Hammond
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (4 days)
Phone: (843) 577-5011 x 3194
Email:  james.hammond6at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
(VISN: 7  station: 544)
Optometry #112
6439 Garners Ferry Rd
Columbia, SC 29209
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Anthony Van Alstine, OD, MS, FAAO
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michelle Brown, OD; Patricia Kranz, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1-2 3/6 months 1-2
Michigan College of Optometry 2 3/6 months 4-8
NOVA 1-3 3/6 months 4-12
Indiana University 2 12 weeks 8
SCO 1-3 12 weeks 1-8
Dr. Richard Gardner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: (803) 776-4000 x 5233
Fax: (803) 695-7960
Email:  richard.gardnerat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Patricia Kranz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 803-776-4000
Email:  patricia.kranz1at signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Julie Anne Roper
Job Title: Low Vision Clinic Coordinator
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (803) 776-4000 x 7253
Fax: (803) 695-6726
Email:  julieanne.roper2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Sarah R. Wilson
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 803-776-4000 x 5122
Fax: 803-695-7960
Email:  sarah.wilson13at signva.gov
Faculty:  Michigan College of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Goose Creek Clinic
(VISN: 7  station: )
2418 NNPTC Circle
Goose Creek, SC 29445
Dr. James F. Hammond
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (4 days)
Phone: (843) 577-5011 x 3194
Email:  james.hammond6at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Greenville VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 7  station: )
41 Park Creek Drive
Greenville , SC 29605-1334
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Stephanie England, OD and Monica Jezior, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Dr. Stephanie England
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Residency Supervisor
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 864-299-1600 x 2748
Fax: 864-422-2965
Email:  Stephanie.Englandat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Elora Ommen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 864-299-1600 x 2713
Fax: 864-422-2965
Email:  Elora.Ommenat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)

 South Dakota

Fort Meade VAMC
VA Black Hills Health Care System
(VISN: 23  station: 568)
Eye Clinic, Bldg 145
113 Comanche Road
Ft. Meade, SD 57741
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Kamaria Serfling, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
AZCOPT 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. John B. Jarding
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (605) 347-2511 x 7852
Fax: (605) 720-7012
Email:  john.jardingat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                MCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Vernon Wong
Email:  vernon.wongat signva.gov
Sioux Falls VAMC
(VISN: 23  station: )
2205 W. 22nd St.
Eye Clinic (123)
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Low Vision Clinic
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Krista Letzring, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
PUCO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Bobette Nale Greenfield
Job Title: Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): OD,BS,BA
Part-time (M, Tu, Th)
Phone: (605) 336-3230 x 5921
Email:  bobette.greenfieldat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Brittney Schieber
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 605-232-2800 x 2837
Email:  brittney.schieber1at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Gary Vanderzee
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (605) 336-3230 x 96378
Email:  gary.vanderzeeat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility


Alvin C. York VAMC (Murfreesboro) Campus
VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System
(VISN: 9  station: 626A4)
3400 Lebanon Pike
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Dr. David J. Shen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (615) 867-6000 x 6642
Email:  david.shen2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Jackson CBOC
(VISN: 9  station: )
180 Old Hickory Blvd.
Jackson, TN 38305
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Eric Lee, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UAB 1 12 weeks 3
SCO 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Eric M. Lee
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (731) 661-2750 x 4659
Email:  eric.lee4at signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Knoxville Outpatient Clinic
Tennessee Valley Healthcare System
(VISN: 9  station: 626BY)
9031 Cross Park Drive
Knoxville, TN 37923
Dr. Jeffrey M. Bateman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (865) 545-4592
Fax: (865) 545-4488
Email:  jeffrey.batemanat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Michael H. Cho
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, BS
Phone: (865) 545-4592
Fax: (865) 545-4488
Email:  michael.cho3at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Memphis VA Medical Center
(VISN: 9  station: 614)
Optometry Clinic (112D)
1689 Nonconnah Blvd
Memphis, TN 38132
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 6
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: James A. Williamson, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michael White, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SCO 3 12 weeks 9
ICO 1 12 weeks 3
UMSL 1 12 weeks 3
AZCOPT 1 12 weeks 3
Kentucky College of Optometry 1 12 weeks 3
Dr. James Caleb Counce
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 901-523-8990 x 1317
Fax: 901-522-3436
Email:  james.counceat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jennifer T. Elder
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.6)
Phone: (731)661-2750 x 4633
Email:  jennifer.elderat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Halie C Kitzman
Job Title: Director of Intermediate Low Vision Clinic
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 901-523-8990
Fax: 1329
Email:  halie.kitzmanat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Matthew Meredith
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 901-523-8990 x 1314
Email:  matthew.meredith1at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Andrew Rixon
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (901) 523-8990 x 6897
Email:  andrew.rixonat signva.gov
Pager: 55894
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Family Practice Optometry)
Dr. Katherine D. Sanford
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (901) 523-8990 x 5550
Fax: (901) 557-7456
Email:  katherine.sanfordat signva.gov
Pager: (901) 577-7288 x719
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Glenn Saxon
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 901-523-8990 x 6852
Fax: 901-577-7546
Email:  glenn.saxonat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Family Practice Optometry)
ACMO certified
Dr. Michael Robert White
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (901) 523-8990 x 5550
Fax: (910) 557-7456
Email:  michael.white5at signva.gov
Pager: (901) 577-7288 x280
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
                 Optometric Retina Society
Dr. Jim Allan Williamson
Job Title: Residency Supervisor
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (901) 523-8990 x 5550
Fax: (901) 577-7456
Email:  james.williamson4at signva.gov
Faculty:  UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Assistant professor)
Member:  NAVAO
ACMO certified
Mountain Home - James H. Quillen VAMC
(VISN: 9  station: 621)
Eye Clinic (112E)
Bldg 200
Mountain Home, TN 37684
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Hospital-Based Optometry
Residency Coordinator: Loren W. Bennett, OD, MPH
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Nanette Coelho, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 2 12 weeks 6
Salus University 2 12 weeks 6
Western University 2 12 weeks 4
SCO 1 16 weeks 4
Dr. Loren (Larry) W. Bennett
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: (423) 926-1171 x 7127
             (423) 979-3512
Fax: (423) 979-3530
Email:  loren.bennettat signva.gov
Pager: (423) 979-3462 #698
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SCO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                James H. Quillen College of Medicine (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AOA
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Research: Principal Investigator , Co-investigator
Dr. Hal R. Bohlman
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 423-979-3510
Fax: 423-979-3530
Email:  harold.bohlmanat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                ICO (Assoc professor)
                Western University (Clinical assistant professor)
                James H. Quillen College of Medicine (Clinical instructor)
                SCO (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Diplomate Primary Care
                 AAO Fellow
Dr. Nanette Coelho
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (423) 926-1171 x 2291
Fax: (423) 979-3530
Email:  nanette.coelhoat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SCO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Dax Alan Gay
Job Title: Chief of Optometry Section
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (423) 926-1171 x 2290
Email:  dax.gayat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Ami Nadolsky
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 423-926-1171 x 2959
Fax: 423-979-3530
Email:  Ami.nadolskyat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct instructor)
                Western University (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Gary M. Nadolsky
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Full time
Phone: 423-926-1171 x 7230
Fax: 423-979-3530
Email:  gary.nadolskyat signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                ICO (Adjunct instructor)
                Western University (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Nashville VA Medical Center
VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System
(VISN: 9  station: 626)
1310 24th Ave. South
Nashville, TN 37212-2637
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Dr. Marina Naguib
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 615-873-6417
Fax: 615-873-8438
Email:  marina.naguibat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Bhavika Patidar
Nonconnah Boulevard VA Clinic
(VISN: 9  station: )
1689 Nonconnah Boulevard
Memphis , TN 38132-2105
Dr. Mary Theresa V. Taormina
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 901-523-8990 x 1317
Email:  MaryTheresa.Taorminaat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Pointe Centre VA Clinic
(VISN: 9  station: )
1208 Pointe Centre Dr.
Suite 100
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Dr. Christine Myers Mikolaj
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (423) 893-6500
Email:  christine.mikolajat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Cheryl Brooke Polinsky
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 423-052-6026
Email:  cheryl.polinskyat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)


Abilene VA Clinic
(VISN: 17  station: 519)
3850 Ridgemont Dr Ste C
Abilene, TX 79606
Dr. Carolyn Chakuroff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 432-263-7361 x 4868
Fax: 432-268-5044
Email:  carolyn.chakuroff1at signva.gov
Faculty:  Texas Tech University (Associated Faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Amarillo VAMC
(VISN: 18  station: 504)
Eye Clinic (112D)
6010 Amarillo Blvd. West
Amarillo, TX 79106
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: David Trout, OD, MBA
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NSUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: David Trout, OD, MBA
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UIWRSO 2 12 weeks 8
University of Houston School of Optometry 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. James O'Connor
Job Title: Chief
Phone: (806) 355-9703 x 7689
Fax: (806) 356-3735
Email:  james.oconnor2at signva.gov
Dr. David Trout
Job Title: Staff Optometric Physician
Degree(s): OD, MBA
Phone: (806) 355-9703 x 7678
Fax: (806) 356-3735
Email:  david.troutat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                NSUCO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Adjunct clinical professor)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Adjunct clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Austin VA OPC
(VISN: 17  station: 674BY)
Eye Clinic
7901 Metropolis Drive
Austin, TX 78744
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Anju Kanikunnel, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UIWRSO 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Hyewon L. Chang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 512-823-4051
Fax: 512-823-4155
Email:  hyewon.chang1at signva.gov
Faculty:  UIWRSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Carrie Ho
Job Title: Staff optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 512-823-4020
Fax: 512-823-4155
Email:  carrie.hoat signva.gov
Faculty:  UIWRSO (Adjunct assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Anju M Kanikunnel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 512-823-4020
Fax: 512-823-4155
Email:  anju.kanikunnelat signva.gov
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Big Spring VAMC
West Texas VA Healthcare System
(VISN: 17  station: 519)
300 Veterans Blvd.
Big Spring, TX 79720
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Carolyn Chakuroff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 432-263-7361 x 4868
Fax: 432-268-5044
Email:  carolyn.chakuroff1at signva.gov
Faculty:  Texas Tech University (Associated Faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Bonham VA - Sam Rayburn Memorial
VA North Texas Health Care System
(VISN: 17  station: 549A4)
Eye Clinic
1201 E. 9th Street
Bonham, TX 75418
Dr. Gary N. Sisson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (903) 583-6763
Fax: (903) 583-6788
Email:  gary.sissonat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Charles Wilson VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 17  station: )
2206 North John Redditt Drive
Lufkin, TX 75904
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jose R. Lopez, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Kentucky College of Optometry 1 12 weeks 2
Dr. Thien Huong Kim Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (936) 671-4413
Email:  thien.nguyen4at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Conroe VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 16  station: 580C)
690 South Loop 336
West Conroe, TX 77304
Dr. Katherine N Gonzalez
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, BS
Phone: 936-522-4000 x 12125
Fax: 936-522-4020
Email:  Katherine.gonzalez2at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Corpus Christi Specialty Clinic
Texas Valley Costal Bend Health Care System
(VISN: 17  station: )
Eye Clinic
205 S Enterprize Parkway
Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Dr. Stephen Cook
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (361) 939-6510 x 62783
Fax: (361) 939-6511
Email:  Stephen.Cookat signva.gov
Dr. Cynthia A. Foster
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 361-939-6510 x 62782
Email:  cynthia.foster2at signva.gov
Additional Memberships: TOA
Dr. Celina Villarreal
Job Title: Optometry Supervisor
Degree(s): OD
Email:  celina.villarrealat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 ABO Diplomate
Dallas VAMC
VA North Texas Health Care System
(VISN: 17  station: 549)
Eye Clinic (112)
4500 S. Lancaster Dr.
Dallas, TX 75216
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Dr. Valerie Barnett
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 214-857-1720
Email:  Valerie.Barnettat signva.gov
Dr. Chau N. Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (214) 857-1441
Fax: (214) 857-2137
Email:  chau.nguyenat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Pheba Shibu
Job Title: Staff optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Pheba.Shibuat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Data Point VA Outpatient Clinic- San Antonio VAMC
(VISN: 17  station: )
8410 Data Point
San Antonio, TX 78229
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Thanh Le, OD; Gregg Wentworth, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
University of Houston School of Optometry 2 12 weeks 6
MCPHS 2 16 weeks 6
UIWRSO 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Monica D Bentley
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Monica.Bentleyat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Polytrauma)
Dr. Thanh T. Le
Job Title: Staff Optometris
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (210)949-9733
Email:  thanh.le3at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Billy V Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 210-617-5300 x 65446
Fax: 210-949-8925
Email:  billy.nguyen2at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Polytrauma)
Dr. Thien Huong Kim Nguyen Bishop
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 210-617-5300 x 15300
Email:  ThienHuong.NguyenBishopat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Gregg Wentworth
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD, MBA
Phone: (210)996-5195
Email:  gregg.wentworthat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Jeannette A Wong-Powell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  jeannette.wong-powellat signva.gov
Faculty:  UIWRSO (Clinical associate professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Doris Miller Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Center
VA Heart of Texas Health Care Network
(VISN: 17  station: 674A4)
Optometry Clinic
4800 Memorial Drive, Bldg 91 BB110
Waco, TX 76711
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Erika M. Jones, OD, FAAO, ABCMO
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Rosenberg School of Optometry  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Hyoung Lho, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
Rosenberg School of Optometry 1-2 16 weeks 3-6
Dr. Erika M. Jones
Job Title: Supervisory Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 254-297-3000 x 55983
Fax: 254-297-3710
Email:  erika.jones10at signva.gov
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Adjunct assistant professor)
                NECO (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Hyoung I Lho
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, VISN17 Mentor for NAVAO
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 254-297-3000 x 55983
Fax: 254-297-3710
Email:  hyoung.lhoat signva.gov
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Adjunct assistant professor)
                NECO (Clinical instructor)
Member:  AFOS
El Paso VAMC
(VISN: 17  station: 756)
5001 N. Piedras St
El Paso, TX 79930
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Timothy WIseth, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Indiana University 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Michael A Candreva
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 915-564-6649
Fax: 915-564-7940
Email:  michael.candrevaat signva.gov
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
ACMO certified
Dr. Craig Hentzel
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (915) 564-6116
Fax: (915) 564-7940
Email:  craig.hentzelat signva.gov
Dr. Timothy Wiseth
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 915-564-6116
Email:  Timothy.wiseth2at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Fort Worth OPC
VA North Texas Health Care System
(VISN: 17  station: )
Fort Worth, TX
Dr. Agustin L. Gonzalez
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD, MBA
Email:  agustin.gonzalezat signva.gov
Faculty:  IAUPR (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
ACMO certified
Dr. Chau N. Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (214) 857-1441
Fax: (214) 857-2137
Email:  chau.nguyenat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Harlingen VA Health Care Center
(VISN: 17  station: )
2601 Veterans Drive
Harlingen, TX 78550
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Residency Coordinator: Michael Wingard, OD, FAAO
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Rosenberg School of Optometry  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michael Wingard, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UIWRSO 1 16 weeks 3
University of Houston School of Optometry 1 16 weeks 3
Kentucky College of Optometry 1 16 weeks 3
SCO 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Ivonne Alvarado
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 956-291-9217 x 69232
Fax: 956-291-9412
Email:  Ivonne.Alvaradoat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Caitlin M. Burket
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 956-291-9000 x 69224
Email:  Caitlin.burketat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Stuart Nieber
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (855) 864-0516
Email:  stuart.nieberat signva.gov
Dr. Celina Villarreal
Job Title: Optometry Supervisor
Degree(s): OD
Email:  celina.villarrealat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 ABO Diplomate
Houston VAMC - Michael E. DeBakey
(VISN: 16  station: 580)
Optometry (mail code 112-C)
2002 Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77030
Visual Impairment Center To Optimize Remaining Sight (VICTORS)
Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) program
Low Vision Clinic
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Bhagya Segu, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  University of Houston School of Optometry  
Dr. Jennifer Doan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (713) 794-7450
Fax: (713) 794-8226
Email:  jennifer.doan2at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Kia Eldred
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (20 hours/week)
Phone: (713) 794-7532
Fax: (713) 794-8851
Email:  kia.eldredat signva.gov
Faculty:  University of Houston School of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Diplomate Low Vision
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA
Dr. Yun-Ting Lisa Huang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (713) 791-1414 x 23805
Fax: (713) 794-8226
Email:  yun-ting.huangat signva.gov
Faculty:  University of Houston School of Optometry (Adjunct assistant professor)
                IAUPR (Affiliate Professor)
                Rosenberg School of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Ancil Mathew
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 713-791-1414 x 25778
Fax: 713-794-8748
Email:  Ancil.Mathewat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Bhagya Segu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: (713) 794-7450
Fax: (713) 794-8226
Email:  bhagya.segu1at signva.gov
Faculty:  IAUPR (Adjunct faculty)
                UIWRSO (Adjunct faculty)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Ambika Singh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 713-791-1414
Email:  Ambika.Singhat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Sangita Patel Vadapalli
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (713) 791-1414 x 7450
Email:  sangita.vadapalliat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Cornea and Contact Lenses, Ocular Disease)
Kerrville VA Hospital
(VISN: 17  station: )
3600 Memorial Blvd.
Kerrville, TX 78028
Dr. Melanie Kane
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (830) 896-2020 x 12529
Email:  melanie.kaneat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease)
Dr. Tracy Putnam
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (830) 896-2020
Email:  tracy.putnam-sczepanskiat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease/Polytrauma)
Lubbock Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 18  station: )
6140 Ave. Q south drive
Lubbock, TX 79412
Dr. Leticia Santa
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (806) 472-3400
Fax: (806) 472-3433
Email:  leticia.santaat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
McAllen Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 17  station: )
901 E Hackberry Ave
McAllen, TX 78503
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Dr. Celina Villarreal
Job Title: Optometry Supervisor
Degree(s): OD
Email:  celina.villarrealat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 ABO Diplomate
Dr. Michael Wingard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Michael.Wingardat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Richmond VA Outpatient Center- Michael E. DeBakey VAMC
(VISN: 16  station: 580GG)
22001 Southwest Freeway
Suite 200
Richmond, TX 77469
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Michael Y. Leung
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
University of Houston School of Optometry 1 12 weeks 3
Dr. Michael Leung
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 832-595-7700
Fax: 832-595-7720
Email:  michael.leungat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
San Antonio - Frank Tejeda VA Outpatient Clinic
South Texas Veterans Health Care System
(VISN: 17  station: )
Eye Clinic
5788 Eckert Road
San Antonio, TX 78240
Dr. Ronald C. Tutt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: (210) 699-2113
Email:  ronald.tuttat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
San Antonio VAMC - Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital
(VISN: 17  station: )
7400 Merton Minter
San Antonio, TX 78229
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Brain Injury Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Gregg E Wentworth, OD, FAAO
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Rosenberg School of Optometry  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Dr. S. Schmiedecke (RSO) and Dr. D. Singh (UH & PCO)
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
University of Houston School of Optometry 2 12 weeks 8
Rosenberg School of Optometry 2 12 weeks 8
Dr. Tim Luke
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 216-617-5300 x 65417
Fax: 210-949-8925
Email:  timothy.lukeat signva.gov
Dr. Mischelle L. Percy-Baluyot
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 210-949-8900
Email:  Mischelle.pearcy-baluyotat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Candice Elam Rice
Job Title: Staff Optometrist(polytrauma)
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 210-617-5300 x 13634
Email:  candice.riceat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Fellowship Trained: TBI/Polytrauma Clinical Optometry
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Dipti Singh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (210) 617-5300 x 65413
Email:  dipti.singhat signva.gov
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Adjunct associate professor)
                University of Houston School of Optometry (Adjunct associate professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Temple VA
VA Central Texas Health Care System
(VISN: 17  station: 674)
Optometry Clinic, routing number 123
1901 Veterans Memorial Drive
Temple, TX 76504
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Network Site
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Lee N. Vu
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Midwestern University 1 12 weeks 4
AZCOPT 1 12 weeks 4
Dr An T Hoang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 254-743-0728
Email:  an.hoangat signva.gov
Faculty:  UIWRSO (Adjunct clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Nicholas Steinshouer
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 254-743-2701 x 42701
Email:  Nicholas.Steinshouer1at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Lee N Vu
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, VISN 17 Tele Eye Preceptor
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 254-743-0728
Fax: 254-743-0128
Email:  lee.vuat signva.gov
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN
Dr. Josh Yuen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, PhD
Phone: 254-743-2628
Fax: 254-743-0318
Email:  Josh.Yuenat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 Optometric Retina Soc. Fellow
Texas City VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 17  station: )
9300 Emmett F. Lowry Expressway, Suite 206
Texas City, TX 77591
Dr. Eva Gao
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Staff Optometrist
Phone: 409-986-2900 x 10543
Email:  eva.gaoat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Linh Truong Nguyen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (409) 986-2900 x 10543
Fax: (409) 986-2910
Email:  linh.nguyen20at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Thomas E. Creek
(VISN: 17  station: )
3501 S. Soncy Rd.
Amarillo, TX 79119
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Hospital-Based Optometry/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: David Trout, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions: 
Dr. Linda Bianciotto
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 806-355-9703 x 3035
Email:  linda.bianciottoat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Tomball VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 16  station: )
1200 W. Main Street
Tomball, TX 77375
Dr. Brooke Vegas
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 281-516-1505
Fax: 281-516-9390
Email:  brooke.vegasat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
                 AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
VA Health Care Center at Harlingen
(VISN: 17  station: )
2601 Veterans Drive
Harlingen , TX 78550
Low Vision Clinic
Dr. Jeffery T Curry
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (956) 291-9000
Email:  jeffery.curryat signva.gov
Member:  AMSUS
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Refractive and Ocular Surgery)


Salt Lake City VA Medical Center
(VISN: 19  station: 660)
Eye Clinic
500 Foothill Blvd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84148
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Harald Olafsson, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCCO MBKU  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Lindsay Howse, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
SCCO MBKU 2 10 weeks 8*
PUCO 1 10 weeks 4*
OSU 1 10 weeks 8*
SCO 1 16 weeks 3
MCPHS 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. John M. Brand
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (801) 582-1565 x 1943
Email:  john.brandat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Adjunct professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct professor)
                SCO (Assistant professor)
Member:  AFOS
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Dane F. Dansie
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (1/8 FTE)
Phone: (801) 546-3937
Fax: (801) 476-0067
Email:  dane.dansieat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Adjunct associate professor)
                PUCO (Assoc professor)
Member:  AOA
Optometry VISN Mentor
Optometry VISN Consultant Member
Dr. Jeremy Gerritsen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (801) 582-1565
Email:  Jeremy.gerritsenat signva.gov
Faculty:  OSU (Assoc professor)
                PUCO (Assoc professor)
                SCO (Assoc professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Laura Lujan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 801-582-1565 x 4842
Fax: 801-588-5901
Email:  laura.lujanat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease and Specialty Contact Lenses)
Dr. Harald E. Olafsson
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (6/8)
Phone: (801) 582-1565 x 4812
Fax: (801) 584-2564
Email:  harald.olafssonat signva.gov
            harald.olafssonat signhsc.utah.edu
Pager: (801) 339-5901
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                SCO (Adjunct assistant professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct assistant professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Assistant professor)
                Univ of Utah
                Dept of Ophthalmology (Assoc professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: VISN
Dr. D. Lee Tanner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (1/2)
Phone: (801) 582-1565 x 1944
Fax: (801) 584-2557
Email:  duane.tannerat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                SCCO MBKU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Dale A. Woodfield
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (2/8)
Phone: (801) 584-2568
Fax: (801) 584-2564
Email:  dale.woodfieldat signva.gov
            dwoodfil85at signaol.com
Pager: (801) 920-6842
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
                SCCO MBKU (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Tyler Wyatt
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (801) 582-1565 x 4828
Email:  tyler.wyattat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)


Colchester VA OPC at Ft. Ethan Allen
(VISN: 1  station: )
162 Hegeman Ave.
Unit 100
Colchester, VT 05446
Dr. Jennifer R. DeVita
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (802) 655-1356
Fax: (802) 655-1231
Email:  jennifer.devitaat signva.gov
Certified teleretinal image reader and instructor
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Vincent J. DeVita
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.5 FTEE)
Phone: (802) 655-1356 x 6728
Fax: (802) 655-1231
Email:  vincent.devitaat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Joseph P. O'Brien
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (0.50 FTEE)
Phone: (802) 655-1356 x 6728
Fax: (802) 655-1231
Email:  joseph.obrienat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
White River Junction VAMC
White River Junction VAMROC
(VISN: 1  station: 405)
Eye Clinic
215 North Main Street
White River Junction, VT 05009
Low Vision Clinic
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: Richard Frick, OD, FAAO
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  NECO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Joseph Gallagher, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1 12 weeks 0-4
NECO 2 12 weeks 8
Chicago College of Optometry 1 12 weeks 0-4
AZCOPT 1 12 weeks 0-4
OSU 2 16 weeks 6
Dr. Julie A. Blacksmith
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Low Vision Optometrist
Degree(s): BS, OD
Full-time (0.5 LV/0.5 Optom)
Phone: (800) 295-9363 x 5688
Fax: (802) 291-6204
Email:  julie.blacksmithat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Richard Frick
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (802) 295-9363 x 6568
Fax: (802) 291-6204
Email:  richard.frickat signva.gov
Pager: (802) 742-0696
Faculty:  TOSU (Clinical assistant professor)
                ICO (Clinical associate professor)
                NECO (Clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Research: Co-investigator
Dr. Joseph W. Gallagher
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (802) 295-9363 x 5600
Fax: (802) 295-5112
Email:  joseph.gallagher2at signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Jenna D Koskey
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 802-295-9363 x 5248
Fax: 802-296-5112
Email:  jenna.koskeyat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Salus University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified


Hampton VAMC
(VISN: 6  station: 590)
Eye Clinic (112A)
100 Emancipation Dr.
Hampton, VA 23667
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 1
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Gay K. Tokumaru, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Brooke Smith, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
OSU 1 16 weeks 3
Dr. Lori M Pennington
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 757-722-9961 x 3484
Fax: 757-726-6017
Email:  Lori.Penningtonat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Makesha Sink
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (757) 722-9961 x 2439
Fax: (757) 728-3380
Email:  makesha.sinkat signva.gov
Faculty:  TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Brooke Smith
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 757-772-9961 x 1521
             757-722-9961 x 2955
Fax: 757-728-3380
Email:  brooke.smith3at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                NOVA (Adjunct faculty)
                TOSU (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Erlein Tacastacas
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 757-722-9961 x 8927
Fax: 757-605-1434
Email:  erlein.tacastacasat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Richmond (Virginia) Medical Center
Hunter Holmes McGuire
(VISN: 6  station: 652)
Eye Clinic (112)
1201 Broad Rock Blvd.
Richmond, VA 23249
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Network Site
Dr. Simmy Panchal
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (804)675-5541
Email:  simmy.panchalat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation, Ocular Disease and Specialty Contact Lenses, Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Michael Peterson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (804) 675-5000 x 7075
Fax: (804) 675-5908
Email:  michael.peterson3at signva.gov
Faculty:  Medical College of Virginia (Instructor)
Member:  AFOS
Fellowship Trained: TBI/Polytrauma Clinical Optometry
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Lenna Walker
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 804-675-3577
Fax: 804-675-5908
Email:  Lenna.Walker2at signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
                 ABO Diplomate
                 Scleral Lens Ed. Soc. Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease and Specialty Contact Lenses)
Salem VAMC
(VISN: 6  station: 658)
Optometry Section (112E1)
1970 Roanoke Blvd.
Salem, VA 24153
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care
Residency Coordinator: Alicia Greene, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  SCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Scott DePoe, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2 12 weeks 2-8
SCO 1 15 weeks 1-3
Kentucky College of Optometry 1 15 weeks 1-3
Dr. Curtis D Burnley
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 540-982-2463 x 6617
Email:  Curtis.Burnleyat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Scott A. DePoe
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (540) 982-2463 x 4482
Fax: (540) 224-1922
Email:  scott.depoe2at signva.gov
Pager: 2848
Faculty:  Rosenberg School of Optometry (Clinical preceptor)
                Salus University (Clinical preceptor)
                SCO (Clinical preceptor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Daniel R. Eckermann
Job Title: Chief, Optometry Section
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (540) 982-2463 x 2826
Fax: (540) 224-1922
Email:  daniel.eckermannat signva.gov
Pager: 1054
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                Rosenberg School of Optometry (Clinical preceptor)
                Salus University (Clinical preceptor)
                UAB (Clinical preceptor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Hospital-Based Optometry)
Research: Other
Dr. Alicia M. Greene
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Fax: 540-224-1922
Email:  alicia.greene3at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Angela N. Musick
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (540) 982-2463 x 2827
Fax: (540) 224-1922
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
                Rosenberg School of Optometry (Clinical assistant professor)
                UABSO (Clinical preceptor)
                Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine (Instructor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Optometry VISN Mentor
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr. Alexis Smith
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 540-982-2363 x 2872
Fax: 540-224-1922
Email:  alexis.smith8at signva.gov
Pager: 0022
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Stephens City CBOC
(VISN: 5  station: )
170 Prosperity Drive
Winchester, VA 22602
Dr. Suzanne Kim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 301-263-0811 x 3522
Fax: 304-579-2570
Email:  Suzanne.kimat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Joseph M. Misera
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: (304) 263-0811 x 2029
Fax: (304) 579-2570
Email:  joseph.misera2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Virginia Beach CBOC
(VISN: 6  station: 590)
244 Clearfield Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Dr. Janel L. Chou
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (757) 722-9961 x 1941
Email:  janel.chouat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)


American Lake Division
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
(VISN: 20  station: 663A4)
Blind Rehabilitation Center (A-112-BRC)
Tacoma, WA 98493
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Network Site
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry
Residency Coordinator: Alvaro J. Castillo, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO   UCB  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Jeffrey Hiett, OD, MS
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 4 16 weeks  
PUCO 2 24 weeks  
Dr. Irene L. Yang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (253) 583-1236
Fax: (253) 589-4119
Email:  irene.yangat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
American Lake Division VAMC
VA Puget Sound Healthcare System
(VISN: 20  station: 663A4)
Eye Clinic (112 OP-A)
Tacoma, WA 98493
Low Vision Clinic
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 2
Speciality: Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry
Residency Coordinator: Alvaro J. Castillo, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Andrew Ta, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UABSO 1 8 weeks variable
UCB 2 10 weeks 10
PUCO 2 12 weeks 8
AZCOPT 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Jenny Truong
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 253-583-1250
Email:  Jenny.Truongat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VAMC, Walla Walla, WA - Administrative Med
(VISN: 20  station: 687)
VAMC Administrative Medicine, 111, Room 115, Build
77 Wainwright Drive
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Justin Roberts, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
PUCO 1-2 11 weeks 4-8
Western University 1-2 11 weeks 4-8
Dr. Jennifer Melsness
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 509-527-3491
Fax: 509-526-6202
Email:  Jennifer.melsnessat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease, Primary Eye Care/Geriatic Optometry)
ACMO certified
Mann Grandstaff Spokane VAMC
(VISN: 20  station: 668)
Eye Clinic (111)
4815 N. Assembly Street
Spokane, WA 99205
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Ocular Disease and Specialty Contact Lenses
Residency Coordinator: Len Koh, OD, FAAO, PhD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Allison Coit Makadia, OD, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
PUCO 3 12 weeks 12
Dr. Virginia Bice
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  virginia.bice2at signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA
Dr. Chad Gosnell
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (509) 434-7250
Fax: (509) 434-7132
Email:  chad.gosnell2at signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Len V. Koh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (509) 434-6225
Email:  len.kohat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Allison Coit Makadia
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (509)434-7032
Fax: (509) 434-7132
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Cornea and Contact Lenses, Geriatric Optometry)
ACMO certified
Puget Sound VAMC
(VISN: 20  station: 663)
1660 S. Columbia Way
Seattle, WA 98108
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 3
Speciality: Geriatric Optometry/Low Vision Rehabilitation
Residency Coordinator: Jeffrey Hiett, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  PUCO  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Lindsay Kleinschmit, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
PUCO 3 12 weeks 12
Dr. Alvaro J. Castillo
Job Title: Chief of Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 253-583-1250
Fax: 253-589-4060
Email:  alvaro.castilloat signva.gov
Pager: (559) 771-6206
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Gulshan Karamchandani
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 206-277-6108
Email:  Gulshan.karamchandaniat signva.gov
Dr. Ann E. Katzenberger
Job Title: Chief, Optometry
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 360-419-7839
Fax: 360-419-7822
Email:  ann.katzenbergerat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct associate clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Optometry Field Advisory Committee Member
Dr Patricia Oh
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Phone: 283-583-1250
Email:  patricia.ohat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Seattle VA Medical Center
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
(VISN: 20  station: 663)
1660 S. Columbian Way
Seattle, WA 98108
Blind Rehabilitation Center
Dr. Melissa Au-Yeung
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (206) 764-2020
Fax: (206) 764-2477
Email:  melissa.au-yeung2at signva.gov
Pager: N/A
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Kristen Sara Griggs
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (206) 764-2020
Fax: (206) 764-2477
Email:  kristen.griggsat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry)
ACMO certified
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility, VISN
Dr. Kenneth E. Hamrick
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Clinic Director
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (800) 329-8387 x 6202
Fax: (206) 764-2477
Email:  kenneth.hamrickat signmed.va.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. Anh-Thu Nguyen
Email:  anh-thu.nguyenat signva.gov
Dr. Brian Snydsman
Job Title: Staff optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (206) 764-2020
Fax: (206) 764-2477
Email:  brian.snydsman2at signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Irene L. Yang
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (253) 583-1236
Fax: (253) 589-4119
Email:  irene.yangat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct assistant clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA
ACMO certified
Vancouver Division - Portland VAMC
(VISN: 20  station: 648-A)
Eye Clinic, Building 17, 3rd Floor
1601 E. Fourth Plain Blvd.
Vancouver, WA 98661
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Amara Callahan, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
UCB 1 10 weeks 5
NECO 1 12 weeks 4
PUCO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Amara V. Callahan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 33014
Fax: (503) 402-2943
Email:  amara.callahanat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Low Vision Rehabilitation, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Rebecca J. Czerwinski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist, Student Coordinator
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 58205
Email:  rebecca.czerwinskiat signva.gov
Faculty:  NECO (Adjunct faculty)
                PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Weon Jun
Job Title: Director, Low Vision Rehabilitation Services
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 54400
Fax: (503) 402-2943
Email:  weon.junat signva.gov
Pager: (503) 721-7878 #2406
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Oregon Health and Science University (Adjunct faculty)
                UCB (Assistant clinical faculty)
                NECO (Clinical professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Mark A. Williams
Job Title: Chief, Optometry Section
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (503) 220-8262 x 57877
Email:  mark.williams3at signva.gov
Pager: (503) 721-7878-2412
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct clinical professor)
                UCB (Affiliated Clinical Instructor)
                NECO (Affiliated Clinical Professor)
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry)
ACMO certified

 West Virginia

Beckley VAMC
(VISN: 6  station: 517)
Eye Clinic 1st floor
200 Veterans Avenue
Beckley, WV 25801
Dr. Westley Carr
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 255-2121 x 4786
Email:  westley.carrat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Dan Holovic
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 255-2121 x 4785
Email:  daniel.holovicat signva.gov
Dr. Alexandra Horne
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Email:  Alexandra.Horneat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Clarksburg - Louis A. Johnson VAMC
(VISN: 4  station: 540)
Eye Clinic
1 Hospital Drive
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Ginoi F. Abruzzino, OD and Brett Zwolensky, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 2 3/6 months 8
SCO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Gino F. Abruzzino
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 623-3461 x 3971
Email:  gino.abruzzinoat signva.gov
Faculty:  SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AOA
Dr. Michelle R. Hoover-Wickline
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): O.D.
Phone: (304)623-3461 x 3955
Email:  Michelle.Hoover-Wicklineat signva.gov
Dr. Pagona Kokolakis-Alex
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): O.D.
Full time
Email:  Pagona.Kokolakis-Alexat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Brett Zwolensky
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 623-3461 x 3968
Fax: (304) 626-7748
Email:  brett.zwolensky2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct clinical professor)
                SCO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Hershel "Woody" Williams, Huntington VA Medical Center
(VISN: 9  station: 581)
Optometry Service (123)
1540 Spring Valley Drive
Huntington, WV 25704
Low Vision Clinic
Residency Program:
Resident Per Year: 4
Speciality: Ocular Disease
Residency Coordinator: David W. Johnson, OD
Resident Affiliated Institutions:  Indiana University  
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Belinda Russell, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 2 12 weeks 8
Indiana University 2 12 weeks 8
OSU 1-2 15 weeks 3-6
Kentucky College of Optometry 2 15 weeks 6
MCPHS 1 15 weeks 3
Dr. Donnie Akers
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (606) 886-1970
Email:  donnie.akersat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Nicholas E. Bem
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 304-429-6741 x 2975
Fax: 304-429-7592
Email:  Nicholas.Bemat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Kimberly Darke
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MPH
Phone: 304-429-6741 x 3879
Fax: 304-429-7592
Faculty:  Indiana University (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                Kentucky College of Optometry (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                MCPHS (Adjunct clinical faculty)
                OSU (Adjunct clinical faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Meghan Elkins
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 429-6755 x 2696
Fax: (304) 429-7592
Email:  meghan.elkins1at signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Stephanie M. Farha
Job Title: Acting Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 429-6755 x 3696
Fax: (304) 429-7592
Email:  stephanie.farhaat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct associate professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
Dr. Sunni D. Martin
Job Title: Optometry Chief
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 429-6755 x 2887
Fax: (304) 429-7592
Email:  sunni.martinat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct professor)
                Indiana University (Adjunct professor)
                TOSU (Adjunct professor)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Stacy Potwin
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 429-6755 x 3683
Email:  stacy.potwinat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Primary Eye Care)
Dr. Belinda D. Russell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 304-429-6755 x 3698
Fax: 304-429-7592
Email:  Belinda.Russellat signva.gov
Martinsburg VA Medical Center
VA Capitol Network
(VISN: 5  station: 613)
Optometry Section (112)
510 Butler Ave
Martinsburg, WV 25405
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Lisa Beard, OD, MS, FAAO
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
Salus University 1 12 weeks 4
Kentucky College of Optometry 1 12 weeks 2
MCO 1 16 weeks 2
Dr. Lisa Beard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, MS
Full time
Phone: (304) 263-0811 x 3919
Fax: (304) 579-2570
Email:  lisa.beardat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Matthew Beard
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304) 263-0811 x 3524
Fax: (304) 579-2570
Email:  matthew.beard2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
ACMO certified
Dr. Tamseela Khan
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (304)263-0811 x 4029
Fax: (304)579-2570
Email:  tamseela.khan3at signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
ACMO certified
Dr. Suzanne Kim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 301-263-0811 x 3522
Fax: 304-579-2570
Email:  Suzanne.kimat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease/Low Vision Rehabilitation)
Dr. Joseph M. Misera
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, FAAO
Phone: (304) 263-0811 x 2029
Fax: (304) 579-2570
Email:  joseph.misera2at signva.gov
Faculty:  Salus University (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  AAO Fellow
Dr. Kevin Turner
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 304-263-0811 x 3524
Fax: 304-579-2570
Email:  kevin.turnerat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Dr. Judith Uphold
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Part-time (3 days/week)
Phone: (304) 045-6846
Email:  judith.upholdat signva.gov
Member:  AOA


Appleton - John H. Bradley Outpatient Clinic
VA Great Lakes Health Care System
(VISN: 12  station: )
Eye Clinic
10 Tri-Park Way
Appleton, WI 54914
Dr. Tara Atanasoff
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (920) 831-7942
Fax: (920) 831-7939
Email:  tara.atanasoffat signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Michelle DePeau
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (920) 831-7982
Fax: (920) 831-7939
Email:  michelle.depeau2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Jaclyn A. Keller
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 920-831-7942
Fax: 920-831-7972
Email:  jaclyn.keller2at signva.gov
Dr. Kathryn A. Korth
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (920) 831-7981
Fax: (920) 831-7972
Email:  kathryn.korthat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Hospital-Based Optometry)
Dr. Tom Zurakowski
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (920) 831-7942
Fax: (920) 831-7972
Email:  tom.zurakowskiat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
ACMO certified
John H. Bradley VA Outpatient Clinic
(VISN: 12  station: )
10 Tri-Park Way
Appleton, WI 54914-1658
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Daniel K. Roberson, OD, PhD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Daniel K. Roberson
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD, PhD
Phone: 920-831-7942
Fax: 920-831-7972
Email:  Daniel.Roberson1at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Madison - William S. Middleton Memorial VA
(VISN: 12  station: )
Eye clinic
2500 Overlook Terrace
Madison, WI 53705
Low Vision Clinic
Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center program
Dr. Karen Brahm
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (608) 256-1901 x 17034
Fax: (608) 280-7211
Email:  karen.brahm2at signva.gov
Fellowship Trained: Optometric Research
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Geriatric Optometry, Primary Eye Care)
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Chelsea A. Linzmeier
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 608-256-1901
Fax: 608-280-7211
Email:  chelsea.linzmeierat signva.gov
Dr. Michelle Martin
Part-time (0.5d/w)
Milwaukee - Clement J. Zablocki VAMC
(VISN: 12  station: )
Eye Clinic (CC-112G)
5000 West National Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53295
Low Vision Clinic
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Kenneth M. Rose, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 11 weeks 4*
Dr. Brian B. McGinley
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (414) 384-2000 x 46568
Fax: (414) 389-4162
Email:  brian.mcginleyat signva.gov
Dr. Kenneth M. Rose
Job Title: Chief Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (414) 384-2000 x 46572
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct clinical instructor)
Member:  NAVAO
Teleretinal Imaging Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Dr. Emmy M. Swartz
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (414) 384-2000 x 42111
Email:  emmylou.swartzat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
                UMSL (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Dr. David Waterfill
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (414) 384-2000 x 42111
Fax: (414) 389-4279
Email:  david.waterfillat signva.gov
Member:  NAVAO
Tomah VAMC
(VISN: 12  station: 676)
Eye Clinic (11F - MS)
500 East Veterans Street
Tomah, WI 54660
Low Vision Clinic
Student Program:
Student Coordinator: Anjela Krome, OD
Student Affiliated Institution Student/Rotation Duration Total Student/Year
ICO 1 12 weeks 4
Dr. Anjela K. Krome
Job Title: Chief
Degree(s): OD, BSVS
Phone: (800) 872-8662 x 64088
Fax: (608) 372-1205
Email:  anjela.kromeat signva.gov
Faculty:  ICO (Adjunct faculty)
Member:  NAVAO
Residency Trained: Non VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Advanced Clinic Access Coordinator: Local VA Facility
Wisconsin Rapids Clinic
(VISN: 12  station: )
555 West Grand Ave
Wisconsin, WI 54495
Dr. Gerald R Gosnell
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 816-210-8584
Fax: 608-374-8205
Email:  Gerald.Gosnellat signva.gov
Dr. Joseph J. Lawrence
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 715-424-4682
Fax: 715-424-4614
Email:  joseph.lawrence2at signva.gov
Member:  AOA
Dr. Bill Manheim
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 715-424-4682
Email:  Billie.Manheimat signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Ocular Disease)
Dr. Ryan A. Peine
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 715-424-4614
Fax: 715-424-4614
Email:  ryan.peine1at signva.gov
Member:  AFOS
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)


Cheyenne VAMC
(VISN: 19  station: 442)
Code 112
2360 E. Pershing Blvd
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Dr. Kelsey Haugen
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): OD
Phone: 307-778-7550 x 7762
Email:  Kelsey.haugenat signva.gov
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care/Ocular Disease)
Dr. Regina Zimmers
Degree(s): OD
Phone: (307) 778-7550 x 7756
Fax: (307) 778-7594
Email:  regina.zimmersat signva.gov
Faculty:  PUCO (Adjunct faculty)
                Western University (Adjunct faculty)
Residency Trained: VA (Residency Specialty: Primary Eye Care)
Sheridan VA Medical Center
(VISN: 19  station: )
1898 Fort Rd
Sheridan, WY 82801
Dr. Eric Kawulok
Job Title: Staff Optometrist
Degree(s): O.D.
Phone: 307-675-3442
Fax: 307-672-1905
Email:  Eric.Kawulokat signva.gov
Member:  AAO Fellow
Fellowship Trained: Contact Lens